Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "donthaveinlaucher".
2010 May 14
Disappear icons from launcher, and browser error
...my hard drive. Now I download a *.deb package from wine site, and install it by dpkg -install. And I have two problems I can't find bar with wine on my application bar :-(
Here is screen shot, (after my first installation it was here)
[Image: http://www.tibik.nazwa.pl/Grafika/forum/wineProblem/dontHaveInLaucher.png ]
But when I start write in search field: wine, it start appears. Screen shot
[Image: http://www.tibik.nazwa.pl/Grafika/forum/wineProblem/hereItis.png ]
That was first problem, the second problem is, when I on ?Browser C:\Drive? I have error :-/
[Image: http://www.tibik.nazwa.pl/Grafika/forum/w...