Displaying 20 results from an estimated 41 matches for "dqrls".
2012 Apr 26
How does .Fortran "dqrls" work?
...t;- c(4.81,4.17,4.41,3.59,5.87,3.83,6.03,4.89,4.32,4.69)
> ny=1L
> tol=1e-07
> coefficients=double(p)
> residuals=double(n)
> effects=double(n)
> rank=integer(1L)
> pivot=1:n
> qraux=double(n)
> work=double(2*n)
> fittt<-.Fortran("dqrls", qr =qr, n = n,
+ p = p, y = y, ny = ny, tol = tol,
+ residuals = residuals, effects = effects,
+ rank = rank, pivot = pivot, qraux = qraux,
+ work = work, PACKAGE = "base")
> fi...
2013 Apr 23
Help: Where can I find the code for 'C_Cdqrls'?
Dear all,
I’m not sure if it is O.K. to ask this question here.
But where can I find the code for the function ‘C_Cdqrls’ which is called by the R function ‘lsfit‘.
Thank you all.
Sorry for being naïve if so.
Ziqiang Zhao
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
1999 Apr 30
Question on the idiom: start <- coef; start[fit$pivot] <- coef
I wonder if someone could explain how the following R idiom works (it's
used in
start <- coef
start[fit$pivot] <- coef
coef is a vector of coefficients, set by .Fortran("dqrls", ...).
fit$pivot is a vector of integer indexes (indicating how dqrls permuted
the columns
of x). If coef has n elements, fit$pivot is a permutation of seq(1,5).
start[fit$pivot] is simple enough, but the assignment performs a futher
that I don't understand. For example
2006 Aug 21
lean and mean lm/glm?
...rnorm(1000000) #I notice this step chews up a lot more than the 7mb of ram required to store y during processing, but cleans up ok afterwards with a gc() call
#this is the fortran routine called by lm - regressing y on X here
z <- .Fortran("dqrls", qr = X, n = n, p = p, y = y, ny = ny,
tol = as.double(tol), coefficients = mat.or.vec(p, ny),
residuals = y, effects = y, rank = integer(1), pivot = 1:p,
qraux = double(p), work = double(2 * p), PACKAGE = "base")
This code runs very quickly - suggesting that in principle R shou...
2000 Apr 24
compiling R-1.0.1 under Solaris
...ning.o chisqsim.o
chull.o c
poly.o cumsum.o distance.o fft.o fmin.o fortran.o lbfgsb.o loglin.o
lowess.o mac
har.o massdist.o pretty.o pythag.o rowsum.o sock.o splines.o stem.o
tabulate.o uncmin.o zeroin.o ch2inv.o chol.o dpbfa.o dpbsl.o dpoco.o
dpodi.o dpo
fa.o dposl.o dqrdc.o dqrdc2.o dqrls.o dqrsl.o dqrutl.o dsvdc.o dtrco.o
dtrsl.o e
igen.o lminfl.o blas.o
make[3]: cr: Command not found
make[3]: *** [libappl.a] Error 127
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/ppp/paradis/R/R-1.0.1/src/appl'
make[2]: *** [R] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/ppp/paradis/R/R-1.0.1/src/appl'...
2007 Dec 18
...a quenstion on "gam()" in "gam" package.
The help of gam() says:
'gam' uses the _backfitting
algorithm_ to combine different smoothing or fitting methods.
On the other hand, lm.wfit(), which is a routine of gam.fit() contains:
z <- .Fortran("dqrls", qr = x * wts, n = n, p = p, y = y *
wts, ny = ny, tol = as.double(tol), coefficients = mat.or.vec(p,
ny), residuals = y, effects = mat.or.vec(n, ny), rank = integer(1),
pivot = 1:p, qraux = double(p), work = double(2 * p),
PACKAGE = "base")
It may in...
2010 Dec 13
How does R compute sums of squares?
...2e-16 ***
Residuals 1 0.00000 0.00000
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Warning message:
In anova.lm(fit) :
ANOVA F-tests on an essentially perfect fit are unreliable
I am trying to understand how R computes sums of squares. I know that R
makes a FORTRAN call to dqrls to make a QR decomposition of the design
matrix, which returns (among other things),
(Intercept) a2 b2 b3
-4.472136e+00 9.128709e-01 7.715167e-01 7.559289e-01 2.471981e-17
Can anyone elaborate on how R computes these effects? I am not satisfied...
