search for: do_something_again

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "do_something_again".

2015 Oct 19
Managed Languages BOF @ Dev Meeting
...ways a good thing to do) so I agree that it’s a good idea to avoid depending on it. > So we'd > have to do repeat the null checks in the unwind block, like > > superblock: # unwinds to unwind_block > null_check(ptr_a) > do_something > null_check(ptr_b) > do_something_again > > unwind_block: > ;; either ptr_a is null or ptr_b is null > if (ptr_a == null) > throw_nullptrexception(bci = 42) > else ;; if (ptr_b == null) > throw_nullptrexception(bci = 43) > > So the code explosion problem still exists (in unwind_block), and...
2015 Oct 18
Managed Languages BOF @ Dev Meeting
I won’t be able to attend, but I’d be interested in hearing if any conclusions are reached on several of these topics: > On 16 Oct 2015, at 21:27, Joe Ranieri via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at> wrote: > > - Dealing with the explosion of basic blocks that come up with > languages where almost every function call, implicit and explicit, can > raise exceptions. This
2006 Feb 08
I am playing with the new .rjs stuff in edge rails. I am doing stuff like : page.replace_html ''scoops_tot'', @scoops.size 1. I want to add my own javascript functions to the page object. Is it possible and how ? 2. I am trying to update several fields, but i would like a to have a dekay between the updates : @anoclicks.each{|aclick| page.replace_html