Displaying 20 results from an estimated 321 matches for "ells".
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2012 Sep 21
Exactly Replicating Stata's Survey Data Confidence Intervals in R
Hi everyone, apologies if the answer to this is in an obvious place. I've
been searching for about a day and haven't found anything..
I'm trying to replicate Stata's confidence intervals in R with the survey
package, and the numbers are very very close but not exact. My ultimate
goal is to replicate Berkeley's SDA website with R (http://sda.berkeley.edu/),
which seems to
2004 Mar 30
koq.q ---- Kent O' Quigley R2
Dear R-users,
I apply to your kind attention to know if someone have used the Splus software
koq.q (Kent & O'Quigley's measure of dependence for censored data) in R and
kindly can help me.
I have tried several times to contact the authors Andrej Blejec
(andrej.blejec at uni-lj.si) or Janez Stare (janez.stare at mf.uni-lj.si) but
unfortunately no one answered me.
2008 Jul 12
Act as Taggable with Rails 2.0
I''ve posted a different question just before -- but before I can try
and get a better idea of my error message, I was trying to start my
application and ran into other problems.
My application was developed last year in rails 1.2.3. I since
upgraded my computer and have the latest version of rails. When I
tried to star the application I got the following error message:
2007 Jun 05
Latex \ell symbol in plotmath
Is it possible to use the '\ell' (i.e. the log likelihood) in plots?
I've been browsing the plotmath documentation unsucesfully.
Mario dos Reis
mdosrei at nimr.mrc.ac.uk
+44 (0)20 8816 2300
Division of Mathematical Biology
National Institute for Medical Research
The Ridgeway
Mill Hill
London, NW7 1AA, UK
2010 Aug 17
\ell symbol (log-likelihood)
Dear R experts---is it possible to plot the \ell symbol in R under the
pdf device? ?the following did not work:
plot( c(0,1), c(0,1) );
text( 0.5, 0.5, "\u2113" )
my guess is that this cannot be done, but I thought I would ask.
Ivo Welch (ivo.welch at brown.edu, ivo.welch at gmail.com)
2011 Jul 06
finding the intersection of two vectors
Suppose I have two vectors, not necessarily the same length (in fact,
they usually are different lengths): y.1 that has increasing values
between 0 and 1; y.2 that has decreasing values between 1.0 and 0. You
can picture these as being supply (= y.1) and demand (= y.2) curves from
economics. I typically plot these vectors on the same graph against a
common x variable, which happens to
2010 Aug 18
Fwd: \ell symbol (log-likelihood)
I sent this privately to ivo welch yesterday, and he thinks it might
be useful to someone else as well. Since I'm on a Mac the screen
device is quartz():
> quartz()
> plot( c(0,1), c(0,1) );
> text( 0.5, 0.5, "\u2113" )
# and then File/Save As/
Begin forwarded message:
> From: David Winsemius <dwinsemius at comcast.net>
> Date: August 17,
2002 Dec 17
How plot \ell in the title of a graph
Hi there,
I am trying to put the LATEX symbol \ell
in the title of a graph, do you know how
to do it?
2008 Jul 31
dput vs unclass to see what a factor really is composed of
...s, read.dta reads it in as a
Now, I wanted to see what this variable *really* is, in R. For instance,
sometimes R converts a 0/1 variable into a 1/2 variable when it considers it
a factor. The "dput" function often enables me to see what a variable really
is, but in this case it tells me that the components of the factor are "1L"
and "2L", that is, "one uppercase ell" and "two uppercase ell." What does
the uppercase ell mean?
In this case, "unclass" seems to enable me to see what the variable really
consists of. But what do &qu...
2007 Oct 17
@session['user'] vs session[:user]
This might seem really simple to some but just wanted to ask: what is
the difference between @session[''user''] and session[:user] ? and how
would you use each?
