search for: efun

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "efun".

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2011 Nov 07
Accessing ENVSXP and CLOSXP while processing parsed R code
...on taken and modified a little from "*Lexical Scope and Statistical Computing*" ===================================================================== f<-function(){ Rmlfun<-function(x){ sumx <- sum(x) n <- length(x) function(mu) n*log(mu)-mu*sumx } efun <-Rmlfun(1:10) y1 <- efun(3) print(y1) efun2 <- Rmlfun(20:30) y2 <- efun2(3) print(y2) } ===================================================================== Now assignment efun <-Rmlfun(1:10) creates a closure where *function(mu) n*log(mu)-mu*sumx *is returned an...
2012 Jul 03
EM algorithm to find MLE of coeff in mixed effects model
...t(datai$Zi))) temp2=-0.5*t(datai$yi-datai$Xi%*%beta)%*%solve(vvar*diag(nrow(datai$Zi))+datai$Zi%*%psi%*%t(datai$Zi))%*%(datai$yi-datai$Xi%*%beta) return(temp1+temp2) } ####################################################################### #functions to evaluate the conditional expection, saved as Efun v2.R #Eh1new=E(bibi') #Eh2new=E(X'(y-Zbi)) #Eh3new=E(bi'Z'Zbi) #Eh4new=E(Y-Xibeta-Zibi)'(Y-Xibeta-Zibi) #Eh5new=E(Xibeta-yi)'Zibi #Eh6new=E(bi) Eh1new=function(datai=data.list[[i]], weights.m=weights.mat) { #one way #temp=matrix(0,2,2) #for (i in 1:nrow(bi)) #{ #temp=tem...
2012 Jul 03
need help EM algorithm to find MLE of coeff in mixed effects model
...(datai$Zi))) temp2=-0.5*t(datai$yi-datai$Xi%*%beta)%*%solve(vvar*diag(nrow(datai$Zi))+datai$Zi%*%psi%*%t(datai$Zi))%*%(datai$yi-datai$Xi%*%beta) return(temp1+temp2) } ####################################################################### #functions to evaluate the conditional expection, saved as Efun v2.R #Eh1new=E(bibi') #Eh2new=E(X'(y-Zbi)) #Eh3new=E(bi'Z'Zbi) #Eh4new=E(Y-Xibeta-Zibi)'(Y-Xibeta-Zibi) #Eh5new=E(Xibeta-yi)'Zibi #Eh6new=E(bi) Eh1new=function(datai=data.list[[i]], weights.m=weights.mat) { #one way #temp=matrix(0,2,2) #for (i in 1:nrow(bi)...
2007 Oct 26
some xen issues
Hi , We are using Xen 4.0 version. These are the problems we are facing: 1) Centos-5 installed successfully from other installation media, Video card is detected but mouse is not working. 2) Centos-5 installed successfully from inbuilt template,but Video card is not been detected. 3) Debian 4.0 installed from other installation media, GUI is working but mouse is not working. 4) Debian 4.0