search for: email_address

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 71 matches for "email_address".

2020 Jan 21
imap panic: file array.c: line 10 (array_idx_modifiable_i)
Hello, I just migrated a few dovecot IMAP mailbox (Maildir format) from a Dovecot 2.1.7 (Debian 7) mailbox server to a Dovecot 2.3.4 (Debian 10) mailbox server and one particular mailbox does not work properly and generates the following error log entries: Jan 21 09:39:21 Panic: imap(EMAIL_ADDRESS)<7741><UTsrWKKcasoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>: file array.c: line 10 (array_idx_modifiable_i): assertion failed: (idx * array->element_size < array->buffer->used) Jan 21 09:39:21 Error: imap(EMAIL_ADDRESS)<7741><UTsrWKKcasoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>: Raw backtrace: /usr/...
2006 May 19
Problem with joins and overlapping field names
...conversations = paginate(:conversations, :per_page => 20, :joins => ''LEFT JOIN messages on messages.conversation_id = ''+ ''LEFT JOIN email_addresses on = messages.email_address_id'', :conditions => ['' = ?'',]) producing this sql staement: SELECT * FROM conversations LEFT JOIN messages on messages.conversation_id = c...
2020 Jan 27
imap panic: file array.c: line 10 (array_idx_modifiable_i)
..., > > I just migrated a few dovecot IMAP mailbox (Maildir format) from a Dovecot 2.1.7 (Debian 7) mailbox server to a Dovecot 2.3.4 (Debian 10) mailbox server and one particular mailbox does not work properly and generates the following error log entries: > > Jan 21 09:39:21 Panic: imap(EMAIL_ADDRESS)<7741><UTsrWKKcasoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>: file array.c: line 10 (array_idx_modifiable_i): assertion failed: (idx * array->element_size < array->buffer->used) > > Jan 21 09:39:21 Error: imap(EMAIL_ADDRESS)<7741><UTsrWKKcasoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>: Raw backtra...
2005 Dec 29
belongs_to causing NoMethodError exceptions ... ?
...res :accounts, :pending_users # we don''t need the users fixture -- all we''re testing here is creating a new user # and the corresponding validation of the associated pending user and account def setup @new = # give it a valid email address @new.email_address = pending_users(:ok_req).email_address @new.password = @new.password_confirmation = ''doesntmatter'' @new.activation_key = ''activationkey'' @new.account_id = pending_users(:ok_req).account_id end def test_create_with_valid_pending_user ass...
2006 Jan 30
Action Mailer woes" @subject = title @body = body # breakpoint ''mailer'' # Email body substitutions go here end end In the controller I have; ... # Send the Email @recipient = Person.find(:first, :conditions => [''id = ?'',@to_dos.user_id]) @email_address = @recipient.email_address ItemMailer::create_item_assignment(@email_address, @to_dos.title, @to_dos.body) ... I dont need any fancy stuff like variable substitution, just a way to pop the recipient, subject and body into an email object. When I try to run this I get to the breakpoint OK so a...
2020 Jan 22
imap panic: file array.c: line 10 (array_idx_modifiable_i)
..., > > I just migrated a few dovecot IMAP mailbox (Maildir format) from a Dovecot 2.1.7 (Debian 7) mailbox server to a Dovecot 2.3.4 (Debian 10) mailbox server and one particular mailbox does not work properly and generates the following error log entries: > > Jan 21 09:39:21 Panic: imap(EMAIL_ADDRESS)<7741><UTsrWKKcasoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>: file array.c: line 10 (array_idx_modifiable_i): assertion failed: (idx * array->element_size < array->buffer->used) > > Jan 21 09:39:21 Error: imap(EMAIL_ADDRESS)<7741><UTsrWKKcasoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>: Raw backtra...
2020 Jan 27
imap panic: file array.c: line 10 (array_idx_modifiable_i)
...>> I just migrated a few dovecot IMAP mailbox (Maildir format) from a Dovecot 2.1.7 (Debian 7) mailbox server to a Dovecot 2.3.4 (Debian 10) mailbox server and one particular mailbox does not work properly and generates the following error log entries: >>> Jan 21 09:39:21 Panic: imap(EMAIL_ADDRESS)<7741><UTsrWKKcasoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>: file array.c: line 10 (array_idx_modifiable_i): assertion failed: (idx * array->element_size < array->buffer->used) >>> Jan 21 09:39:21 Error: imap(EMAIL_ADDRESS)<7741><UTsrWKKcasoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>: Raw back...
2006 Mar 14
validates_confirmation_of has stopped working
Hi Railers, I''m past considering myself a noob in Rails land - I think what I''m up against here is more of a bug or an anomaly that I''m unaware of (or that has changed in a recent version). I had a fully working validates_confirmation_of :email_address field in my app - was one of the first things I set up, extremely simple, been working for a long time. Then one day I notice that it''s not working any more - the validator basically doesn''t care if you fill in the email_address field but not email_address_confirmation, and i...
2006 May 25
Does TMail support Nested Multipart Messages? (Repost)
...sation_pages, @conversations = paginate(:conversations, :per_page => 20, :joins => ''LEFT JOIN messages on messages.conversation_id = ''+ ''LEFT JOIN email_addresses on = messages.email_address_id'', :conditions => [''email_addresses.emai_______________________________________________ Rails mailing list !...
