search for: drz

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "drz".

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2018 Jul 01
Installing sjPlot in R 3.4.4 on Ubuntu 16.04LTS
...attempting to install TMB. I have done a full purge of r-base r-base-dev and r-base-core and reinstalled the newest version of RStudio (not that this should matter). I'm not sure what to try next. many thanks! Brandon Z > install.packages("sjPlot")Installing package into ?/home/drz/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4? (as ?lib? is unspecified)also installing the dependencies ?TMB?, ?blme?, ?arm?, ?effects?, ?ggeffects?, ?glmmTMB?, ?lme4?, ?merTools?, ?sjstats? trying URL ''Content type 'application/x-gzip'...
2009 Nov 20
steadily increasing/high loadavg without i/o wait or cpu utilization
Hi all, I just installed centos 5.4 xen-kernel on intel core i5 machine as dom0. After some hours of syncing a raid10 array (8 sata disk) I noticed a steadily increasing loadavg. I think without reasonable i/o wait or cpu utilization the loadavg on this system should be very lower. If this loadavg is normal I would be greatful if somone could explain why. The screenshots below show that there is
2008 May 21
Errors in using gdb (PR#11496)
...gL1BERiAvSW1hZ2VCIC9JbWFnZUMgL0ltYWdlSSBd IC9YT2JqZWN0IDw8IC9JbTEgNSAwIFIKPj4gPj4KZW5kb2JqCjUgMCBvYmoKPDwgL0xlbmd0 aCA2IDAgUiAvVHlwZSAvWE9iamVjdCAvU3VidHlwZSAvSW1hZ2UgL1dpZHRoIDk5OSAvSGVp Z2h0Cjc1NyAvQ29sb3JTcGFjZSA4IDAgUiAvQml0c1BlckNvbXBvbmVudCA4IC9GaWx0ZXIg L0ZsYXRlRGVjb2RlID4+CnN0cmVhbQp42uy9CbwdRZn/fe49W6/nNEsSAgkgCQiC4jayDeCC 6OiM6wCuM8MgDjrjyyjKH3EEwr4qEGSHsEMgEBHCGvYliCxZBIMsIQFkkx1EEMz7dD/31K1b 3VVdVd3n3HNvnt+nc9OnTnV1VXV11bef83TVc8899+yzzz7zzDN/+tOfnnrqqeXLly9cuPBK EolEIpHGvg4//PBTTz119uzZsD9//vybSSQSqTu68cYbr7766l/88rj3b/6RejNouK2mtxps brB6w207/uqwA3/91gTYgc0L14StEazeDNZ02xPd1oRGsEYTIv...