Displaying 20 results from an estimated 568 matches for "dplyr".
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2016 Apr 19
installation of dplyr
I am getting a fresh CentOS 6.7 machine set up with all of the goodies for R 3.2.3, including dplyr package. I am unable to successfully install it. Below I show the failed installation using utils::install.packages() and then again using devtools::install_github(). Each yields an error similar to the other but not quite exactly the same - the error messages sail right over my head.
I can cont...
2016 Apr 19
installation of dplyr
You normally see these errors when compiling on a vm that has very
little memory.
On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 2:47 PM, Ben Tupper <btupper at bigelow.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am getting a fresh CentOS 6.7 machine set up with all of the goodies for R 3.2.3, including dplyr package. I am unable to successfully install it. Below I show the failed installation using utils::install.packages() and then again using devtools::install_github(). Each yields an error similar to the other but not quite exactly the same - the error messages sail right over my head.
> I...
2020 May 20
Feature Request: User Prompt + Message First Execution when "Managing Search Path Conflicts"
Dear R Developers,
# Context:
When managing Search Path Conflicts (See:
options(conflicts.policy = "strict")
We get the following behaviour when loading a package (Eg: dplyr):
## Error: Conflicts attaching package ?dplyr?:
## The following objects are masked from ?package:stats?:
## filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from ?package:base?:
## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
So we would have to solve the conflict by wr...
2019 Nov 11
R en Jupyter Lab, error al cargar dplyr: "namespace 'rlang' 0.3.4 is being loaded, but >= 0.4.0 is required"
Quiero ejecutar R desde Jupyter Lab y me encuentro con un error al invocar
la librería dplyr. Este error no aparece cuando ejecuto RStudio.
La sesión de R en jupyter lab:
R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 14393)
Matrix products: default
[1] LC_COLLATE=Spanish_Chile.1252 LC_CTYPE=Spanish_C...
2014 Jun 17
R CMD check warning with S3 method
...ckage (package B). Package A imports the S3 generic from
B. And there's one additional detail: the generic overrides a function
in the stats package.
I've created a minimal test package which reproduces the problem:
In this case:
- the package imports dplyr, for the dplyr::filter S3 generic
- the package defines a S3 method filter.test
- it imports dplyr, which defines a filter S3 generic
The warning doesn't occur when package dplyr is in Depends instead of
Imports. It also doesn't occur if the method is for a generic that
does not override a...
2018 Aug 23
conflicted: an alternative conflict resolution strategy
- The error messages caused by conflicts are cryptic because you end
up calling a function with utterly unexpected arguments.
For these reasons, conflicted takes an alternative approach, forcing the
user to explicitly disambiguate any conflicts:
#> Error: [conflicted] `select` found in 2 packages.
#> Either pick the one you want with `::`
#> * MASS::select
#> * dplyr::select
#> Or declare a preference with `conflicted_prefer()`
#> * conflict_prefer("select",...
2023 Jun 12
Problem with R, staged installation for packages, and samba share
...er/share /mnt/share -o ...options...
2. Put R library onto the share:
$ mkdir /mnt/share/R
$ ln -s /mnt/share/R ~/R
3. Install a package that has dependencies (It doesn't matter whether the
dependencies actually have to be installed or not. E.g. if you install all
of the dependencies of 'dplyr' and then install 'dplyr' itself in an extra
call to 'install.packages', the problem will still be triggered.):
$ Rscript -e "install.packages('dplyr', repos='https://cloud.r-project.org
4. The installation will fail while trying to move the packa...
2020 Oct 01
summarize_all Function
r-help Forum
I'm using the dplyr:: summarize_all(funs(sum)) function and am receiving a
warning message that the `funs()` is deprecated as of dplyr 0.8.0. Ok what
should I be using to summarize all columns by sum?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2020 May 20
[External] Feature Request: User Prompt + Message First Execution when "Managing Search Path Conflicts"
else if (opt == "2")
conflictRules(e$package, exclude = as.character(unlist(e$conflicts)))
stop("unresolved conflicts") ## ideal invode a restart here
globalCallingHandlers(packageConflictError = handle_conflicts)
An IDE could provide a more sophisticated interface, like a dialog
allowing separate choices for each conflict. But this is best left up
to the IDE or the user.
The one addition to library that might be worth considering is to
provide a restart for the handler to invoke.
On Wed...
2016 Dec 16
Upgrading a package to which other packages are LinkingTo
...ged. For package B to pick up
these changes, we need to reinstall package A. In extreme cases, if B
also imports A and uses functions from A's shared library, failure to
reinstall B may lead to all sorts of undefined behavior.
I've stumbled over this recently for A = Rcpp 0.12.8 and B = dplyr 0.5.0
[1], with a bug fix available in Rcpp Simply upgrading Rcpp to wasn't enough to propagate the bug fix to dplyr; we need to
reinstall dplyr 0.5.0 too.
