Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "eischen".
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2003 Jul 14
Help diagnosing NIS breakage ?
In our implementation, the NIS server is ActiveDirectory with ServicesForUnix
3.0 :)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Eischen [mailto:eischen@vigrid.com]
> Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 2:13 PM
> To: Robin P. Blanchard
> Cc: John De Boskey; current@freebsd.org; Jacques A. Vidrine
> Subject: RE: Help diagnosing NIS breakage ?
> On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, Robin P. Blanchard wrote:
> > That di...
1999 Jan 10
beta5 configure problems on Solaris
Hi all. I'm trying to compile 2.0.0beta5 on my Solaris 2.6 host, using
gcc-, and configure is failing:
checking configure summary
ERROR: No disk free routine!
configure: error: summary failure. Aborting config
This apparently comes from the following in ./source/tests/summary.c:
#if !(defined(STAT_STATVFS) || defined(STAT_STATVFS64) ||
defined(STAT_STATFS3_OSF1) ||
2008 Nov 12
dlopen-ing a library with OpenMP by a non-OpenMP process
Currently, when a program built without OpenMP (-fopenmp) is trying to
dlopen a library, built with the feature, the result is a crash from
"bad system call":
#0 0x00000008009a223c in ksem_init () from /lib/libc.so.7
#1 0x0000000800998a8f in sem_init () from /lib/libc.so.7
#2 0x00000008011a6537 in omp_get_nested () from /usr/lib/libgomp.so.1
1998 Jun 26
Hello guys,
I'm at my wits end.. hope someone can help.. this is the deal.
I have setup a linux box to serve as a "gateway" for our internal lan.
Running 2.0.34 slakware. I have 2 nic cards.. One for our "internal" lan
( and the "external" lan..I have gotten the OS to see
both of them, but when trying to get DHCP to work with both, it kept
2003 Sep 29
panics on 24 hour boundaries
Hi stable, nice you see you again. I was one of those guys who was seeing
constand panics on 24 hour boundaries but couldn't provide a backtrace due
to the ar device not taking a dump. I installed a dedicated drive just to
take the dump, and then didn't have a panic for a couple weeks. Now, I am
back with, and I have traces to share.
The first two, from 2003-09-27 and 2003-09-28
2003 Oct 10
Mar 2003 - Sep 2003 FreeBSD Status Report
...XFree 3.3.6) is
now working with the same driver as the console. A basic terminal has
now to be implemented.
Volonteers are welcome to the project...
URL: http://www.freebsd.org/kse/index.html
Contact: Dan Eischen <deischen@FreeBSD.org>
Contact: David Xu <davidxu@FreeBSD.org>
KSE seems to be working well on x86, amd64, and ia64. The alpha
userland bits are done, but a couple of functions are unimplemented in
the kernel. For sparc64, the necessary functions are implemented in
the k...