2006 Feb 21
Custom forms and fieldWithErrors tags
...: [ my_name ] @ <> ..which I defined as a helper: def email_form(tagname, domain_list) text_field(tagname,"local_part", :size => 15) + " @ " + select(tagname, "domain_part", domain_list) end In the database however I only have one email_address textfield which is the full email address. To get that done I added two attr_accessor''s for local_part and domain_part, so I can store the information from the forms, and some checks: Model (part of it): attr_accessor :local_part attr_accessor :domain_part validates_presence_of :loc...
2007 Jun 24
I only want one type of model returned from a multi_search to search across multiple models, but i only want it to return one type of model. for example i have a page that lists out people. on this page it shows email addresses and phone numbers. I want to be able to search by any fields directly from the person model and search the fields from the email_address and phone_number models, but I only want to get back people. person has_many email_addresses has_many phone_numbers acts_as_ferret :fields => [:firstname, :lastname, :birth_date] email_address has_one person acts_as_ferret :fields => [:email_address] phone_number has_one person acts_as_fer...
2008 Jul 24
Errno::EBADF Send an Email in Rails using GMail
...39;'firstname'', :size => 30 %></p> <p>Surname:<br /><%= text_field ''email'', ''surname'', :size => 30 %></p> <p>Email Address:<br /><%= text_field ''email'', ''email_address'', :size => 30 %></p> <p>Telephone Number:<br /><%= text_field ''email'', ''telephone'', :size => 30 %></p> <p>Message:<br /><%= text_area ''email'', ''message_body&...
2006 Feb 22
Fixtures and Relationships
In my daily development, I migrate back and forth between versions, and often do: rake load_fixtures... ... in order to populate my development database with fun data. Now, with any HABTM relationship, there are failures, as there is no way to say "which" fixtures to load first. Within an actual functional or unit test case, you could simply load them in the proper order, but
2007 Feb 01
Using a nonstandard foreign key
Hopefully this is an interesting question. I have a "user" table with a field "email_address". I would like the part of "email_address" after the ''@'' to be a foreign key to a "companies" table populated by a companies that are clients. Any pointers on how to do this in rails? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received t...
2006 Apr 14
Validating Existing Models
...ence_of :password, :message => "You must specify a valid password." validates_confirmation_of :password, :message => "Password doesn''t match the confirmation." validates_presence_of :username, :message => "Username is required." validates_format_of :email_address, :with => /^([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i, :on => :create, :message => "Email address not a valid format." validates_uniqueness_of :email_address, :scope => :email_address, :message => "Email address has already been registered or is not valid." val...
2006 Oct 24
converting from courier questions
...I just joined the list and DID google before asking, hope this isn't a common question. With courier it looks for a "homedir" and then a "maildir".. I tried doing a query as such: user_query = SELECT Homedir and Maildir AS home, VUID AS uid , VGID AS gid FROM users WHERE Email_address = '%u' to no avail, is my sql wrong or can you not cat the homedir and maildir fields together to create the complete path to home? . i got around the homedir problem by setting mail_chroot = /var/spool/postfix/virtuals (is this the general way, only way?) and then in my dovecot-mysql.c...
2006 Nov 04
ActionMailer Sending Two text/plain Parts
...nMailer is throwing in its own text/plain section in addition to the one I specify. Does anyone have any ideas on why this might be occuring, when I am specificially specifying a "text/plain" part? Thx in advance, here is the code: notifier.rb code ------------------ def dynamic_mailer(email_address, subject, template_to_use) @from = "" @subject = subject @recipients = email_address part :content_type => "text/plain", :body => render_message(template_to_use + ".text.plain.rhtml", :foo => "foo") part :con...
2007 Feb 20
Best way to implement syntax sugar?
...of keystrokes neccessary to URI, HTML, or Jscript encode something. The project I''ve come into already has helpers defined for this. Right now, what I''ve done is: alias h! string_esacpe_html alias u! string_escape_uri Then later on in my views, I can do stuff like <%=h!email_address%> Or <a href="<%=h!u!link.uri%>"><%=h!></a> It works great. However, I understand that "!" and "?" have special meanings in ruby. I tried other stuff (like "h~", etc), but ruby doesnt like me using those symbols. I...
2008 Mar 11
add_multiple_associated_save_callbacks and validates_associated conflict?
Perhaps I''m misunderstanding what''s happening here, but I''m having a problem with not being able to disable the validation of an associated collection if that collection contains a new record. Example... class Person < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :email_addresses validates_associated :email_addresses, :if => { false } end p = (will return false and give you a validation error on email_addresses) There''s a validation set up by add_multiple_associated_save_callbacks in ActiveRecord::Assoc...
2006 Nov 01
active_record_base_without_table plugin - Easily use models without tables
Hi all, Here''s another little plugin I wrote to use AR models without tables. It''s dead simple, just extend from ActiveRecord::BaseWithoutTable instead of ActiveRecord::Base: class Contact < ActiveRecord::BaseWithoutTable column :name, :string column :email_address, :string column :message, :text validates_presence_of :name, :email_address, :message end You can now use this model just like you would use a regular model based on a table. Any problems, let me know. -Jonathan. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received thi...