search for: dryml

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2007 Jun 21
(no subject)
Hi, Not sure if this is the right place for general questions on BDD style, but here goes... I have a class which behaves almost like a big function - you always instantiate it with a bunch of args, and call one of a couple of methods to get the results back. BDD style seems to like a separate describe block for each instantiation of the class under test. In this case that would mean a
2007 Jul 16
Partials vs. Helpers
...single action. Not knowing the innerworking of Rails, I have several questions. 1) Within that single action call, is the file _stuff.rhtml read from the file system just once or 40 times? 2) Does the file _stuff.rhtml gets compiled or cached somewhere? I am asking this because when I play with DRYML, it seems that its equivalence of partials get cached somehow. 3) If _stuff.rhtml read from file system 40 times in the action call, should I rather convert this into a helper? Since, helper is cached? Thanks! -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-----...
2009 Nov 08
link_to_remote with image_tag using Paperclip
...s. In Photo model: has_attached_file :mainimg, :styles => {:original => "465x365", :thumb => "80x70"} In my Front controller: def index @photos = Photo.find(:all) @photos = Photo.paginate :per_page => 28, :page => params[:page] end In index.dryml: <% outer = ''a'' %> <% inner = 1 %> <% @photos.in_groups_of(7).each do |photorow| %> <div id="<%= outer %>"> <% photorow.each do |photo| %> <div id="<%= inner %>"> <% link_to_rem...