Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "dllgetversion".
2008 Jul 09
Installing MSWord SETUP.INI is missing or invalid
I'm trying to install Microsoft Word 2002 on Wine, version 1.1.0, running on ubuntu hardy heron, from a dvd called Microsoft Works Suite 2004 (German) that came bundled with my computer, and I've run into some kind of endless loop.
This is what happens:
- I d-click setup.exe on the dvd, wine starts and the setup menu is shown.
- I select custom setup and click the
2010 Aug 20
Wine release 1.3.1
...ut all CF_* formats when CF_HDROP is present.
winex11.drv: Implement a framework for dragging from X and dropping to OLE.
winex11.drv: Implement the DataObject for dragging from X and dropping to OLE.
David Hedberg (37):
explorerframe: Add dll stub.
explorerframe: Implement DllGetVersion.
explorerframe: Add a stub of NamespaceTreeControl.
explorerframe: Add classfactory implementation.
explorerframe/tests: Add initial NamespaceTreeControl tests.
explorerframe: Add some infrastructure to register the NamespaceTreeControl CLSID.
shell32: Replace some che...
2016 Jan 09
Wine release 1.9.1
...in the vertex declaration.
Nikolay Sivov (36):
shell32/tests: Basic tests for SHCreateSessionKey().
dwrite/tests: Fix test failures on older versions.
dwrite/tests: Some tests for SetUnderline().
dwrite: Implement EUDC font collection.
shlwapi: Handle NULL pointer in DllGetVersion() (Coverity).
oleview: Use proper pointer type when allocating names array (Coverity).
commdlg: Explicitely initialize remaining fields of CHOOSECOLORA (Coverity).
user.exe: Fully convert MSG16 to MSG in IsDialogMessage() (Coverity).
riched20: Initialize wEffects field befor...
2008 May 02
Wine release 0.9.61
...instead of empty ""
11818 matlab r16 / 2006b / 7.3.0 hangs on startup with X in 16bpp mode
11830 oRipa MSN Webcam Recorder crashes with page fault, backtrace in user32
11875 Wine crashes and won't initialize any type of application
11900 Unimplemented function msftedit.dll.DllGetVersion preventing proper detection of richedit from Miranda IM History++ plugin
12054 D3D9: Device test fails
12127 Kai Power Tools filters z-order problem in Photoshop (7, CS2)
12149 winedbg crashes loading a .pdb file
12180 MSN Messenger 7.0 crash while configuring the Webcam
12191 X11DRV...
2006 Oct 13
Wine release 0.9.23
...ypo in trace.
wined3d: Corrected names in checkGLcall text.
Louis. Lenders (7):
kernel32: Print an error instead of crashing in GetLongPathNameW if shortpath=0.
kernel32: Add 2 simple tests for GetLongPathNameW.
wine.inf: Add d3d9 to fake dlls.
shlwapi: Update info in DllGetVersion.
wine.inf: Add ddeml.dll to fake dlls.
msxml3: Add a version resource.
user32: Return a fake device notification handle in RegisterDeviceNotificationA.
Marcus Meissner (8):
mswsock: More debug output in AcceptEx().
ntdll: Added debug registers test case.