search for: drbunix

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 23 matches for "drbunix".

2007 Mar 08
worker cant delete? to tmp", "piping done", "getting youngest", "youngest got", "destfile /home/goten/projects/svn_working/svn_tool/backups/backup_test123_2007-03-08_rev1.gz", "backup file created at Thu Mar 08 00:00:04 PST 2007"], :step=>1, :steps=>1} (drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrbunix_localhost_2000) (drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrb.6015/svn_worker_3589c0ce3aa090fc5a535718b965af26_0_0.688288742005734) /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:1552:in `delete'': wrong number of arguments (0 for 1) (ArgumentError) from (drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrbunix_localh...
2007 Jan 22
Strange behavior i thought i''ll just post ticket link - but well - it''s strange 2) when i switch base class from RailsBase to Base i can''t access MiddleMan - i get error NameError: uninitialized constant MiddleMan from (drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrbunix_localhost_2999) (drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrb.8388/first_worker_30fe4904c2222fa80e54b58d587d7 bb0_0_0.446368947706132) /home/swistak/rails+backgroundrb/config/../vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/../ ../activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:123:in `const_missing...
2007 May 09
Neophyte needs help! :port: 22222 :worker_dir: lib/workers :rails_env: development :pool_size: 15 :acl: :deny: all :allow: localhost :order: deny allow When I try to run the example, I get a NameError because it can''t seem to find my ExampleWorker class: ruby backgroundrb_example (drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrbunix_localhost_22222) /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.4.1/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:266:in `load_missing_constant'': uninitialized constant ExampleWorker (NameError) from (drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrbunix_localhost_22222) /usr/local/lib/r...
2006 Nov 20
Passing object into results - "can''t convert DRb::DRbUnknown into Hash - (TypeError)" the Ruby RSS library to parse the feed, which returns an RSS object. After that I pass the object into the results hash, but that''s when this error occurs. Basically, this is what I have: rss = RSS::Parser.parse(response.body) results[:feed] = rss # error! 20061120-15:46:19 (16250) (drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrb.16249/backgroundrb_results_0) /Users/guest/workspace/project_nano/vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/server/lib/backgroundrb/worker.rb:101:in `merge!'' 20061120-15:46:19 (16250) (drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrb.16249/backgroundrb_results_0) /Users/guest/workspace/project_nano/vendo...
2007 Jan 22
MiddleMan behavior
...worker(:class => :second_worker, :args => {:id=>2, :text=>"slave"}) works but when i want to get reference to that object: ::BackgrounDRb::MiddleMan.worker(@second) yields: NoMethodError: undefined method `worker'' for BackgrounDRb::MiddleMan:Class from (drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrbunix_localhost_2999) (drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrb.8516/first_worker_c6824af92d0ae35bcbba75df4e282 b6f_0_0.158526073008825) /home/swistak/rails+backgroundrb/lib/workers/first_worker.rb:26:in `get_second_ref'' from (irb):223 from :0
2007 Jan 27
Debugging stale backgroundrb
...LifeLine:0x34c0858 @pair=[#<Socket:0x34c07e0>, nil], @fds=[9, 10], @pid=27245, @socket=#<Socket:0x34c07e0>, @object_id=27657260, @owner=27245>, @socket_creation_attempts=42, @dumped=nil, @pid=27248, @status=nil, @debug=false, @object=#<DRb::DRbObject:0x34c05c4 @ref=nil, @uri="drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrb.27243/backgroundrb_results_0_0.488948936927155">, @socket="/tmp/backgroundrb.27243/backgroundrb_results_0_0.488948936927155", @at_exit=nil, @waiter=#<Thread:0x34c06c8 sleep>, @uri="drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrb.27243/backgroundrb_results_0_0.4889489369...
2007 Apr 04
Exception when doing DRb remote calls from a BackgrounDRb worker
Hello, I am trying to make DRb calls to a external server from a backgrounDRb worker, but I''m getting always the next exception when I make the remote call. > ERROR: > drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrb.11175/experimenter_worker_3e899de945f0803a82cd257cfac316d0_0_0.0738904928422051 > - #<Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - > ///tmp/backgroundrb.11175/experimenter_worker_3e899de945f0803a82cd257cfac316d0_0_0.0738904928422051> > > 20070404-13:12:15 (11179)...
2007 Oct 12
Trouble on Multi Server setup
...6.0.2 :order: deny,allow I tried commenting out "self.setup_drb_acl" in lib/backgroundrb_server.rb, but it didn''t make any difference. Also, if I run "" from ./script/console on server2 or server3, I get this: #<DRb::DRbObject:0x41b3f240 @uri="drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrbunix_172.16.0.3_22223", @ref=542952540> >From server1, I get this: #<DRb::DRbObject:0xb69ee894 @uri="drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrbunix_localhost_2000", @ref=-610099128> This **seems** right, since the correct port and host are there. I''m susp...
2007 Mar 02
example standalone error.
...y sample app :) sample_app.rb:9: undefined method `new_worker'' for BackgrounDRb::MiddleMan:Class (NoMethodError) ### code follows ### # sample_app ... try to get stand-alone happiness. #require ''release-0.2.1/lib/backgroundrb'' #MiddleManDRbObject.init(:uri =>''drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrbunix_localhost_2000'') require ''backgroundrb/middleman'' include BackgrounDRb puts ''my sample app :)'' key = MiddleMan.new_worker(:class => :example_worker) worker = MiddleMan.worker(key) worker.other_method worker.delete # now that...
