search for: e5b

Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches for "e5b".

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2004 Apr 21
(no subject)
...hronological clustering program ,CHRONO, that I would like to use. Alternatively, I would ask if there is a R based program that performs chronological clustering? Thanks Alex Alex Hanke Department of Fisheries and Oceans St. Andrews Biological Station 531 Brandy Cove Road St. Andrews, NB Canada E5B 2L9 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Mar 29
Problem installing packages and weird R site behaviour
...AGES' Content type `text/html' length unknown opened URL downloaded 953 bytes Problem 2 {ttp://} Alex Hanke Department of Fisheries and Oceans St. Andrews Biological Station 531 Brandy Cove Road St. Andrews, NB Canada E5B 2L9 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Jun 15
Error using newdata argument in survfit
...rnames, extras, extranames, : variable lengths differ In addition: Warning message: 'newdata' had 2 rows but variable(s) found have 1878 rows Regards, Alex Alex Hanke Department of Fisheries and Oceans St. Andrews Biological Station 531 Brandy Cove Road St. Andrews, NB Canada E5B 2L9 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Dec 01
Hexidecimal conversion,2,byrow=T) z.1<-as.numeric(z[,1]) z.2<- match(z[,2],hexDigit)-1 dec<-16*z.1+z.2 return(dec) } Alex Hanke Department of Fisheries and Oceans St. Andrews Biological Station 531 Brandy Cove Road St. Andrews, NB Canada E5B 2L9 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Feb 02
glm.poisson.disp versus glm.nb
...alars. Consequently, I would like to know how to get phi from theta so that I can compare the glm.poisson.disp and glm.nb methods for estimating dispersion. Regards, Alex Alex Hanke Department of Fisheries and Oceans St. Andrews Biological Station 531 Brandy Cove Road St. Andrews, NB Canada E5B 2L9
2004 Mar 31
identify() and controlling label size
...setting par(cex.*) because I'm having no luck? My only recourse is to save the index and position of the labels from identify() and use text() to replot them. Regards Alex Alex Hanke Department of Fisheries and Oceans St. Andrews Biological Station 531 Brandy Cove Road St. Andrews, NB Canada E5B 2L9 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Nov 22
RODBC and Table views
...not touch on this point. sqlTables() lets me see tables and views but only the tables yield data. Do I need to recreate these views on the R side of the connection? Regards Alex Alex Hanke Department of Fisheries and Oceans St. Andrews Biological Station 531 Brandy Cove Road St. Andrews, NB Canada E5B 2L9 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Jun 17
problem with temp dir (PR#3272)
...that the R console is available (the program closes after the error). An installation on an identical machine works fine? I would greatly appreciate help with this. Regards Alex Alex Hanke Department of Fisheries and Oceans St. Andrews Biological Station 531 Brandy Cove Road St. Andrews, NB Canada E5B 2L9
2004 Feb 19
reshape direction=wide
Hello I am reshaping a data.frame bids --> reshaped as shown below. I thought this should be possible with a single invocation of reshape, but the only way I came up with is reshaping subsets for each keyword and then joining them together. Does anyone have an idea how to solve this in a more elegant way? Efficiency is a concern as the datasets are very large. Is there a way to specify
2005 Jun 10
Estimate of baseline hazard in survival
...ration. The corresponding plot should have a constant baseline hazard over time. I am aware of cox.zph() for testing the proportionality of hazards assumption. Thanks Alex Alex Hanke Department of Fisheries and Oceans St. Andrews Biological Station 531 Brandy Cove Road St. Andrews, NB Canada E5B 2L9 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Jan 27
Server Report [Incident: 040126-000715]
...=86=C6=81=CC=9A= \=CFum=A6=A1:<=A0=C6h=B8=CD=F7=EB8 =C7=FC]=C1|3=8E=FA=88=94\#1=E4 =87=C7=D0jf=DA=86=B7O=DD'8=D3h=E5=E4=EC=A8-=EC=FB=AD=F6=D3=E4a~=C6=F8=EA=96= =D5q=9E=F9=96=CB=B6=B5F=DD(U=D2lF=93=BBr =8C[G=A8=BB=DF?*=A5=96E=F8a=96T=DE=D5]=86=8C=9B=CA=F9=B307=9EN=DC=BDi=EB=AC= 9=82=88=BC,=83=E5b=8A=FC=D6=8AcCm=90=A4=FC=E1=8BD=CDx=D9j=9Ctix=AB=8A*=DB= =9D=E9q=E5=D9dJ=9AK=A5=9A3q=F2A=E1=EB=DC=A7=B6=EC=D2=DD=82=CC#=9A=FC $qZv=BC^=94=87=A0=E5=A4=C5^))=9F=D5|=AD=EEg5=A9=C9=E0=8A!ao{=B8de!=B0=A4/= *xs=AC(`=BB=B2=A9=96=E0 =B8=A8=CE=FE=81=E1=96=B58L=D9=84=AC =B2[=CFP=EE=BE=99=F4 =FBx=BDc=BF[!=FA=9...
2017 Oct 26
not healing one file
Hey Richard, Could you share the following informations please? 1. gluster volume info <volname> 2. getfattr output of that file from all the bricks getfattr -d -e hex -m . <brickpath/filepath> 3. glustershd & glfsheal logs Regards, Karthik On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 10:21 AM, Amar Tumballi <atumball at> wrote: > On a side note, try recently released health
2017 Oct 26
not healing one file
On a side note, try recently released health report tool, and see if it does diagnose any issues in setup. Currently you may have to run it in all the three machines. On 26-Oct-2017 6:50 AM, "Amar Tumballi" <atumball at> wrote: > Thanks for this report. This week many of the developers are at Gluster > Summit in Prague, will be checking this and respond next
2017 Oct 26
not healing one file
...AAA2590DA0FA6946FB51A1FF8A9D705F3E2 (95574e0d-e6f4-4e41-abcd-0b7d6a1919cb) on home-client-2 [2017-10-25 10:13:42.266167] W [MSGID: 108015] [afr-self-heal-entry.c:56:afr_selfheal_entry_delete] 0-home-replicate-0: expunging file a3f5a769-8859-48e3-96ca-60a988eb9358/50661EA881415B62AA2DD42ADA4098761462E5B2 (a8382269-7b79-47aa-a161-7811165b1ddf) on home-client-2 [2017-10-25 10:13:42.398421] W [MSGID: 108015] [afr-self-heal-entry.c:56:afr_selfheal_entry_delete] 0-home-replicate-0: expunging file a3f5a769-8859-48e3-96ca-60a988eb9358/9E45B9575887ECFB96836B703AD383DAC7B532A0 (1875ec50-4a72-4b21-b41a-4590...