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2004 Feb 01
Shorewall 2.0.0 Alpha2 See if this change to proxy arp is more palatable. -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \
2005 Oct 13
shell scripts in R
Hi, How can I execute some scripts from within R. I have a large data file which I process (for instance with gawk, but not only) before performing some statistics. I would like to do this in R, so that I do not have to save many data files and then making analysis on them (which proved to be unefficient) Thank you Marco Grazzi
2005 Apr 18
HTB stalling
...e stalling is more frequent and takes longer. I isolated the problem to be with HTB (CBQ works fine). The script I use now worked for a year without any problems, but since fedora changed to 2.6 the problems started. The problem is with the stock kernel and with a self-compiled one. -- Miłego Dnia Krystian Antoni _______________________________________________ LARTC mailing list
2015 Mar 07
Something like apt-cacher for CentOS/RHEL?
Dnia sobota, 7 marca 2015 12:16:14 AM John R Pierce pisze: > I maintain a local mirror of the centos repository with a simple lftp > script, and configure my clients to get updates from this mirror via > the /etc/yum.repos.d files.... And why not rsync? -- Over And Out MoonWolf
2007 Mar 08
[BUG] clear ACL-s on destination
Destroy ACL-s on destination when no ACL-s differens between source and destination. Bug is somehow related with function send_file_name() called with negative file descriptor f. There is no such bug in 2.6.9 version, but there options "-X -A --deleted" can't be used (we have "Internal error: wrong write used in receiver."). If I fix this, avoid calling send_acl() &
2005 Dec 27
TC in Wireless Environment
Hi, Has anyone used TC in a wireless environment, which is dynamic. I understand that the parameters for queuing are static and cannot be changed unless the queuing discipline is deleted and reloaded with different parameters. If anyone can share any experience, that would be helpful. Thanx. Azim. _______________________________________________ LARTC mailing list
2006 Mar 01
vmx problem - no booting from cd
Hi. I am trying get use xen vmx, it shows only black window. I attach my config and logs. config: import os, re arch = os.uname()[4] if''64'', arch): else: kernel = "/usr/lib/xen/boot/vmxloader" builder=''vmx'' memory = 128 name = "bluszcz" vif = [ ''type=ioemu, bridge=xenbr0'' ] disk = [
2006 Dec 13
ipp2p Problem
Hello, can anybody interpret what the following means: [root@funke ipp2p-0.8.0]# iptables -t mangle -A MarkList0x666-ipp2p -p tcp -m ipp2p --edk -j MarkSet0x666 iptables: Unknown error 4294967295 ----- I have installed ipp2p-0.8.0 via: make copied ipt_ipp2p.ko to my kernel lib dir copied to my iptables lib dir insmod ipt_ipp2p gives the following in dmesg: IPP2P v0.8.0
2011 Jan 13
[fdo] SSL certificate (was: HTML colouring in xedit)
On 01/13/11 04:29 AM, Krzysztof ?elechowski wrote: > Dnia ?roda, 12 stycznia 2011 o 09:26:30 Alan Coopersmith napisa?(a): > >> On 01/11/11 11:19 AM, Krzysztof ?elechowski wrote: >>> The manual page for *xedit* does not say how to switch syntax colouring off and the display for *HTML* is awful. The font used for /code/ is smaller than t...
2010 Oct 25
font.lab and font.axis
Hi all, In the course of ongoing improvement of plotrix, I was alerted to the fact that setting, e.g.: par(font.lab=3, font.axis=3) only seems to work for "plot" (and maybe other functions), but not for "axis". par(font=3) works for everything (except the title, which is probably specified separately), but there are probably situations in which someone doesn't want
2011 Mar 10
Is there an exact binomial k-sample test of equivalence?
Hi, I've got one silly question for evening. I don't know is this reasonable, but can test with two the most extreme proportions from the samples could be good enough evidence for testing equivalence, or should I have to look for something else...? -- Mi³ego dnia [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Mar 22
In ppls package kernel method is unsupported?
...t;-3 penalized.pls(Z,y,P=lambda*P,ncomp=number.comp)$coefficients # By default kernel=F penalized.pls(Z,y,P=lambda*P,ncomp=number.comp,kernel=TRUE)$coefficients # Same as above...?! penalized.pls.kernel(Z,y,M=lambda*P,ncomp=number.comp) # But using directly, coefficients are different. -- Mi³ego dnia [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Dec 07
iptables -m dstlimit
Which kernel supports the iptables'' -m dstlimit? Do I need a patch or something else to get it to work? Is it too experimental? -- Покотиленко Костик <>
2005 May 19
iptables traversing read
Hi Is there a program which allow me to see how "my" traffic goes through my iptables rules? Which accept it, which deny? Right now my router has a little bit of traffic and its hard to see only mine traffic. -- Miłego Dnia Krystian Antoni _______________________________________________ LARTC mailing list
2007 Jan 08
How can I do traffic shapping for passive ftp ?
Hello I''ve setuped a bridge with iptables + layer + ipp2p + tc I don''t know how to shape passive ftp ? If I put rules on port 20, 21 or using layer 7 iptables accounting still empty ... When I done a tcpdump I can see that othe port than 20 or 21 are used ... Any Ideas of how I can achieve this ? Regards
2004 Dec 12
Re: Cant set H323 up
Rafael J. Risco G.V. wrote: > > On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 16:49:12 +0000, Corvin <> wrote: >> Dnia sobota, 11 grudnia 2004 15:32, Rodolfo Grave napisa?: >> > Hi. >> > >> > I need to set up H323 on an Asterisk box. I've succesfuly compiled the >> > asterisk oh323 (including of course all the dependencies: PWlib and >> > OpenH323), and then compiled...
2005 May 06
Routing by interface as opposed to ip address?
Hello all, Does anyone know of a methodology to build a route based on the inbound and outbound interfaces as opposed to ip addresses? We are essentially trying to forward packets from one interface to another without looking at the ip address. Bridging (brctl, br2684ctl) will not work in this case as the interfaces use different layer 2 encapsulation (e.g., atm0<=>eth0, or
2006 Aug 30
pps limit ?
Hello, list members, can i limit pps rate with linux? How? -m limit does not fit, as i understood: it can help with low rates only (is that true? any suggestions?) Thank you, -- _,-=._ /|_/| `-.} `=._,.-=-._., @ @._, `._ _,-. ) _,.-'' ` G.m-"^m`m'' Dmytro O. Redchuk
2005 Jul 19
CPU Usage with R 2.1.0 in Windows
Hi, I'm using a fairly simple HP Compaq desktop PC running Windows 2K. When running a large process in R, the process "RGUI.exe" will never exceed 50% of the CPU usage. The program used to be able to use more of the computer, but does not now. I don't believe this is a multiple processor machine. Can anyone give any advice on how to solve the problem? Thanks, Michael
2012 Jan 10
2 sample wilcox.test != kruskal.test
Hello, I think I am right in saying that a 2 sample wilcox.test is equal to a 2 sample kruskal.test and a 2 sample t.test is equal to a 2 sample anova. This is also stated in the ?kruskal.test man page: The Wilcoxon rank sum test (wilcox.test) as the special case for two samples; lm together with anova for performing one-way location analysis under normality assumptions; with Student's t