search for: distantcomp

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "distantcomp".

2002 Apr 08
problem with -u option
...most work gets done on. I wanted to set rsync to run nightly with a cron job to sync data, and then promptly run again in the other direction so as to get the most update files on both computers. I thought the following would work, but it doesn't seem to. rsync -auvz --progress -e ssh account@distantcomp:~/rsync-testing /home/rob rsync -auvz --progress -e ssh ~/rsync-testing account@distantcomp:~/ The receiving computer gets its files overwritten, whether they are newer or not. The only thing I can think of (other than the more likely fact that I made some boneheaded mistake) is that the date com...