search for: elves

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 26 matches for "elves".

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2003 Dec 15
Secondary Groups and Group Mapping
...3.0.1rc2 and have the same problem; which makes us think it is a configuration error or something we haven't found related to nsswitch. The second issue deals with groupmap. Again, searches haven't turned up anything fruitful. When we execute commands similar to the following: groupadd elves net groupmap add ntuser=LOTR+fairfolk username=elves We always get the following error: No rid or sid specified, choosing algorithmic mapping adding entry for group LOTR+fairfolk failed! Output from the above groupmap command with debug level of 3 gives: ---- param/loadparm.c:lp_load(3917)...
2011 May 10
Proposed table specification (long!)
Gentlefolk, I have been thinking on Markdown's lack of "proper" table support for a long while now. Here's where I have arrived... ## I Don't Like HTML Tables It is often argued that embedded HTML is the way to markdown rich tables. Unfortunately, this contradicts the higher markdown ideal that a raw markdown document (including tables!) should be good 1. Firstly for
2020 Feb 04
Always Be Conferencing v16e - pure AEL-based dial plan solution
...ndee automatically. same = n,AELSub(pngnpbx-abc-howdy-yall) ; Enter the conference. No more dial plan processing occurs for caller. exten = _922*XXXX,1,NoOp(get back to conf locally) ; Useful if a friend falls off the wagon. They can get back on the bridge themselves. exten = _922*XXXX/1113,n,NoOp() ; Check if they are your friend. Based on caller ID number. exten = _922*XXXX/1107,s,NoOp() ; Didn't try to automatically bridge this friend but let them join later manually. exten = _922*XXXX/1111,...
2005 Feb 15
Poll: what features are you lusting for in v4
While we're waiting on the keebler elves to make the new CentOS 4, what feature(s) are you most lusting after in RHEL/CentOS 4? For me: - official Mysql 4!!! (man does this make me happy) - official Subversion ..are my top two, they will make me a happy camper for so many projects. :) Sure sure the 2.6 kernel is nice, but that super...
2013 May 28
Storing Rails controller callback data in session The idea is: - Perform some time consuming action in background. - Have the results from that action be propagated back to the controller using a callback. - Store the result in an in memory session store. - Have the result in session be used and available from that point onward.
2013 Dec 18
Rails 4.1.0.beta1
Hohoho, it''s Xmas time, kids! We have a beta full of goodies for everyone who''s been nice this year. Rails 4.1 is packed to the gills with more marvelous real-world feature extractions, bug fixes, and the tireless polish only a community full of Rails elves could bestow it with. While this is just a beta release, it''s arguably a lot better tested and ready than most of our previous beta releases. The bulk of what''s new are legit bug fixes and additional features. Less shifting of the tectonic plates of the architecture this time...
2016 Aug 15
LLVM 3.9 RC binaries should NOT disable assertions.
> I would argue that you should build the RC and the release the same way. I've had to fix bugs were someone had an assert with a side-effect, and the code with asserts turned off didn't work. OK, so it's clearly important to provide and test against RC's in the actual release configuration, especially since assertions can introduce bugs on their own. Arguably however
2013 Dec 18
Rails 4.1.0.beta1 released
Hohoho, it''s Xmas time, kids! We have a beta full of goodies for everyone who''s been nice this year. Rails 4.1 is packed to the gills with more marvelous real-world feature extractions, bug fixes, and the tireless polish only a community full of Rails elves could bestow it with. While this is just a beta release, it''s arguably a lot better tested and ready than most of our previous beta releases. The bulk of what''s new are legit bug fixes and additional features. Less shifting of the tectonic plates of the architecture this time...
