search for: email8889

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "email8889".

2013 Feb 14
lm regression query
Hello: I have a 4-column dataset: Crime, Education, Urbanization, Age. I want to construct a multiple linear regression to find the effect of Education, Urbanization, and Age on Crime" lm(Crime ~ Education + Urbanization + Age) If I use + in above statement, does it mean it will build a model to find the relationship between Crime and Education when Urbanization and Age are held constant?
2012 Apr 03
how to map microarray probe to gene, homology
Hi: I have clustered microarray gene expression data and trying to map between microarray probe, gene, pathway, gene ontology, and homology for a set of (affy) microarray probes. Is there any package in R which facilitates this? I am looking at bioconductor, but till now could not find a solution. A link to some worked example would be appreciated. Thanks and regards. John [[alternative HTML
2012 Apr 11
bayesian gene network construction
Hello: I have looked at the bnlearn and deal packages for infering bayesian network. Can anyone suggest any other suitable package for constructing bayesian gene regulatory network using gene expression data? Thanks! John [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Dec 11
query multiple terms in PubMed abstract
Hi: I am trying to search PubMed abstracts which contains BOTH two terms: COL4A1 AND Ocular. I am using the following code: url= "" search = paste(url, "db=pubmed&term=COL4A1+AND+Ocular[abstract]&retmax=300", sep="") docId <- xmlTreeParse(getURL(paste(url, search, sep="")),
2012 Dec 27
Conjunction and disjunction in pubmed query
Hi: I am trying to query pubmed abstracts using the following syntax: url= "" search = paste(url, "db=pubmed&term=", queryTerm1, "+AND+", queryTerm2,"+OR+",queryTerm3, "+OR+", queryTerm4, "[abstract]&retmax=100&usehistory=y", sep="") docId <-
2013 Nov 16
selecting optimal cluster validation score
Hi: I have calculated the Silhouette score and Dunn score after hierarchical clustering for 3 clusters: #Distance measure d <- dist(USArrests, method = "euclidean") #Hierarchical clustering hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests), "ave") #calculating silhouette value for 3 clusters sil<- silhouette(cutree(hc, k=3), d) #calculating Dunn index for 3 clusters clus <- cutree(hc,