search for: downcasing

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 226 matches for "downcasing".

2006 Jan 09
Pagination :conditions not working - MySQL v. PostgreSQL, Rails abstraction v. embedded SQL
Hi everyone, I have this code: @person_pages, @people = paginate :person, :per_page => 20, :conditions => [ "username LIKE ? OR first_name LIKE ? OR last_name LIKE ? OR preferred_name LIKE ?", "%" + params[:q].downcase + "%", "%" + params[:q].downcase + "%",
2009 Aug 28
string downcase or how to use downcase an hostname in puppet?
Hi there. I am trying to fix hostnames in our Redhat distributions. Some of our server has some hostname un uppercase, and I need to change them into lowercase because people that use the server rather like lowercase hostnames... I did some basic work : Template : $ cat /var/puppet/templates/rh-network.erb # WARNING this file is autogenered by puppet. Any change there will # be
2006 May 02
useful bit of code (hopefully)
Hi, I often find myself using bits of code like this inside ActiveRecord, perhaps it''s useful for others, or others can improve on it: ########### # fix user input before validating it before_validation :sanitize_input # santize input before actual validation is called # this uses the little methods defined below def sanitize_input trim %w(adres postcode woonplaats email naam
2010 Nov 10
Problem with case statement and mb_chars in Ruby-1.9.2
RoR-3.0.1 I have this case statement: case n.hll_normalize when "common name" @my_correspondent.correspondent_common_name = s when "legal name" . . . else raise ArgumentError, "#{n} attribute is not provided for." end hll_normalize is defined as: def hll_normalise strip.squeeze(" ").mb_chars.downcase end I
2005 Nov 30
Downcasing Legacy Table Column Names
I''m looking for the simplest way to *automatically* downcase the attribute names of Models mapped to legacy tables that use upper case. eg: class Workorder < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name "WORKORDER" end which has "NAME" as an attribute can use "name" as an attribute. currently: workorder = Workorder.find(1) workorder.NAME # =>
2006 Sep 23
svn problems
I can consistently segfault the 0.10.4 gem, so I''m trying to get the subversion version working with hopes towards tracking the problem down. I have a fresh SVN checkout but: a) the version (in ferret.rb) claims to be 0.9.6; and b) Ferret::Index::FieldInfos and a couple other classes are missing at run time. It looks like this is because they''re not exported in the C
2006 Sep 05
No matches
The following script creates a search index and then searches it. I get no results? Where am I going wrong? Thanks. -----------BEGIN SCRIPT---------------- require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' include Ferret path = ''/tmp/myindex'' field_infos = field_infos.add_field(:name, :store => :yes, :index => :yes)
2006 Aug 12
BUG in actionpack , error evaluating nil.downcase ?
hi all, I try to deploy on my host (site5) on I have this error with dispatch.fcgi start ! ( RAILS_GEM_VERSION = ''1.1.6'' ) You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! The error occured while evaluating nil.downcase /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.12.5/lib/action_controller/request.rb:18:in `method'' any idea ? arnaud
2006 Mar 13
Getting AR to downcase table and column names
I''m looking for the cleanest way to force the Rails framework to use a lower-case version of the table and column names in a database when creating records. I need this for a Rails application that displays the status of an existing backup system. The backup system (Bacula; Nice backup system, BTW) can use either Postgres or Mysql as its database engine. Unfortunately, the table and
2013 Sep 15
Why does Rails convert scopes to downcase
I found a strange behavior in Rails 4 with scopes when I use postgres. I have a Object with saleStartDate and saleEndDate attributes. scope :active, -> { where(isActivate: true) } > scope :activeDate, -> { active.where("? BETWEEN saleStartDate AND > saleEndDate",} When I use sqlite, all works when I want to get the object with the activeDate scope. When
2012 Sep 20
access controller's object attributes in view page
Hi, I am new to ROR and learning it. In my controller I have an admins record and I am passing that admin object to the admin''s view page to get the name of the admin. But when I try to access the name it is showing error as "undefined method `name'' for :current_admin:Symbol".. Please help.. Please find my code below Sessions Controller def create
2006 Jul 15
FieldQuery not returning anything
Hey .. The QueryParser RDoc page explains to me on how to search for a specific value in a specific field. This is not working the way i thought it should be, what am i doing wrong? Here''s an example .. I''m storing model data in the index like this: doc << "object_id",, Field::Store::YES) doc << "type",
2005 May 23
has_and_belongs_to_many dual insert error ?
Hi ! (See references at the end) I have a slight problem. Whenever I save one of my domain models, which contains an has_and_belongs_to_many relationship with another one, the relationships are doubled. My domain is a series of pictures, where each picture can be tagged with one or more words. So, a picture of my dog could be tagged "Jordy, Dog, Dog 2005", for example. In my
2006 Dec 27
Mixing html tags and Ruby blocks
I''m trying to get the following idea to work: <%= @column_names.each { |t| <td> t.downcase </td> <td> @listing.send(t.downcase)</td> } %> Essentially I want to display a form that has a left and right TD, with the left TD being a column name and the right TD being the column data. If there''s a better way (the Rails way ?), I''m all ears
2007 Jan 07
0.22.0 Errata: Facts are not downcased
I forgot to mention this in my announcement yesterday. Puppet facts are no longer downcased in the language, and string comparisons now default to being case-insensitive. Where your operating system might previously have been ''solaris'' or ''debian'', it is now ''Solaris'' or ''Debian''. However, you can still do comparisons
2007 Nov 02
xrcise tutorial, undefined method ''upper_bt''
Hi I''m trying to follow the tutorial on xrcise at But I keep getting the following error when I try to run the example; tutorial.rb:21:in `initialize'': undefined method ''upper_bt'' for #<CaseChangeFrame:0x2d610f8> (NoMethodError) from tutorial.rb:28:in `new'' from
2007 Aug 26
Multi-word query searching across columns
I''m trying to implement a basic name search on a People table with separate first_name and last_name columns. I am using the will_paginate plugin and have the following search method in the model: def, page) paginate :page => page, :conditions => ["lower(last_name) like ? or lower(first_name) like ?",
2006 Apr 20
Rails + postgres case insensitive searches.
Hello all I am wondering how rails handles case sensitivity in databases. If I do a Person.find_all_by_name("tim") in mysql I would expect to get tim, TIm, and Tim. Do I only get tim in postgres? How do other people deal with this? Do you resort to find_by_sql for all your postgres queries to get case insensitive results?
2006 May 30
match operator in find
Greetings! Is there some special syntax required to use the match operator (=~) in a find operation? Or is it not possible? I''ve got some data items from an external source that could be capitalized or not. So right now I''m stuck with doing: Item.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = ? or name =?", Potatoes, potatoes]) I''d prefer to do:
2010 Dec 30
perl code to remove newlines
Given an HTML file which looks like this: --------- begin snippet --------- <HTML ><HEAD ><TITLE >We've Lied to You&#8230;</TITLE ><META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.79"><LINK REL="HOME" TITLE="Maximum RPM" HREF="index.html"><LINK REL="UP"