2007 Apr 26
looking for a worker that''s gone
...ves when they''re done. I would expect when I try to get a worker that has been deleted, I would get nil or a proper exception, but instead I get: >> MiddleMan.worker(''foobar'') NoMethodError: undefined method `object'' for nil:NilClass from (drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrbunix_localhost_2000) /Users/ brandon/projects/backgroundrb/vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/server/lib/ backgroundrb/middleman.rb:396:in `worker'' I''ve modified MiddleMan#worker to return nil if the job doesn''t exist: def worker(key) worker =...
2007 Jun 06
struggling with stability
Greetings all, Unit tests are passing, but I''m having mucho problems getting brb to run without exceptions for more than 6 hours. I''m seeing a mixture of the following 2 exceptions: 20070605-11:26:56 (21497) failed to find slave socket - (RuntimeError) 20070605-11:26:56 (21497) /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ slave-1.2.1/lib/slave.rb:435:in `initialize''
2007 Jun 21
config file questions
...e 2 servers are running behind a load balancer. I''m starting the backgroundrb server on the one server with the ip of Each time I try to call an action that uses backgroundrb I get the followng error. If I''m using druby, why do I get the following error message? drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrbunix_localhost_2000 - # Doesn''t the error tell me that I''m using drbunix? I''ll also post my backgroundrb_sever.log. I''m stumped and very confused on what to do next. Thank you for any possible help! 20070621-14:59:39 (10124) Starting Backgr...
2006 Nov 29
BackgrounDRb 0.2.1 Release
...enhancements after the dot oh! release. Beside updating BackgrounDRb, we strongly encourage you to update to Slave 1.1.0 which has important fixes that greatly improve how BackgrounDRb behaves. - Server: Improved logging of server events and exceptions. - Server: Change of default DRb protocol to drbunix (domain sockets) - Server: Re-add DRb ACL configuration (not needed for drbunix) - Server: new_worker race condition fix - Server: Jobs entries are now deleted properly when worker exits. - Scheduler: Several scheduler fixes. It was pretty much broken in 0.2.0 - Scheduler: New external schedule def...
2006 Oct 31
2 Background processes
Is it possible to have 2 seperate instances of backgroundrb running on the same machine? I''m having to develop on the same box as production and I can only get backgroundrb to work for one or the other. Thanks in advance, Chris.
2006 Nov 20
schedule support on latest svn, a question
...Basically does nothing but log that it''s running. After running "script/server run" this is what I have in backgroundrb_server.log: 20061120-17:04:52 (31960) port: 2000 20061120-17:04:52 (31960) worker_dir: /home/ed/Documents/test/lib/workers 20061120-17:04:52 (31960) protocol: drbunix 20061120-17:04:52 (31960) uri: drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrbunix_localhost_2000 20061120-17:04:52 (31960) config: /home/ed/Documents/test/config/backgroundrb.yml 20061120-17:04:52 (31960) rails_env: development 20061120-17:04:52 (31960) Starting worker: BackgrounDRb::Worker::WorkerLogger backgroundrb...
2006 Dec 18
Creating another database connection for large mysql import?
I''m using backgroundrb to periodically download a large file via ftp from a remote location and then import it into the database. To perform the import, I was using the following: ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(%{load data infile ...;}) although on a file with 2.5 million records, this can take 5 minutes, which seems to tie up my rails application while this executes (even
2007 Nov 30
backgroundrb not cleaning up tmp files?
...had an interesting issue on a production system that has been running nicely for about a year. There were approximately 10,000 backgroundrb temp files in the /tmp directory. It looks like backgroundrb wasn''t cleaning them up. I noticed it with the following error: DRb::DRbConnError: drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrb.20015/ backgroundrb_logger_0_0.101544829808665 - #<Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - ///tmp/backgroundrb.20015/ backgroundrb_logger_0_0.101544829808665> /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:736:in `open'' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:729:in `each''...
2007 Nov 16
Backgroundrb with Load Balancing Rails engines instances share the same database and use the database as a session storage. Memcached is also part of the picture. I''m looking into using Backgroundrb for some large uploads / parsing task that provide progress status updates (via ajax calls). Bdrb would run on each Rails server using drbunix (domain sockets) and not on the dedicated / shared Bdrb server. In this scenario it is not known in which Rails engine will the status update request land. It may or may not hit the engine where the Bdrb worker has been created( we don''t plan for session affinity nor anything similar). As...
2007 Mar 13
Scheduled worker dies after about 30-45 runs
...;) # Exit the thread to cleanup. self.delete end end EbayAuctionWorker.register ------- >From the server logs, I''m getting this output: -------- 20070312-18:14:31 (24026) Starting BackgrounDRb Server 20070312-18:14:31 (24026) load_rails: true 20070312-18:14:31 (24026) uri: drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrbunix_localhost_22222 20070312-18:14:31 (24026) config: /home/david/redclay/config/backgroundrb.yml 20070312-18:14:31 (24026) temp_dir: /tmp 20070312-18:14:31 (24026) database_yml: config/database.yml 20070312-18:14:31 (24026) worker_dir: /home/david/redclay/lib/workers 20070312-1...
2007 Jul 29
Server dying with perpetual "Connection reset by peer"
I''m at a loss to explain a very strange error I''m getting. This seems to happen on our production system where we have a backgroundrb server sharing a host with a Rails app running on Mongrel. The first one or two, occasionally three, calls to a worker (direct MiddleMan calls from Rails, not scheduled) succeed, but afterwards, the server fails to initialize new workers.