Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "dotchart2".
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2008 Sep 25
Dot plot - equivalent of MINITAB
...ots are stacked on top of each other (as if
gravity was affecting them). The advantage is that outliers are very visible
(since a single 155 still gets a single dot). The net effect is a rug plot,
but in the main portion of the plot, not just on the axis.
Tried: I've played with dotchart and dotchart2 with no joy (eg.
dotchart(nc$bac) (where nc is the dataset and bac is the column header).
They do provide multiple dots (so that ten values of 57 are given 3 dots)
but these overlap and aren't arranged in a logical way. Sometimes a single
dot has a large y-value, sometimes it isn't. As a...
2006 Mar 26
Problem with names() in a plot after ordering a data.frame. Syntax or stupidity?
I am a complete newbie in R .
Using R 2.2.0 Windows XP
This started as a simple exercise to see if I could
produce a simple
Cleveland style dotchart with a line from the '2' axis
to the dot rather
than a continuous line as do "dotchart" and
"dotchart2". At least I could not
find that option.
I got a crude program to work but it includes
unnecessary steps.
The data in Area (below) is sorted in reverse order to
how I want it displayed
I am doing to many 'sorts' either a sort() or a rev()
to handle this problem.
When I change fr...
2004 Jun 09
Dot chart question
Running R 1.8.1 on a Windows machine
In dotchart, I would like to shrink the labels on the tick marks (that
is, the numbers) without shrinking anything else. I could not find this
in either the Rhelp archives or in ?dotchart, which recmmends cex to
avoid 'label overlap', but cex shrinks all the characters in the plot.
Is there a way to do this?
Peter L. Flom, PhD
2013 Nov 23
Hmisc package 3.13-0
...LaTeX picture environment for
including a series of thermometers inside LaTeX text. This is intended
especially for figure captions where the analyst wishes to provide a
snapshot of the fraction of observations that are used in the current
The dotchart3 function is an improvement of dotchart2.
The rcspline.eval function, used by the rms package's rcs function, has
better default knot placement for restricted cubic splines (natural
splines) when there are ties in the predictor at the lowest or highest
value (e.g., clumping at zero).
The most recent updates to Hmisc are
* Ch...
2009 Dec 08
{Lattice} help.
Hi All,
I have a 4-dimensional data. I'm using barchart() function from lattice
package. The R code and data are below - code includes one for stack=TRUE
and other for stack=FALSE.
I would like to present the data in another form which would be plotting
Factor3 levels (P, Q, R, S) as two stacked bars (side by side). Like, for
each level of Factor1 there should be two bars: first bar showing
2009 Dec 03
(Grouped + Stacked) Barplot
Hi All,
I have googled and tried finding if someone has ever tried producing
(Grouped + Stacked) Barplot. I couldn't find one.
My data needs to be reshaped, but once it is done it would be something like
Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Value
A X P 10
A X Q 20
A Y P 20
A Y Q 5
A Z P 20
A Z Q 10
B X P 20
B X Q 10
2009 Dec 07
multiple plots using summary in rms package
Dear All,
I wonder if someone can point me in the right direction here. I'm working
with the rms library, R 2.9.2 under Windows XP.
I'm trying to arrange two plots side by side for a colleague. mfrow or
mfcol do not seem to work, however, so I am obviously missing something
important. I know that there have been changes in the graphics from Design
to rms, but am just not sure where to
2004 Dec 21
How to display each symbol in a different color using plot with summary.formula.reverse
Dear R Masters,
I have searched high and low (the help archives and my various R reference material and help files) for a solution to what appears to me to be quite a simple problem. In the following syntax, variable n10 has three levels. I would like the symbols that appear in the graph for these three levels to be different colors. The best I have been able to do is to have the Key display
2007 Aug 21
Stacked Bar
Hi R Users!
Thanks in advance.
I am using R-2.5.1 on Windows XP.
I am trying to do a stacked bar plot, but could not get through the following problem. The code is given below.
1. How can I provide 15 different colors for each method with 15 Rows?
2. How can I put the legend in a particular position (eg., in the top or bottom or right or left)? How can I put legend using a number
2011 Oct 07
R equivalent of proc varclus
Dear List
What is the R package equivalent of Proc Varclus or Information Value. ANy
assistance in determining R equivalents of f Oblique Component Analysis
(PROC VARCLUS), Information Value
(IV) and Weight Of Evidence (WOE) analysis, and business intelligence
[[alternative HTML version
2007 Aug 11
DOE and interaction plot general question
...gt; # horizontal boxplot
> op <- par(mar=c(5,6,4,6)+0.1)
> tmp2 <- barplot(tmp, names=LETTERS[1:3], horiz=TRUE)
> # put numbers on the right
> axis(4, at=tmp2, labels=as.character(tmp), tick=FALSE, las=1)
> par(op)
> # the dotplot
> library(Hmisc)
> dotchart2(tmp, labels=LETTERS[1:3], auxdata=tmp, xlim=range(0,tmp))
> # alternatives to stacked bars
> tmp1 <- c(8, 22, 60, 10, 10, 21, 59, 10)
> tmp2 <- factor(rep(c('A','B'), each=4))
> tmp3 <- factor(rep(1:4, 2))
> dotchart2(tmp1, groups=tmp2, l...