search for: dwell

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 59 matches for "dwell".

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2004 Feb 24
Calculate Distance and Aggregate Data?
Hi all, I've been struggling learning R and need to turn to the list again. I've got a dataset (comma-delimited file) with the following fields: recid, latitude, longitude, population, dwelling and age. For each observation, I'd like to calculate the total number of people and dwellings and average age within 2 k.m. Distance could be Euclidean, however, a proper distance calculation (great circle route) is best. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks, Danny ------------...
2010 Feb 07
Reading hierarchical data hierarchical data set. There is a family record followed by one or more personal records. If col. 7 is "1" it is a family record. If it is "2" it is a personal record. The family record is formatted as follows: col. 1-5 family id col. 7 "1" col. 9 dwelling type code The personal record is formatted as follows: col. 1-5 personal id col. 7 "2" col. 8-9 age col. 11 sex code The first six family and accompanying personal records look like this: 06470 1 1 1 232 0 2 230 1 07470 1 0 1 240 1 08470 1 0 1 227 0 09470 1 0 1 2...
2004 Feb 26
Distance and Aggregate Data - Again...
...tion, etc. - a) takes too long and b) have no sense of progress. Below is a loop that reads each recid one at a time, calculates the distance and identifies the recids that fall within 2 km. It iterates through all records successfully. Where I'm stuck is how to get the sum of population and dwellings and the mean age for the records that are selected. Also, the desired output should have the following fields: recid, sum(pop), sum(dwell), mean(age). I don't know how to write only those fields out to the file. Any suggestions? Thank you for your help, Danny ##### library(fields)...
2013 Nov 20
Invalid VA => ptr conversion with xc_dom_* API after XSA-55 fox
Hi list, Jeff and FastIce pointed out a regression between Xen 4.1.2 and 4.1.6 when starting NetBSD domU; the kernel syms table gets slightly corrupted [1]. After dwelling into libxc code, FastIce noticed that changing back the return value to "ptr + offset" (instead of just "ptr") for xc_dom_vaddr_to_ptr() makes it work again. According to [2] while fixing XSA-55, Ian changed the "ptr + offset" return value to just "ptr&quot...
2012 Apr 03
When lack of data is data and not n/a
...nd then add one record for this one Ss (well - actually I would add 8 records as "block" is a within-Ss factor that we have been looking at). But there must be a more elegant way of doing this especially as we are still in the exploratory phase and will be pulling out factors such as mean dwell time, total dwell time (dwell time per fix, summed over all fix) and other factors (e.g., tallies of sequential fixation chains -- e.g., obj-A, obj-B, vs obj-A, obj-C, etc, etc, etc). As always, your thoughts, comments, and code would be appreciated. Thanks, Wayne Gray
2015 Oct 13
Buildbots timeout (what bots and when did this happen)? > I will look. Thanks! I may be wrong, but this is not the first phantom issue I had to chase recently. :) Just want to make sure there wasn't anything from your side before I dwell into the hardware parts. --renato
2023 May 20
Windows -> Samba migration
Hello. At a site I've got a domain with only one DC, which is Windows 2012. This OS will be soon out of support and must be replaced. The replacement will be Windows 2022 standard, but, for reason I won't dwell into, it shulud not be a DC. Is it possibile to migrate this domain to a Samba DC, then join the new server as a member? Will Samba 4.16 do? Basically, I would: _ follow this guide to join a new Samba DC to the existing domain: >
2000 Feb 24
A problem with PATH in sshd.c
...l/bin directory. In the ``sshd.c'' file, the PATH variable is set up: child_set_env(&env, &envsize, "PATH", _PATH_STDPATH); (line no. 2405). I am unable to connect to my machine using scp. _PATH_STDPATH is "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", but the scp program dwells in /usr/local/bin. If I try to connect, enter password (etc., all OK), then the shell reports it could not find the scp command (not in PATH) and the connection is closed... IMHO, an ordinary user does not need to have "/usr/sbin:/sbin" in his/her PATH. IMHO, the PATH variable should b...
2005 Mar 11
reading in data problems
...son -sub 1 27 16. Nss 3 28 - 30 17. Nsc 3 31 - 33 18. Mult -ss 10 34 - 43 19. HHD -size 3 44 - 46 20. Mpce 8 47 - 54 21. Mpce code 2 55 - 56 22. Cmpce code 2 57 - 58 23. HHd Type 1 59 24. Religion 1 60 25. Social group 1 61 26. Land possessed CODE 2 62 - 63 27. Dwelling code 1 64 28. Type dwelling 1 65 29. Type structure 1 66 30. Covered area 6 67 - 72 31. Cook 2 73 - 74 32. Light 1 75 33. Meal taken outside 1 76 34. Ceremony performed 1 77 35. Pds purchase 1 78 36. Get food 1 79 37. Not get food in the month of Jan 2 80 - 81 38. N...