And another question, I have the following code:
def get_customer
if @session[''customer'']
@c = Customer.find(@session[''customer''])
2012 Jul 02
HP Proliant DL360 G7
Has anyone out there been able to qualify the Proliant DL360 G7 for your Solaris/OI/Nexenta environments? Any pros/cons/gotchas (vs. previous generation HP servers) would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
2011 Apr 25
arcstat updates
Hi ZFSers,
I''ve been working on merging the Joyent arcstat enhancements with some of my own
and am now to the point where it is time to broaden the requirements gathering. The result
is to be merged into the illumos tree.
arcstat is a perl script to show the value of ARC kstats as they change over time. This is
similar to the ideas behind mpstat, iostat, vmstat, and friends.
The current
2009 Apr 25
What is the 32 GB 2.5-Inch SATA Solid State Drive?
Does anyone know about this device?
SESX3Y11Z 32 GB 2.5-Inch SATA Solid State Drive with Marlin Bracket
for Sun SPARC Enterprise T5120, T5220, T5140 and T5240 Servers, RoHS-6
This is from Sun''s catalog for the T5120 server. Would this work well
as a separate ZIL device for ZFS? Is there any way I could use this in
a T2000 server? The brackets appear to be
2012 Jan 08
rpart question
We are trying to make a decision tree using rpart and we are continually
running into the following error:
> fit_rpart=rpart(ENROLL_YN~MINORITY,method="class")
> summary(fit_rpart)
rpart(formula = ENROLL_YN ~ MINORITY, method = "class")
n= 5725
CP nsplit rel error
1 0 0 1
Error in yval[, 1] : incorrect number of dimensions
2012 Feb 13
survey package svystat objects from predict()
I'm running R 2.14.1 on OS X (x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit)), with version 3.28 of Thomas Lumley's survey package. I was using predict() from svyglm(). E.g.:
dstrat<-svydesign(id=~1,strata=~stype, weights=~pw, data=apistrat, fpc=~fpc)
out <- svyglm(sch.wide~ell+mobility, design=dstrat,
pred.df <-
2009 Feb 02
ZFS core contributor nominations
The time has come to review the current Contributor and Core contributor
grants for ZFS. Since all of the ZFS core contributors grants are set
to expire on 02-24-2009 we need to renew the members that are still
contributing at core contributor levels. We should also add some new
members to both Contributor and Core contributor levels.
First the current list of Core contributors:
2009 Apr 27
Raidz vdev size... again.
i''m new to the list so please bare with me. This isn''t an OpenSolaris
related problem but i hope it''s still the right list to post to.
I''m on the way to move a backup server to using zfs based storage, but i
don''t want to spend too much drives to parity (the 16 drives are attached
to a 3ware raid controller so i could also just use raid6 there).
2013 Apr 08
extensions.conf / test DID
I am trying to make sure my DID and SIP account details are working
properly and engaging the extensions.conf and dial plan.
I have a successful SIP session registered:
Connected to Asterisk 11.3.0 currently running on Asterisk (pid = 922)
Asterisk*CLI> sip show registry
Host dnsmgr Username Refresh
State Reg.Time
2009 Mar 04
Oracle database on zfs
I am wondering if there is a guideline on how to configure ZFS on a server
with Oracle database?
We are experiencing some slowness on writes to ZFS filesystem. It take about
530ms to write a 2k data.
We are running Solaris 10 u5 127127-11 and the back-end storage is a RAID5
This is a small database with about 18gb storage allocated.
Is there a tunable parameters that we can apply to
2010 Aug 21
ZFS with Equallogic storage
I''m planning on setting up an NFS server for our ESXi hosts and plan on using a virtualized Solaris or Nexenta host to serve ZFS over NFS.
The storage I have available is provided by Equallogic boxes over 10Gbe iSCSI.
I am trying to figure out the best way to provide both performance and resiliency given the Equallogic provides the redundancy.
Since I am hoping to provide a 2TB