search for: does_not_match

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "does_not_match".

2009 Mar 15
rspec 1.2.0 Released
...lhost:0" (Hongli Lai) - See * consistent reporting of errors as failures * added spec/test/unit as more intuitive path to loading test/unit interop lib * added explicit autorun feature for running specs with ruby command * added handling for does_not_match? for matchers that want to know the context in which they were called * lots of ruby 1.9.1 compatibility fixes from Chad Humprhies * improved feedback from be_kind_of/be_a_kind_of/be_instance_of/be_an_instance_of (Jakub ????astn??) * added --format silent (l) option, which is now the default...
2012 Feb 21
Search of multiple columns
I am currently writing a search method for my rails applications and at the moment it works fine. I have the following in my game.rb: def if search find(:all, :conditions => [''game_name LIKE ? OR genre LIKE ? OR console LIKE ?'', "%#{search}%", "#{search}", "#{search}"]) else find(:all) end end No that searches