2003 Feb 14
FW: [Fwd: Re: [S] Exact p-values]
Dear all Just for fun, I have just downloaded the paper mentioned below and checked it with R-1.6.1. Everything is ok with exception of Table 2b, where I get always 1 instead of 0.5: > pbinom(1e15,2e15,0.5) [1] 1 Which value should be correct? Best regards Christian Stratowa ============================================== Christian Stratowa, PhD Boehringer Ingelheim Austria Dept NCE Lead
2005 Feb 04
Failures they e2fsck doesn't find
Hi, I've run many time e2fsck, but in a special dir ls tells me: ls: r?cksendung-wlan.dvi: No such file or directory ls: baf?g_r?ckmeldung.latex: No such file or directory ls: finpr?f.pdf: No such file or directory $ cat finpr?f.pdf cat: finpr?f.pdf: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden I don't know what to do? How can I find the failure? If I cat the files with debugfs, I see the
2012 Feb 27
Help with rJava
I am trying to invoke an in house developed java program from R and am running into some confusing issues. I've written this function: DoNormalSkew <- function() { .jaddClassPath("U:/development/software/untilities/ELVeSkew/dist/ELVeSkew.jar") .jpackage("U:/development/software/utilities/ELVeS/dist/ELVeSkew.jar") .jcall("java/lang/System", "V", method=Main.main(), "U:/development/software/utilities/ELVeSkew/test/csv", "U:/development/software/utilities/ELVeSk...
2001 Dec 20
nmbd forkbombed my machine :-\
...t need, then feel free to ask, I'll do my best. thanks dof. -- David Goodwin | | Software Engineering, Uni. Of Wales Aberystwyth. Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger. Do not go to the elves for counsel, for they will say both no and yes.
2005 Feb 15
some questions
Hi, I was wondering if RHEL 4 already available is...and the CentOS version. I am running Centos 4 beta but I did not receive any updates from January - now..and I saw a bunch of RHEL 4 errata updates today. Thanks for your answer. -- Michiel
2008 Nov 27
Inheritance of ACLs with Samba
Hello dear list members I am not an experienced user of Samba, so I can be committing some basic mistake, but it seems to me that there is something wrong with the way Samba propagates ACLs. I tried versions 3.0.32 and 3.2.4 and the result is the same. This happens with "map acl inherit = yes" on smb.conf. I have a directory (dir) with the following ACLs: # file: dir USER Admin
2003 Jun 12
SP? Re: Rounding problem R vs Excel
Hi again Sam, Sorry for not replying sooner. I have been ignoring everything for a while to work on the AMMP analysis tool and the continuing saga of migrating the legacy AMMP data. Our consultant has written some programs that take a VERY long time to run :( Anyway, I now know Java and a certain amount of JSP. I hope to be able to get around to this soon. It is all a bit hard now with our
2003 Feb 14
FW: [Fwd: Re: [S] Exact p-values]
Dear Spencer Thank you for this extensive explanation of the problem. I was just curious. Best regards Christian ============================================== Christian Stratowa, PhD Boehringer Ingelheim Austria Dept NCE Lead Discovery - Bioinformatics Dr. Boehringergasse 5-11 A-1121 Vienna, Austria Tel.: ++43-1-80105-2470 Fax: ++43-1-80105-2683 email: christian.stratowa at
2006 Jun 14
Undefined method
I really hope this is not a bad question (as in he''s abusing the list). However I could use a little direction (even though I''m reading books, tutorials) Right now I''m getting a undefined method `category'' for 4:Fixnum The specific lines from the rhtml file are: <td><%= link_to position.category_id.category, :action => "show", :id =>
2006 Feb 21
Abstracting ownership verification out of Controller
Right now I have a controller for "events" that belong to a specific user. I only want the creator to be able to edit or delete the event. I''ve got the proper foreign keys set up. I''ve finally arrived at the point where I can take baby steps with code, but looks like my first steps are in flagrant violation of the DRY principle. Here''s what I have so far in
2003 Sep 04
SUMMARY: Comparison of SAS & R/Splus
My thanks to Drs. Armstrong, Bates, Harrell, Liaw, Lumley, Prager, Schwartz, and Mr. Wang for their replies. I have pasted my original message and their replies below. After viewing as suggested by Dr. Schwartz, it occurred to me that it might be educational to search for some data repositories on google. I was able to find some,though I'm sure many of
2003 Oct 21
*samba3 ports
Dear netters, My linux box is installed with samba 3.0.0 and joined with NT domain (w2k based). Samba are working fine, until I filter the incoming traffic using iptables (v1.2.7a) on default RedHat 9 kernel 2.4.20-8, using these rules: [root@Bhp-0m03-0472 root]# cat /etc/sysconfig/iptables # Generated by iptables-save v1.2.7a on Sun Oct 12 19:36:36 2003 *filter :INPUT DROP [0:0] :FORWARD ACCEPT