Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "dlmmodpoly".
2013 Mar 08
using dlmModPoly in library dlm
Hi Group,
I'm trying to build a model to predict a product's sale price. I'm
researching the dlm package. Looks like I should use dlmModPoly, dlmMLE,
dlmFilter, dlmSmooth, and finally dlmForecast. I'm looking at the Nile
River example and I have a few questions:
If I only want to predict future sale price based on observed sale
price, I should use a univariate model, correct?
how do I initiate value for dV an...
2011 Jun 30
Specifying State Space model to decompose structural shocks
...e dlm package, which
suggests that multivariate series can be represented by combining two
univariate expressions. First, I need to write a function and then use
dlmMLE to estimate it. For example, I can start by writing a function
x, which combines two univariate expressions:
fit<-dlmMLE(data, parm=c(....), build=ab)
However, I am not sure how to write my model within this function. For
instance, when I just run the expression inside above function, I get:
> dlmModPoly()%+%dlmModPoly()
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 1 0 0 0
2009 May 10
Help with kalman-filterd betas using the dlm package
...odel, in other worlds the
transition equition either follow a RW or AR(1) model.
This is how I think it would be set up;
I will have my time-series Y,X, where Y is the response variable
this setup should give me a RW process if I have understood the example
mydlmModel = dlmModReg(X) + dlmModPoly(order=1)
and then run on the dlm model
dlmFilter(Y,mydlmModel )
but setting up a AR(1) process is unclear, should I use dlmModPoly or the
dlmModARMA to set up the model.
And at last but not the least, how do I set up a proper build function to
use with dlmMLE to optimize the starting values.
2014 Jan 08
Strange behaviour of `dlm` package
...25021560, 25724331, 25990336, 26602038,
27292250, 28891954, 29659700,
31533579, 32513666, 33628559, 34494451))
plot(hotann, ylab="Annual hotel bookings")
# Analysis with log data
tsdata <- log(hotann)
buildfun <- function (x) {
dlmModPoly(order = 2, dV = exp(x[1]), dW = c(0,exp(x[2])))
fit <- dlmMLE(y=tsdata, parm=c(0,0), build=buildfun)
# Warning: a numerically singular 'V' has been slightly perturbed to make it
dlmTsdata <- buildfun(fit$par)
tsdataFilter <- dlmFilter(tsdata, mod=dlmTsdata)...
2011 Nov 18
Kalman Filter with dlm
...lman Filter model for flu forecasting as shown below.
Y - Target Variable X1 - Predictor1 X2 - Predictor2
While forecasting into the future, I will NOT have data for all three
variables. So, I am predicting X1 and X2 using two Kalman filters. The code
is below
x1.model <- dlmModSeas(52) + dlmModPoly(1, dV=5, dW=10)
x2.model <- dlmModSeas(52) + dlmModPoly(1, dV=10, dW=10)
x1.filter <- dlmFilter(c(train$x1, rep(NA, noofsteps)), x1.model)
x2.filter <- dlmFilter(c(train$x2, rep(NA, noofsteps)), x2.model)
Now, I am forecasting Y using the predicted X1 and X2 as below
pred <- c...
2009 Mar 11
Forecasting with dlm
...ast using the dlm package, can anyone offer
any advise?
I setup my problem as follows, (following the manual as much as possible)
data for example to run code
CostUSD <- c(27.24031,32.97051, 38.72474, 22.78394, 28.58938, 49.85973,
42.93949, 35.92468)
buildFun <- function(x) {
dlmModPoly(1, dV = exp(x[1]), dW = exp(x[2]))
fit <- dlmMLE(CostUSD, parm = c(0,0), build = buildFun)
dlmCostUSD <- buildFun(fit$par)
#For comparison
StructTS(CostUSD, "level")
CostUSDFilt <- dlmFilter(CostUSD, dlmCostUSD)
CostUSDFore <- dlmForecas...
2011 Jul 29
dlmSum(...) and non-constant state space models
...c[,5] <- lagr(pc[,4])> names(pc) <- c("b","d","p","w","w1")> pc <- ts(pc, start=1650, frequency=1)> dr <- lm(pc[,4]~pc[,3])> pos <- lm(pc[,2]~pc[,4])> > # set up SS models> ssm1 <- function(parm){+ rwdw <- dlmModPoly(order=2, + dV = exp(parm[1]), + dW = exp(parm[2:3]),+ m0 = c(coef(dr)[1],0), + C0 = diag(2)*10)+ slpw <- dlmModReg(X=pc[,3], + addInt = FALSE, + dV = exp(parm[4]), +...
2012 Jan 23
problems with dlmBSample of the dlm package
...hile dlmFilter works perfectly.
I think that my_mod is correct, because the output of my_dlmFilter$mod is fine. Where is my mistake or my misunderstanding?
This is the code:
function (orig_ts){
dV_T <- 20000
dW_T <- c(100,10)
m0_T <- rep(0,2)
C0_T <- 10000*diag(nrow=2)
my_dlmModPoly <- dlmModPoly(order=2, dV_T, dW_T, m0_T, C0_T)
dV_S <- 20000
dW_S <- c(500,0,0)
m0_S <- rep(0,3)
C0_S <- 10000*diag(nrow=3)
my_dlmModSeas <- dlmModSeas(frequency=4, dV_S, dW_S, m0_S, C0_S)
my_mod <- my_dlmModPoly + my_dlmModSeas
my_dlmFilter <- dlmFilter(orig_ts, my_mod)...