search for: eline

Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "eline".

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2003 Feb 10
Mangling problem
Hi, I have a strange problem with Samba on RedHat 7.2. In one directory there is many files with similar long file name (10+ digit file name for many pictures). When I dir this directory, I can see many files with different long file name, but with exactly the same short file name. There is about 3-5 files with the same 8.3 DOS file name. I really don't understand how can it happen and what
1999 Feb 22
Forw: RedHat sysklogd vulnerability
...8 BugTraq e-mail by Michal Zalewski (lcamtuf@IDS.PL). I replied to it with a quick patch. Here are some lines from my e-mail: > I'm not completely happy with this, as it modifies the reference parameter, > ptr, but it will solve the problem. However, later on: > > ExpandKadds(line, eline) > > Where eline is the same size as line. I think the real solution is to make > sure the buffer is larger (LOG_LINE_LENGTH) like Michal said, and make sure > modules and programs don't generate obsurdly long messages, because you > can't be certain how much room is necessa...
2012 Sep 27
Dynabyte bjuder in till SHRUG den 1 november!
Kom till oss på Kammakargatan 9A den 1 november. Vi startar klockan 18.00 med mat och sedan följer intressanta tal, mingel och kanske en öl eller två. Vi har begränsat med platser så ta er tid att gå in på<>och anmäl dig. Varmt välkomna! /Elin och Kim Program - Mat/Intro - Presentationer - Rails
2020 Jul 20
Methods for objects inheriting from lme (nlme package)
Dear R developers, One function in my mkin package [1] returns an object that is originally created by nlme(), but contains some additional information. Its class is c("mmkin.nlme", "nlme", "lme"). Now I would like to use the anova() method for lme objects for comparing such S3 objects. Unfortunately, anova.lme currently does not check for inheritance, but
2010 Aug 16
print numbers
Hi, When I plot, the axis ticks are printed as "50.00 25.00 10.00 1.00 0.05 0.01", is there any way to print them as "50 25 10 1 0.05 0.01" instead? Thanks John
2024 Feb 29
R 4.3.3 is released
The build system rolled up R-4.3.3.tar.gz and .xz (codename "Angel Food Cake") this morning. This is a minor update, intended as the wrap-up release for the 4.3.x series. This also marks the 6th anniversary of R-1.0.0. (2000-02-29) The list below details the changes in this release. You can get the source code from
2024 Feb 29
R 4.3.3 is released
The build system rolled up R-4.3.3.tar.gz and .xz (codename "Angel Food Cake") this morning. This is a minor update, intended as the wrap-up release for the 4.3.x series. This also marks the 6th anniversary of R-1.0.0. (2000-02-29) The list below details the changes in this release. You can get the source code from
2024 Feb 29
R 4.3.3 is released
The build system rolled up R-4.3.3.tar.gz and .xz (codename "Angel Food Cake") this morning. This is a minor update, intended as the wrap-up release for the 4.3.x series. This also marks the 6th anniversary of R-1.0.0. (2000-02-29) The list below details the changes in this release. You can get the source code from
2005 Sep 30
911 Q
OK, got a question on 911. Looking into setting up a couple asterisk servers at a country club, with VOIP phones in each of 100 short-term residential rental units. Approx 100 extensions, approx 24 outside lines. Since everything is geographically at one location, reaching 911 correctly shouldn't present a problem. However, the club wishes to ensure that 911 authorities are able to identify
2023 Apr 21
[Rd] R 4.3.0 is released
The build system rolled up R-4.3.0.tar.gz (codename "Already Tomorrow") this morning. This is a major update, containing many new features and bug fixes. The list below details the changes in this release. You can get the source code from or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. Binaries for various
2023 Apr 21
[Rd] R 4.3.0 is released
The build system rolled up R-4.3.0.tar.gz (codename "Already Tomorrow") this morning. This is a major update, containing many new features and bug fixes. The list below details the changes in this release. You can get the source code from or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. Binaries for various
2003 Dec 01
No subject
have a hosts allow or hosts deny line in your smb.conf. If you don't want samba to do reverse lookups, then comment out any allow/deny hosts lines in your smb.conf file. Don -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2001 3:00 AM To: Subject: dns and samba Hi, I find that my samba server always does