2003 Jan 03
lm.fit peak memory usage
...e using the lm.fit function - have
solved the problem and thought there might be interest in incorporating some
of the changes. Looked at the source and changed the following lines
storage.mode(x) <- "double"
storage.mode(y) <- "double"
z <- .Fortran("dqrls", qr = x, n = n, p = p, y = y, ny = ny,
tol = as.double(tol), coefficients = mat.or.vec(p, ny),
residuals = y, effects = y, rank = integer(1), pivot = 1:p,
qraux = double(p), work = double(2 * p), PACKAGE = "base")
if (storage.mode(x) != "double&...
2008 Aug 07
Fitted values with small weights in lm.wfit (PR#11979)
Submission from: (NULL) (
When running lm(modeleq, weights=wt, data=dataset) with small weights (<1e-10),
I have encountered an odd phenomenon with fitted values. Due to numerical
precision issues, the fitted values and residuals returned by lm.wfit (from its
.Fortran call to dqrls) can differ greatly from those returned by running
predict on the resulting lm object. This is completely attributable to the
numerical precision passed to the given function, but I wonder if a warning
message for weights below as certain threshold may be in order.
2001 Jan 25
problems compiling R under digital unix 4.0d (PR#826)
...isqsim.o chull.o
cpoly.o cumsum.o distance.o fft.o fmin.o fortran.o lbfgsb.o loglin.o
lowess.o machar.o maxcol.o massdist.o pretty.o rowsum.o sock.o
splines.o stem.o strsignif.o tabulate.o uncmin.o zeroin.o ch2inv.o
chol.o dpbfa.o dpbsl.o dpoco.o dpodi.o dpofa.o dposl.o dqrdc.o dqrdc2.o
dqrls.o dqrsl.o dqrutl.o dsvdc.o dtrco.o dtrsl.o eigen.o lminfl.o
ranlib libappl.a
#make: No such file or directory
*** Exit 1
*** Exit 1
*** Exit 1
The same problem appears when I try to compile v.1.2.0.
What is wrong?
Best regards
Klaus Hols...
2012 Nov 07
Correct use of Depends, Imports and ::
Dear R developers,
Taking advantage of the yesterday discussion about the use of
Depends/Import/Suggests/Enhances, I would like to add a related question.
Let's assume, in the DESCRIPTION file of my package foo0, I have:
Depends: foo1
Imports: foo2
while in the NAMESPACE file of my package I have
importFrom("foo2", f2)
and within my package I use the following two external
2010 Sep 22
Newey West and Singular Matrix
...in solve.default(crossprod(x.na.omitted, x.na.omitted)) :
system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number =
I know that lm can do the inversion, so I presume that there is a more
stable way than qr.solve . I looked into lm, then into lm.fit, and it
seems to invoke dqrls . is this the recommended way, or is there a
higher-level more stable matrix inversion routine that I could use?
help is, as always, appreciated. (also, if you see something else
silly in my code, let me know, please.)
se.neweywest <- function( lmobject.withxtrue, ar.terms =...
2005 Mar 29
final stages of installing R - please help?
...ning.o chull.o
cpoly.o cumsum.o fft.o fmin.o integrate.o interv.o lbfgsb.o loglin.o
lowess.o machar.o maxcol.o massdist.o pretty.o rcont.o rowsum.o
splines.o stem.o strsignif.o tabulate.o uncmin.o zeroin.o ch2inv.o
chol.o dchdc.o dpbfa.o dpbsl.o dpoco.o dpodi.o dpofa.o dposl.o dqrdc.o
dqrdc2.o dqrls.o dqrsl.o dqrutl.o dsvdc.o dtrco.o dtrsl.o eigen.o
lminfl.o blas.o zgemm.o
make[3]: *** [libappl.a] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/gruen/Applications/R-2.0.1/src/appl'
make[2]: *** [R] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/gruen/Applications/R-2.0.1/src/appl'
make[1]: *** [...
2011 Oct 09
"What Calls What" diagram. Flow Chart?
...RUE, auto.cov.y = TRUE)
So then I need to but a debug on "lavaan" and step through that, see
what it does.
Is there a way to make a list of the functions that are called "pop
out", possibly with a flow chart?
Consider lm, I want to know
lm -> lm.fit -> .Fortran("dqrls")
I'm not asking for a conceptual UML diagram, so far as I know.
The kind of trace information you get with gdb in C programs and
shallow steps with "n" would probably help. I would not need to keep
attaching more functions with debug.
Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Politi...
2010 Sep 23
Newey West and Singular Matrix + library(sandwich)
...ted)) :
>> ? system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number =
>> 3.63797e-23
>> I know that lm can do the inversion, so I presume that there is a more
>> stable way than qr.solve . ?I looked into lm, then into lm.fit, and it
>> seems to invoke dqrls . ?is this the recommended way, or is there a
>> higher-level more stable matrix inversion routine that I could use?