I've prepared an example with R-devel r71799. The initial configuration
[2] is Rcpp 0.12.8 and dplyr 0.5.0. The...
2017 Jul 25
To Supporting graphpad prism in R, add external library to poratbleR
1) Definitely yes. They are on CRAN. Just type
install.packages( c("dplyr", "tidyr" ) )
at the R console.
2) Don't know, but most likely the answer is yes. Since all R packages on Linux are compiled by R when installed, you either need to activate your virtual machine, compile the packages, and save the state for future use, or you have to build the...
2017 Sep 08
quote()/eval() question
Dear list,
For a reason it would take me long to explain, I need to do something along
the lines of what's shown below -- i.e., create an object from
dplyr::summarise, and then evaluate it on a data frame.
I know I could directly do:
df %>% dplyr::summarise(x1_mean = mean(x1))
but this is not what I'm looking for.
df <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(100), x2 = rnorm(100))
foo <- function(df) {
mySummary <- quote(dplyr...
2018 Mar 14
R crashing with a segmentation fault: how to locate the cause
...ary search with print
Any help would be appreciated.
==12589== Invalid read of size 1
==12589== at 0x4C2F1B1: strcmp (in
==12589== by 0x4F71AC1: Rf_inherits (in /usr/lib/R/lib/libR.so)
==12589== by 0x11AFED3A: dplyr::subset_visitor_vector(SEXPREC*)
==12589== by 0x11AFF58C: dplyr::subset_visitor(SEXPREC*,
dplyr::SymbolString const&) (subset_visitor_impl.h:21)
==12589== by 0x11AFEC18:
2017 Jul 25
To Supporting graphpad prism in R, add external library to poratbleR
Hi Jeff,
1). I have tried install.packages( c("dplyr", "tidyr" ) ) into the r-script
file got below error:-
> install.packages( c("dplyr", "tidyr" ) )
Installing packages into
(as ?lib? is unspecified)
Error in install.packages(c("dplyr", &qu...
2018 May 30
Filtering using multiple rows in dplyr
Hi Folks,
I have just started using dplyr and could use some help getting unstuck. It could well be that dplyr is not the package to be using, but let me just pose the question and seek your advice.
Here is my basic data frame.
subject ageGrp ear hearingGrp sex freq L2 Ldp Phidp NF SNR
1 HALAF032 A...
2024 May 24
dplyr, group_by and selective action according to each group
Dear RHelp-list,
?? Using dplyr and the group_by approach on a dataframe, I want to be
able to apply a specific action according to the group name. The code
bellow works, but I am not able to write it in a more esthetic way using
dplyr. Can somebody help me to find a better solution ?
Thank you
Best regards
2018 Aug 24
conflicted: an alternative conflict resolution strategy
...a conflict.
- The error messages caused by conflicts are cryptic because you end
up calling a function with utterly unexpected arguments.
For these reasons, conflicted takes an alternative approach, forcing the
user to explicitly disambiguate any conflicts:
#> Error: [conflicted] `select` found in 2 packages.
#> Either pick the one you want with `::`
#> * MASS::select
#> * dplyr::select
#> Or declare a preference with `conflicted_prefer()`
#> * conflict_prefer("select",...
2017 Oct 30
R: dplyr, doBy, and ggplot2 in CentOS7
...e a R script that I am running from python with rpy2. On a debian
system I run this:
apt-get install R-cran-ggplot2 R-cran-caret
And the script works. I want to move this to CentOS 7 system. There it
cannot find R-cran-ggplot2 or R-cran-caret. Does anyone know what
packages in CentOS 7 I need for dplyr, doBy, and ggplot2?
2017 Jul 25
To Supporting graphpad prism in R, add external library to poratbleR
Hi Team,
Please suggest me on below :-
1).are There any linux based library for dplyr and tidyr? I could find
these r-libraries for windows and Mac but not for linux. 2). is it possible
to add external library to portableR zip(http://nafiux.github.io/portableR/)
file if yes then how to add external library to poratbleR zip file?
In our application AWS lambda invoking the R-script b...
2024 May 25
dplyr, group_by and selective action according to each group
...roups such as getting a count of how many are in each group or some vectorized operation like getting the mean or SD of a column or whatever.
But for the purposes mentioned here, consider a lower-tech alternative such as this.
Instead of group_by(gr) which is a trivial group, consider using other dplyr predicates like "mutate" to trigger on all rows that meet a condition like gr having a value of 3 as in:
mutate(DATAFRAME, result=ifelse(gr==3, f(), whatever)
The above is not a full-blown example but something similar can be tailored to do quite a bit. As an example, if gr specified wh...