2007 Dec 07
activerecord 2.0.1 gem
I have tried to install activerecord 2.0.1 both through gem update and by manually downloading it and doing gem install. They both fail with MANUAL: C:\DRC\ruby>gem install activerecord-2.0.1 ERROR: Error installing gem activerecord-2.0.1[.gem]: buffer error REMOTE: R:\workzone\dwell-aware\trunk>gem update --source Updating installed gems... Attempting remote update of activerecord ERROR: While executing gem ... (Zlib::BufError) buffer error I believe the .gem file to be corrupt! Thanks, Rags -- Posted via --~-...
2015 May 18
Tessellation shaders get MEM_OUT_OF_BOUNDS errors / missing triangles non-deterministic. Sometimes everything shows up on the GK208, other times I see holes, in varying locations. I'm fairly sure that the actual shader code is correct... so I'm doing something funny wrong. (And yeah, tons of missed optimization opportunities in this code, but let's not dwell on that.) This is the piglit test: It should be noted that other piglit tests don't exhibit this error, however they also tend to be simpler. One key difference is that they don't chang...
2015 Sep 23
The Trouble with Triples
...come mostly unused except as a method of initialising the more detailed information in the target machine and when it is needed because it appears in a path. Whatever uses triple today would then consult individual pieces of information in the TargetMachine instead. (As before I don’t think we need dwell on this here though but instead begin discussion about enhancing TargetMachine to start with and then inventing MCTargetMachine.) Daniel Sanders Daniel.Sanders at<mailto:Daniel.Sanders at> writes: The question I want to ask here is: What about API users? Things like JIT&...
2008 May 06
Best way to implement?
So I''m new to all this Rails stuff and this is probably a database design-related question to, but here it is... Just for learning I''m trying to build a little real estate listings application. Of course there is the listings model which will store basic information like name, price, description, and all that jazz. I''m to the point where I want to figure out how to
2015 May 26
Tessellation shaders get MEM_OUT_OF_BOUNDS errors / missing triangles
...imes everything shows up on the GK208, other times I see holes, >> in varying locations. I'm fairly sure that the actual shader code is >> correct... so I'm doing something funny wrong. (And yeah, tons of >> missed optimization opportunities in this code, but let's not dwell on >> that.) >> >> This is the piglit test: >> >> >> >> It should be noted that other piglit tests don't exhibit this error, >> however they als...
2015 Oct 13
RFC: Introducing an LLVM Community Code of Conduct
...ening in social projects, but not in any technical one. Maybe because perceived personal stakes are higher in a social context. > I think mentioning it once is ok, but you already have a bullet below > on this topic, I don't think we need a whole paragraph for that, too. In particular, dwelling on the topic much gives an impression of LLVM being a community that needs a detailed response to physical threats. I wouldn't want to give that impression even if that were the case, to avoid attracting the types that like a more violent community. >> Once the working group has a c...
2008 Nov 11
R: R: Hidden Markov Models
...nal observations are the amplitude values as a function of time and phase. According to our model the hidden states are the different breathing types. Subjects, whose respiratiion process is regular, are likely to breathe, keeping the same cycle pattern/type, for many consecutive cycles. therefore dwelling in the same hidden state. The more regular the breathing process is, the more predictive its signal becomes the higher its amplitude autocorrelation order. I guess my question is: can msm implement an AutoRegressive HMM ? It seems that depmixS4 can but it has a time series length constraint t...
2015 Oct 13
Buildbots timeout
Hi Galina, I have observed that some of my bots timeout for no apparent reason (no external load, no network mishaps, no issues), and when I go to check the buildslave process, I see that it has just being restarted. Do you know what could be causing this? Swap is untouched, plenty of disk left, CPUs a plenty. So, I'm contemplating the possibility that the master lost connectivity to it and
2023 May 20
Windows -> Samba migration
On 20/05/2023 10:29, Andrea Venturoli via samba wrote: > Hello. > > At a site I've got a domain with only one DC, which is Windows 2012. > This OS will be soon out of support and must be replaced. > The replacement will be Windows 2022 standard, but, for reason I won't > dwell into, it shulud not be a DC. > > Is it possibile to migrate this domain to a Samba DC, then join the new > server as a member? Yes, that should be possible. > Will Samba 4.16 do? As always, a later version would be better, but 4.16.x should suffice. > > Basically, I would:...
2008 Sep 04
filename format question
Hello, Is it possible to configure the filename format in dovecot? For example, to change from "unique,W=size:2,FLAGS" to "unique,size.hostname:2,FLAGS_unique2"? Thanks in advance.
2000 May 03
Combinatorics for nonparametric tests be used to generate P(R=r) of Spearman's rank correlation: n_6;plot(table(apply(all.perm(n),1,cor,y=1:n)),type="h") all.perm_function(n){ p_matrix(1,ncol=1) for(i in 2:n){p_pp_cbind(p,i) v_c(1:i,1:(i-1)) for(j in 2:i){v_v[-1] p_rbind(p,pp[,v[1:i]])}} p} Until now I hesitated to dwell on writing functions to generate all n!/(k!(n-k)!) k-combinations of an n-element set or more generally all n!/(k_1!k_2!...n_k!) choices of placing n objects into k boxes where box j has n_j objects. Not intending to re-invent the wheel I turn to the R community to ask if someone has already writ...