search for: dropwal

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2003 May 15
My iptables (RH 7.2) firewall included
...rewall chain #We use the limit commands to cap the rate at which it alerts to 15 #log messages per minute $IPTABLES -N firewall $IPTABLES -A firewall -m limit --limit 3/minute --limit-burst 3 -j LOG --log-level notice --log-prefix "Netfilter in: " $IPTABLES -A firewall -j DROP #Now, our dropwall chain, for the final catchall filter $IPTABLES -N dropwall $IPTABLES -A dropwall -m limit --limit 3/minute --limit-burst 3 -j LOG --log-level notice --log-prefix "Netfilter in: " $IPTABLES -A dropwall -j DROP #Our "hey, them's some bad tcp flags!" chain $IPTABLES -N badf...