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2013 Nov 07
Error running MuMIn dredge function using glmer models
Dear list, I am trying to use MuMIn to compare all possible mixed models using the dredge function on binomial data but I am getting an error message that I cannot decode. This error only occurs when I use glmer. When I use an lmer analysis on a different response variable every works great. Example using a simplified glmer model global model: mod<- glmer(cbind(st$X2.REP.LIVE,
2010 Aug 17
how to selection model by BIC
Hi All: the package "MuMIn" can be used to select the model based on AIC or AICc. The code is as follows: data(Cement) lm1 <- lm(y ~ ., data = Cement) dd <- dredge(lm1,rank="AIC") print(dd) If I want to select the model by BIC, what code do I need to use? And when to select the best model based on AIC, what the differences between the function "dredge" in
2013 Mar 29
Error message in dredge function (MuMIn package) used with binary GLM
Hi all, I'm having trouble with the model generating 'dredge' function in the MuMIn 'Multi-model Inference' package. Here's the script: globalmodel<- glm(TB~lat+protocol+tested+ streams+goats+hay+cattle+deer, family="binomial") chat<- deviance(globalmodel)/59 #There we 59 residual degrees of freedom in this global model. models<- dredge(globalmodel,
2024 Jul 31
Difference between stats.steps() and MuMIn.dredge() to select best fit model
Hello, I try to understand the different approaches how to select the best fit regression model. This is not about AIC, BIC, etc. It is about the difference between the steps() function (in stats package) and the dredge() function (in MuMIn) package. I see several examples on the internet. step() explore the model space with a step wise approach. And dredge() try out all possible combinations
2012 Jul 11
Package MuMIn (dredge): Error in ret[, ] <- cbind(x, se, rep(if (is.null(df)) NA_real_ else df, : number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length.
Hello R community, I am attempting to run multiple logistic regressions (multinomial, via package 'nnet'), with Automated Model Selection (dredge, package 'MuMIn'). The aim is to reduce the number of predictor variables by assessing relative performance of each variable, which can be done in a coarse fashion using the Automated Model Selection option in package 'MuMIn'
2012 Jul 27
dredge solely offset models in MuMIn
hello everyone, I'm modelling in lmer an average chick weight defined as "Total.brood.mass ~ offset(chick.number), with three fixed and two random effect. Next, I want to use function dredge from MuMIn package for model averaging. Not sure why, but in consequence the offset variable is treated as a predictor, so I get a table that mixes models with and without that offset term (the first
2013 Apr 01
Error message in dredge function (MuMIn package) with binary GLM
Hi all, My replies within the forum aren't getting approved, though my emails always go through, so here is my reply to a question I previously posted (all questions and answers shown). Thanks, Cat I'm having trouble with the model generating 'dredge' function in the MuMIn 'Multi-model Inference' package. Here's the script: globalmodel<-
2010 Jan 20
Merge and join data
Hi, I'm looking to combine two data frames. Several of the columns are in common while the others need to be summed up. The apply functions and the merge functions don't seem to be working. I've included a basic example of what I'm trying to do below. Thanks! Sean data.frame1<'winter','dredge','515',100,150),1,5))
2010 Aug 17
AIC in MuMIn
Hello, I am using package MuMIn to calculate AIC for a full model with 10 explanatory variables. Thanks in advance in sharing your experience. Q1 In the AIC list of all models, each model is differentiated by model number. Please kindly advise if it is possible to find the corresponding explanatory variable(s) for the model number. Q2 error message I tried to display sub-model with only
2009 Apr 24
prediction intervals (alpha and beta) for model average estimates from binomial glm and model.avg (library=dRedging)
Hi all, I was wondering if there is a function out there, or someone has written code for making confidence intervals around model averaged predictions (y~á+âx). The model average estimates are from the dRedging library? It seems a common thing but I can't seem to find one via the search engines Examples of the models are: fit1 <- glm(y~ dbh, family = binomial, data = data) fit2 <- glm(y~ dbh+vegperc, family = binomial, data = data) fit3 <- glm(y~ dbh, family = binomial, data = data) and...
2011 Oct 25
difficulties with MuMIn model generation with coxph
Hi All, I'm having trouble with the automatized model generation (dredge) function in the MuMIn package. I'm trying to use it to automatically generate subsets of models from a global cox proportional hazards model, and rank them based on AICc. These seems like it's possible, and the Mumin documentation says that coxph is supported. However, when I run the code (see below), it gives
2010 Oct 12
delta AIC for models with 2 variables using MuMIn
Dear List, I want to ask a AIC question based on package library(MuMIn) The relative importance of 16 explanatory variables are assessed using delta AIC in a generalized linear model. Please kindly advise if it is possible to show models with any two only certain variables. Thank you. Elaine I asked a similar question and got a great help for models with only one variable as below.
2012 Jan 17
MuMIn package, problem using model selection table from manually created list of models
The subject says it all really. Question 1. Here is some code created to illustrate my problem, can anyone spot where I'm going wrong? Question 2. The reason I'm following a manual specification of models relates to the fact that in reality I am using mgcv::gam, and I'm not aware that dredge is able to separate individual smooth terms out of say s(a,b). Hence an additional request,
2015 Nov 23
Model averaging en R
Hola a todos, He realizado un dredge (para obtener todos los modelos GAM posibles a parir de un full model), luego he seleccionado un confidence set (los modelos que no se diferencian en 2 en AIC) y he hecho un model averaging con ese confidence set. Ahora me gustaría aplicar ese modelo "average" ajustado sobre otro set de datos pero no se como especificar en R que use el mismo modelo
2011 Feb 04
GAM quasipoisson in MuMIn
Hi, I have a GAM quasipoisson that I'd like to run through MuMIn package - dredge - gettop.models - model.avg However, I'm having no luck with script from an example in MuMIn help file. In MuMIn help they advise "include only models with smooth OR linear term (but not both) for each variable". Their example is: # Example with gam models (based on
2012 Mar 23
Using MuMIn - error message
Hello, I hope that you can bare with me. I am new to models, but I think I have a pretty godd understanding of how to run them now, including how to use AICc and Anova. The issue is that I have many factors that I wish to compare so doing each one at a time would take forever. I came across the MuMIn package and I was so excited, however I am getting an error message and i don't know why.
2009 Jan 23
Quote, dollar and pipe
Hi All, By working on our bootstrap puppet scripts (executed wih standalone puppet), I found a difference between pipe and file parsing : A simple file with a content : $ cat withdollar.pp file { "/tmp/withdoller.txt": content => ''something like echo $1'' } When puppet parses the file : $ puppet withdollar.pp notice:
2010 Jul 14
R's Data Dredging Philosophy for Distribution Fitting
...code something up using fitdistr() and do all the ranking myself. Undoubtedly that would be a good exercise for me, but its hard for me to believe R would be a runner-up to something like distribution fitting in @Risk. Eric -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2012 Jun 24
MuMIn for GLM Negative Binomial Model
Hello I am not able to use the MuMIn package (version 1.7.7) for multimodel inference with a GLM Negative Binomial model (It does work when I use GLM Poisson). The GLM Negative Binomial gives the following error statement: Error in get.models(NBModel, subset = delta < 4) : object has no 'calls' attribute Here is the unsuccessful Negative Binomial code. > > BirdNegBin
2014 Jun 26
AICc in MuMIn package
Hello, I am modelling in glmmADMB count data (I´m using a negative binomial distribution to avoid possitive overdispersion) with four fixed and one random effect. I´m also using MuMIn package to calculate the AICc and also to model averaging using the function dredge. What I do not understand is why dredge calculates a different value of the AICc and degrees of freedom than the function AICc