Displaying 20 results from an estimated 197 matches for "eigenvectors".
2011 Nov 14
How to compute eigenvectors and eigenvalues?
Consider the following matrix:
mp <- matrix(c(0,1/4,1/4,3/4,0,1/4,1/4,3/4,1/2),3,3,byrow=T)
> mp
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 0.00 0.25 0.25
[2,] 0.75 0.00 0.25
[3,] 0.25 0.75 0.50
The eigenvectors of the previous matrix are 1, 0.25 and 0.25 and it is not a diagonalizable matrix.
When you try to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors with R, R responses:
> eigen(mp)
[1] 1.00 -0.25 -0.25
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 0.3207501 1.068531e-08 -1.068531e-...
2013 Mar 14
Same eigenvalues but different eigenvectors using 'prcomp' and 'principal' commands
Dear all,
I've used the 'prcomp' command to
calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix(gg).
Using the command 'principal' from the
'psych' packageĀ I've performed the same exercise. I got the same
eigenvalues but different eigenvectors. Is there any reason for that
Below are the steps I've followed:
#defining the matri...
2003 Jun 09
understanding eigen(): getting non-normalized eigenvectors
Hi, dear R pros
I try to understand eigen(). I have seen, that eigen() gives the
eigenvectors normalized to unit length.
What shall I do to get the eigenvectors not normalized to unit length?
E.g. take the example:
[,1] [,2]
V1 0.7714286 -0.2571429
V2 -0.4224490 0.1408163
Calculating eigen(A) "by hand" gives the eigenvectors (example from
2010 Mar 19
Howto get unnormalized eigenvectors?
I try to calculate the angle between two first eigenvectors of different covariance matrices of biological phenotypic traits for different populations. My issue here is, that all possibilities to do so seem to normalize the eigenvectors to length 1. Although the helpfile of eigen() states, that using eigen(, symmetric = FALSE, EISPACK =TRUE) skips normaliza...
2003 Nov 04
real eigenvectors
Hello list,
Sorry, these questions are not directly linked to R.
If I consider an indefinte real matrix, I would like to know if the
symmetry of the matrix is sufficient to say that their eigenvectors are real ?
And what is the conditions to ensure that eigenvectors are real in the case
of an asymmetric matrix (if some conditions exist)?
Thanks in Advance,
St?phane DRAY
D?partement des Sciences...
2011 Nov 14
Fwd: How to compute eigenvectors and eigenvalues?
Inicio del mensaje reenviado:
> De: Arnau Mir <arnau.mir@uib.es>
> Fecha: 14 de noviembre de 2011 13:24:31 GMT+01:00
> Para: Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
> Asunto: Re: [R] How to compute eigenvectors and eigenvalues?
> Sorry, but I can't explain very well.
> The matrix 4*mp is:
> 4*mp
> [,1] [,2] [,3]
> [1,] 0 1 1
> [2,] 3 0 1
> [3,] 1 3 2
> >
> The eigenvalues are:
> lam
> [1] 4 -1 -1
2004 Feb 12
left eigenvector
Dear All,
how do I compute the left eigenvector of a matrix? I gather that "eigen"
computes the right eigenvectors...
Federico Calboli
Federico C. F. Calboli
Dipartimento di Biologia
Via Selmi 3
40126 Bologna
tel (+39) 051 209 4187
fax (+39) 051 251 208
f.calboli at ucl.ac.uk
2003 Apr 03
Matrix eigenvectors in R and MatLab
Dear R-listers
Is there anyone who knows why I get different eigenvectors when I run
MatLab and R? I run both programs in Windows Me. Can I make R to produce
the same vectors as MatLab?
#R Matrix
PA9900<-c(11/24 ,10/53 ,0/1 ,0/1 ,29/43 ,1/24 ,27/53 ,0/1 ,0/1 ,13/43
,14/24 ,178/53 ,146/244 ,17/23 ,15/43 ,2/24 ,4/53 ,0/1 ,2/23 ,2/43 ,4/24
,58/53 ,26/244 ,0/1 ,5/43)
2010 Jan 11
Eigenvectors and values in R and SAS
I was wondering if function eigen() does something different from the
function call eigen() in SAS.
I'm in the process of translating a SAS code into a R code and the values of
the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a square matrix came out to be different
from the values in SAS.
I would also appreciate it if someone can explain the difference in simple
terms. I'm pretty new to both programs. Thanks for your help-
View this message in context: http://n4.nabble.com/Eigenvectors-and-...