> I typically leverage chol2inv(). In "strucchange" I've written a small
> convenience function solveCrossprod() that provides two different approaches...
1998 Sep 11
R-beta: cannot make R
f77 -c dpodi.f -o dpodi.o
f77 -c dpofa.f -o dpofa.o
f77 -c dposl.f -o dposl.o
f77 -c dqrdc.f -o dqrdc.o
f77 -c dqrdc2.f -o dqrdc2.o
f77 -c dqrls.f -o dqrls.o
f77 -c dqrsl.f -o dqrsl.o
f77 -c dqrutl.f -o dqrutl.o
f77 -c dsvdc.f -o dsvdc.o
f77 -c dtrsl.f -o dtrsl.o
2007 Dec 18
"gam()" in "gam" package
...a quenstion on "gam()" in "gam" package.
The help of gam() says:
'gam' uses the _backfitting
algorithm_ to combine different smoothing or fitting methods.
On the other hand, lm.wfit(), which is a routine of gam.fit() contains:
z <- .Fortran("dqrls", qr = x * wts, n = n, p = p, y = y *
wts, ny = ny, tol = as.double(tol), coefficients = mat.or.vec(p,
ny), residuals = y, effects = mat.or.vec(n, ny), rank = integer(1),
pivot = 1:p, qraux = double(p), work = double(2 * p),
PACKAGE = "base")
It may i...
1998 Nov 06
...c cpoly.c
cc -ieee_with_inexact -g -I../../src/include -c cumsum.c
cc -ieee_with_inexact -g -I../../src/include -c distance.c
f77 -c dpoco.f -o dpoco.o
f77 -c dpodi.f -o dpodi.o
f77 -c dpofa.f -o dpofa.o
f77 -c dposl.f -o dposl.o
f77 -c dqrdc.f -o dqrdc.o
f77 -c dqrdc2.f -o dqrdc2.o
f77 -c dqrls.f -o dqrls.o
f77 -c dqrsl.f -o dql.o
f77 -c dqrutl.f -o dqrutl.o
f77 -c dsvdc.f -o dsvdc.o
f77 -c dtrsl.f -o dtrsl.o
cc -ieee_with_inexact -g -I../../src/include -c eigen.c
cc -ieee_with_inexact -g -I../../src/include -c fortran.c
cc -ieee_with_inexact -g -I../../src/include -c fft.c
f77 -c...
1997 Dec 13
R-beta: Compile error; R-0.60.1, Solaris 2.6, gcc
gcc -g -I../include -c dpoco.c -o dpoco.o
gcc -g -I../include -c dpodi.c -o dpodi.o
gcc -g -I../include -c dpofa.c -o dpofa.o
gcc -g -I../include -c dposl.c -o dposl.o
gcc -g -I../include -c dqrdc.c -o dqrdc.o
gcc -g -I../include -c dqrdc2.c -o dqrdc2.o
gcc -g -I../include -c dqrls.c -o dqrls.o
gcc -g -I../include -c dqrsl.c -o dqrsl.o
gcc -g -I../include -c dqrutl.c -o dqrutl.o
gcc -g -I../include -c dsvdc.c -o dsvdc.o
gcc -g -I../include -c dtrsl.c -o dtrsl.o
gcc -g -I../include -c eigen.c -o eigen.o
gcc -g -I../include -c fortran.c -o fortran.o
gcc -g -I../incl...
1998 Dec 08
R compile problems with AIX
..../include -I../../src/include -c cumsum.c -o cumsum.o
gcc -g -O2 -I../include -I../../src/include -c distance.c -o distance.o
f77 -c dpoco.f -o dpoco.o
f77 -c dpodi.f -o dpodi.o
f77 -c dpofa.f -o dpofa.o
f77 -c dposl.f -o dposl.o
f77 -c dqrdc.f -o dqrdc.o
f77 -c dqrdc2.f -o dqrdc2.o
f77 -c dqrls.f -o dqrls.o
f77 -c dqrsl.f -o dqrsl.o
f77 -c dqrutl.f -o dqrutl.o
f77 -c dsvdc.f -o dsvdc.o
f77 -c dtrco.f -o dtrco.o
f77 -c dtrsl.f -o dtrsl.o
gcc -g -O2 -I../include -I../../src/include -c eigen.c -o eigen.o
gcc -g -O2 -I../include -I../../src/include -c fortran.c -o fortran.o
gcc -g -O2...