search for: dodwell

Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "dodwell".

2008 May 23
View Specs vs. Stories
Do RSpec stories make view specs redundant? Does anybody spec their views *and* use stories, and if so how? Any views (no pun intended) appreciated. ~ Thanks Mark -- Posted via
2008 May 26
Mocking Models in Controller Specs...
I find myself doing this kind of thing a lot in Controller Specs: @vacancy = mock_model(Vacancy) @vacancy.stub!(:reference) @vacancy.stub!(:title) @vacancy.stub!(:created_at) @vacancy.stub!(:updated_at) @vacancy.stub!(:body) @vacancy.stub!(:contract) @vacancy.stub!(:location) @vacancy.stub!(:salary) @vacancy.stub!(:benefits)
2007 Feb 13
PDF Thumbnail - RMagick
Hi, I need to create a preview of a PDF upload to a CMS I''m building. Does anyone know how to create a thumbnail of the first page of a PDF using RMagick? Any ideas welcome, ~ Mark -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk"
2008 Sep 01
Generating Images/PDF Server-Side
Hi, I am working on a project where I need to generate a chart (a bit like a pie chart, but very customised) and insert this into a PDF document. Does anybody have any advice on ruby libraries (or other techniques) for doing this? Open to suggestions? The resulting PDF will be designed for printing and so ideally should be vector throughout (or any raster images 300dpi). I was thinking of some
2008 Mar 03
Testing Plugins + Lib Code
Hi, I''m quite new to Rspec and I''m embarking on a new project. One thing I''m really not sure about is how to test plugins and code in your ''lib/'' folder. Where would these specs actually live in the dir structure? Should you test plugins by creating specs within the plugin''s dir? Or by adding a spec to the main ''/specs''
2008 May 06
Capistrano: chmod 600 database.yml
Would it be wise to chmod 600 your database.yml file using Capistrano when deploying seeing as it contains your mysql db in plain text? ~ Mark -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2011 Mar 14
slight security problem
Hey, Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this. I''m using thin+puppetmasterd+nginx. If i add a host, sign it''s key, run puppetd successfully on it all is good, as expected. If i then revoke/clean the key on the master server, leave the box running, startup another host set the hostname to be the same as the old, generate new keys/have them signed. The original box is still
2006 Dec 22
erubis on rails
Hey, Just thought I''d see how easy it was to use erubis rather than erb in rails, and so far all seems to be pretty easy. Just added a few lines in environment.rb and everything works as before. However, one page is causing a problem. It is a partial that is being passed a local variable. erubis doesn''t seem to see the local, and gives the following error? undefined local
2013 Jan 15
Multiple class calls via dashboard
Hi, I currently have puppet setup and backed into the dashboard and using ENC. I wish to control as much of the configuration of machines via the dashboard. However, I have a requirement to call a module/class multiple times and was wondering if this is possible? in a normal manifest I''d do this with the following: node "somenode" { somemodule::submodule {
2008 Jun 08
Full Trace for Stories
Does anybody know how to get full backtraces for stories when they fail? I tried ''ruby stories/all.rb --trace'' but it doesn''t like that option. Thanks, ~ Mark -- Posted via
2013 Jul 11
Easy way to debug code
Hi, Trying to write a generic function to deal with either arrays or strings. Here''s a cutdown version of what I''m writing highlighting the problem I have. All i''m trying to do is take '''' from the variable $server (the variable being either a string or an array) and assign it to $bar, or assign
2010 May 31
Same certificate on multiple identical machines ?
Hi list, In our platform we have a lot of machines in which the system is a single disk image loaded on RAM from PXE. The problem is quite simple : if I install puppetd on the image, I will end up using the same certificate for 100 different servers with different names (the hostname is setup at boot time from dhcp) and I guess the puppetmaster won''t allow that. In other words : what
2008 Jul 30
Testing includes
Should one be testing things like ''include FooBar'' when testing a model? * Where FooBar is an externally maintained and separately tested module. Thanks, ~ Mark -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post
2008 Sep 19
validates_uniqueness_of: passing a method to :scope
I was wondering if anybody knows an easy way to pass a method name as the scope option to a validates_uniqueness_of validation on a AR model? For example, I have nested models a bit like: class Survey has_many :areas end class Area belongs_to :survey has_many :questions, :order => ''position'' validates_uniqueness_of :position, :scope => : survey_id end class
2009 May 10
Make Autotest run integration tests
Anyone know how to make Autotest run integration tests? Thanks, ~ Mark -- Posted via