2002 Nov 05
eigenvectors order
How the eigenvectors output by the eigen() function are ordered. The
first column corresponds to the largest eigenvalue? or is the last
column as in Octave?
I'm performing a spatial-temporal analysis of some climatic variables
so my matrices are MxN (locations*time)and I'm looking for the leading
2003 Jun 08
LDA: normalization of eigenvectors (see SPSS)
Hi dear R-users
I try to reproduce the steps included in a LDA. Concerning the eigenvectors there is
a difference to SPSS. In my textbook (Bortz)
it says, that the matrix with the eigenvectors
usually are not normalized to the length of 1, but in the way that the
following holds (SPSS does the same thing):
t(Vstar)%*%Derror%*%Vstar = I
where Vstar are the normalized eigenvectors....
2008 Jul 08
Help with eigenvectors
Hi everybody,
I have some problems with the function eigen. I have a square matrix and I
want to calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. I apply the function
eigen and I get it, however when I solve the same problem in Statistica
software, I realise that some eigenvectors are the opposite. How can I get
the same values?
Thanks in advance
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2009 Apr 23
the definition of eigenvector in R
Dear All
i have a little puzzle about eigenvector in the R.
As we know that the eigenvector can be displayed on several form.
For example
if we want to get the eigenvalue and eigenvector, the code followed
[1] 5 -1
[,1] [,2]
[1,] -0.7071068 -0.8944272
[2,] -0.7071068 0.4472136
however, we also can calculate the vector matrix
2012 Apr 27
find the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue
If I use the eigen() function to find the eigenvalues of a matrix, how can I find the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigen value?
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2010 Jun 15
Getting the eigenvectors for the dependent variables from principal components analysis
...statements like, "PC1 mostly refers to seed size" or something like that.
For instance, if I try the example from ?prcomp
> prcomp(USArrests, scale = TRUE)
Now what? None of the components of prcomp-class objects appear to have this information. "rotation" will give me the eigenvectors for the individual data points, NOT the eigenvectors for the dependent variables for each PC axis.
Alternatively, I could try the example from ?princomp
> princomp(USArrests, cor = TRUE)
But I have the same problem -- now what? None of the components of princomp-class objects appear to have t...
2009 Apr 24
the puzzle of eigenvector and eigenvalue
Dear all
I am so glad the R can provide the efficient calculate about
eigenvector and eigenvalue.
However, i have some puzzle about the procedure of eigen.
Fristly, what kind of procedue does the R utilize such that the eigen
are obtained?
For example, A=matrix(c(1,2,4,3),2,2)
we can define the eigenvalue lamda, such as
det | 1-lamda 4 | =0
| 2 3-lamda |
2010 Jun 12
Fast way to compute largest eigenvector
Hello all,
I was wondering if there is a function in R that only computes the eigenvector
corresponding to the largest/smallest eigenvalue of an arbitrary real matrix.
Living on Earth may be expensive, but it includes an annual free trip
around the Sun.
2012 Apr 25
pca biplot.princomp has a bug?
...e 1st and 2nd
element of the `y[1, ]` vector. However what I don't understand is:
Shouldn't the 1st eigenvector direction be the vector denoted by `y[, 1]`,
instead of `y[1, ]`? (Again, here `y` is the eigenvector matrix, obtained
by PCA or by eigendecomposition of `t(x) %*% x`.) i.e. the eigenvectors
should be column vectors, not those horizontal vectors.
Even though we are plotting them on 2D plane, we should draw the 1st
direction to be from `(0, 0)` pointing to `(y[1, 1], y[2, 1])`?
I think the R code biplot.princomp has a bug: the loading matrix
(eigenvector matrix) should be transposed...
2008 Jun 03
matlab eigs function in R
Does anybody know how one can compute d largest eigenvalues/eigenvectors in
R, like in MATLAB eigs function ? eigen function computes all
eigenvectors/eigenvalues, and they are slightly different than those
generated by matlab eigs.
Thanks in advance
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/matlab-eigs-function-in-R-tp17619641p17619641.html
Sent from th...
2011 May 28
prcomp & eigenvectors ... ??
...matrix is read into R and prcomp is performed.
Basically, the tutorial says 'Having run PCA, now is a good time to check the eigenvalue structure.' although it doesn't mention how I actually go about doing that with R. Could anyone tell me how I would be able to check the eigenvalues/eigenvectors??
Thanks so much for your help and I'm sorry if this is a stupid question!!
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