search for: distancer

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3506 matches for "distancer".

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2008 Feb 09
shortest distance between two point pattern
Um texto embutido e sem conjunto de caracteres especificado associado... Nome: n?o dispon?vel Url:
2010 Nov 19
Calculating distance between longitude,latitude of 2 points
Hi all, I would like to know a way of calculating the distance between 2 points when I already have the longitude and latitude of the points. For example : Point 1 : 52? 9'54.00"N 4?25'8.40"E Point 2 : 52?27'46.80"N 4?33'18.00"E Distance between point 1 and point in km .... Is there any functions already available for this ? Any help will be much
2010 May 25
Hierarchical clustering using own distance matrices
Hey Everyone! I wanted to carry out Hierarchical clustering using distance matrices i have calculated ( instead of euclidean distance etc.) I understand as.dist is the function for this, but the distances in the dendrogram i got by using the following script(1) were not the distances defined in my distance matrices. script: var<-read.table("the distance matrix i calculated",
2004 May 28
distance in the function kmeans
Hi, I want to know which distance is using in the function kmeans and if we can change this distance. Indeed, in the function pam, we can put a distance matrix in parameter (by the line "pam<-pam(dist(matrixdata),k=7)" ) but we can't do it in the function kmeans, we have to put the matrix of data directly ... Thanks in advance, Nicolas BOUGET
2013 Mar 28
hierarchical clustering with pearson's coefficient
Hello, I want to use pearson's correlation as distance between observations and then use any centroid based linkage distance (ex. Ward's distance) When linkage distances are formed as the Lance-Williams recursive formulation, they just require the initial distance between observations. See here: It is said that you have to use euclidean
2006 Jul 09
distance in kmeans algorithm?
Hello. Is it possible to choose the distance in the kmeans algorithm? I have m vectors of n components and I want to cluster them using kmeans algorithm but I want to use the Mahalanobis distance or another distance. How can I do it in R? If I use kmeans, I have no option to choose the distance. Thanks in advance, Arnau.
2013 Jul 18
binary distance measure of the "dist" function in the "stats" package
Dear all: I want to ask question about "binary" distance measure. As far as I know, there are many binary distance measures,eg, binary Jarcad distance, binary euclidean distance, and binary Bray-Curtis distance,etc. It is even more confusing because many have more than one name. So , I wan to know what the definite name of the binary distance measure of the "dist" function
2010 Dec 02
plot more plots from one matrix
Hi, I have a dataframe like this: procedure property sensor_data sensor_date | | | | [1,] "PAT_Laser_2" "Distance" "30.42" "2010-09-30T15:00:12+0200" [2,] "PAT_Laser_2" "Distance" "31.22" "2010-10-31T15:05:07+0100"
2005 Sep 12
Document clustering for R
I'm working on a project related to document clustering. I know that R has clustering algorithms such as clara, but only supports two distance metrics: euclidian and manhattan, which are not very useful for clustering documents. I was wondering how easy it would be to extend the clustering package in R to support other distance metrics, such as cosine distance, or if there was an API for
2012 Jun 15
moving from loops to apply more natural to me. However, the current simulation takes forever and I have decided - finally - to learn how to use apply, but - as many other people before me - I am having a hard time changing habits. My current problem is: My current code for the loop is: distances <- matrix(NA, 1000, 5) distancer <- function(x, y){-(abs(x-y))} x <- as.matrix(rnorm(1000, 5, 1.67)) y <- rnorm(5, 5, 1.67) for (v in 1:1000){ distances[v,] <- distancer(x[v,], y) } The goal is to calculate the distances between the preferences of each voter (X) and all parties (Y). This gives a 1000 by 5 matrix (dis...
2008 Feb 19
Calculating the distance samples using distance metics method
***********reading in data********** data<-read.table("microarray.txt",header=T, sep="\t") head(data) dim(data) attach(data) ***********creating matrix and calculating variance across probesets******** x<-1:20000 y<-2:141 data.matrix<-data.matrix(data[,y]) variableprobe<-apply(data.matrix[x,],1,var) hist(variableprobe) **************filter out low
2010 Oct 21
SVM classification based on pairwise distance matrix
Dear all, I am exploring the possibilities for automated classification of my data. I have successfully used KNN, but was thinking about looking at SVM (which I did nto use before). I have a pairwise distance matrix of training observations which are classified in set classes, and a distance matrix of new observations to the training ones. Is it possible to use distance matrices for SVM, and
2011 Sep 26
Mahalanobis Distance
Hello R helpers, I'm trying to use Mahalanobis distance to calculate distance of two time series, to make some comparations with euclidean distance, DTW, etc, but I'm having some dificults. I have, for example, two objects: s.1 <- c( 5.6324702, 1.3994353, -3.2572327, -3.8311846, -1.2248719, 0.9894694, -2.2835332, -5.1969285, -5.2823988, -3.1499400, -1.7307950, 2.8221209,
2011 Mar 08
minimum distance between line segments
Dear R helpers, I think that this may be a bit of a math question as the more I consider it, the harder it seems. I am trying to come up with a way to work out the minimum distance between line segments. For instance, consider 20 random line segments: x1 <- runif(20) y1 <- runif(20) x2 <- runif(20) y2 <- runif(20) plot(x1, y1, type = "n") segments(x1, y1, x2, y2)
2010 Nov 20
How to produce glm graph
I'm very new to R and modeling but need some help with visualization of glms. I'd like to make a graph of my glms to visualize the different effects of different parameters. I've got a binary response variable (bird sightings) and use binomial glms. The 'main' response variable is a measure of distance to a track and the parameters I'm testing for are vegetation parameters
2011 May 17
simprof test using jaccard distance
Dear All, I would like to use the simprof function (clustsig package) but the available distances do not include Jaccard distance, which is the most appropriate for pres/abs community data. Here is the core of the function: > simprof function (data, num.expected = 1000, num.simulated = 999, method.cluster = "average", method.distance = "euclidean", method.transform =
2016 Apr 09
Run script R
hi all ,? i have an problem in script R . But when I execute the script R I face this error . can you help me please ???error:----------------------------------------- Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) :?? Theme element 'text' has NULL property: margin, debugIn addition: Warning messages:1: Removed 361 rows containing non-finite values (stat_smooth).?2: Removed 361 rows containing missing values
2011 Aug 24
Efficient way to Calculate the squared distances for a set of vectors to a fixed vector
I am pretty new to R. So this may be an easy question for most of you. ? I would like to calculate the squared distances of a large set (let's say 20000) of vectors (let's say dimension of 5) to a fixed vector. ? Say I have a data frame MY_VECTORS with 20000 rows and 5 columns, and one 5x1 vector y. I would like to efficiently calculate the squared distances?between each of the 20000
2004 Jan 21
outlier identification: is there a redundancy-invariant substitution for mahalanobis distances?
Dear R-experts, Searching the help archives I found a recommendation to do multivariate outlier identification by mahalanobis distances based on a robustly estimated covariance matrix and compare the resulting distances to a chi^2-distribution with p (number of your variables) degrees of freedom. I understand that compared to euclidean distances this has the advantage of being scale-invariant.
2012 Nov 14
reversing distance matrix for original values
dear useRs, i created a distance matrix, of certain voltage values. unfortunately, i lost the original values. i am only left with the distance matrix that i created from those values. i wanted to ask that is there a way in R to reverse distance matrix for the original values? thanks in advance eliza [[alternative HTML version deleted]]