Displaying 20 results from an estimated 56 matches for "dirichlet".
2024 Sep 14
Dirichlet kernel requires r to be defined, which is not in the help
Code to reproduce
> kernel("dirichlet")
Error in kernel("dirichlet") : argument "r" is missing, with no default
The help says
r??? the kernel order for a Fejer kernel.
Thanks to update the help.
2006 Sep 18
Simulation of a Dirichlet Process.
I'm just getting started with R, having a lot of original work on
modeling and exploring the simulation by MCMC. I want to simulate the
prior and the posterior distribution of Dirichlet Process by MCMC.
Is there anyone in NYC that might be a good
tutor for me?
Dr. P. NGOM,
Facult? des Sciences et Techniques
D?partement de Math?matiques et Informatique
Universit? Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar - S?n?gal
Universite Cheik...
2011 Mar 29
Dirichlet surface
Dear list members,
I want to draw surfaces of Dirichlet distributions with different
parameter settings.
My code is the following:
#<begin code>
a1 <- a2 <- a3 <- 2
#a2 <- .5
#a3 <- .5
x1 <- x2 <- seq(0.01, .99, by=.01)
f <- function(x1, x2){
term1 <- gamma(a1+a2+a3)/(gamma(a1)*gamma(a2)*gamma(a3))
2006 Sep 19
help on dirichlet distribution
Dear Gregory R. Warnes,
I'm a phd student in statistics, at the University of Milano Bicocca.
I'm interested to the methods of estimate the parameters of the Dirichlet distribution.
Do you have implemented an algorithm in R?
If so, can you give me the script? or, in general, some helps?
Best Regards
Gianna Monti
Dottorato di Ricerca in Statistica
Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca
2006 Oct 10
generate random numbers that sum up to 1
As I have previously asked, in response to a similar
question: Is this a homework problem?
Rolf Turner
rolf at math.unb.ca
2013 May 12
Multinomial-Dirichlet using R
...ents per
category given the category response rates can be assumed to be
independently distributed. They can be modeled by a multinomial
distribution with parameters n=60 and category response rates pi1, . . . ,
piC for site i. The individual variation in category response rates can be
modeled by a Dirichlet distribution.
Just wondering if I am thinking through this correctly.
If so, could someone share some thoughts on how this could be done in R?
Really Appreciate any help.
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2007 Nov 27
voronoi/Delaunay/Dirichlet tessellation on sphere in R or S?
There's Renka's STRIPACK, and TRIPACK, respectively, ACM TOMS Algorithms
772 and 751, and there's the R package "deldir" which does the Delaunay
for a plane, but does anyone have or know of the tessellation in R for a
Also, is there a standard indexing scheme for Delaunay facets, and
perhaps of edges in such facets? I'd expect that to be a publication
2007 Jul 10
integration over a simplex
but the Jacobian is a rapidly-varying (and very lopsided)
function and this is making adapt() slow.
A \dfn{simplex} is an n-dimensional analogue of a triangle or
It is the convex hull of (n+1) points in an n-dimensional Euclidean
My application is a variant of the Dirichlet distribution:
With p~D(a), if length(p) = n+1 then the requirement that
all(p>0) and sum(p)=1 mean that the support of the
Dirichlet distribution is an n-simplex.
Robin Hankin
Uncertainty Analyst
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK
tel 023-8...
2016 Dec 05
Suma condicionada.-
Hola comunidad,
Les consulto mi duda. Quisiera generar N números aleatorios tal que su suma
esté predeterminada a un valor k. Sé que con la distribución Dirichlet, por
ejemplo, se podrían obtener números aleatorios tal que su suma es la
unidad. Por ejemplo
genera 7 números tal que su suma es 1 (el parámetro rep(10,7) es cualquier
Pero me pregunto si se podrá realizar algo parecido variando la suma (no
2007 May 29
DPpackage - New version
Dear List:
I have uploaded version 1.0-4 of DPpackage on CRAN. Since the first
version (1.0-0), I have not communicated the improvements of the
package. I'll use this email to summarize its current status.
The name of the package is motivated by the Dirichlet process.
However, DPpackage tries to be a general package for Bayesian
nonparametric and semi-parametric data analysis. So far, the package
includes models based on Dirichlet processes, Dirichlet process
mixtures of normals, Polya trees, and Random Bernstein polynomials. A
list of current...
2007 May 29
DPpackage - New version
Dear List:
I have uploaded version 1.0-4 of DPpackage on CRAN. Since the first
version (1.0-0), I have not communicated the improvements of the
package. I'll use this email to summarize its current status.
The name of the package is motivated by the Dirichlet process.
However, DPpackage tries to be a general package for Bayesian
nonparametric and semi-parametric data analysis. So far, the package
includes models based on Dirichlet processes, Dirichlet process
mixtures of normals, Polya trees, and Random Bernstein polynomials. A
list of current...
2008 Nov 23
Latin Hypercube with condition sum = 1
I want to du a sensitivity analysis using Latin Hypercubes. But my
parameters have to fulfill two conditions:
1) ranging from 0 to 1
2) have to sum up to 1
So far I am using the lhs package and am doing the following:
ws <- improvedLHS(1000, 7)
wsSums <- rowSums(ws)
wss <- ws / wsSums
but I think I can't do that, as after the normalization
> min(wss)
2006 Jul 19
voronoi tessellations
> On Tue, 18 Jul 2006, Don MacQueen wrote:
> > I'll suggest going to the CRAN packages page and doing a search for "voronoi".
> The problem here is that `Voronoi tessellation' is a secondary name. The
> concept has many names, including Dirichlet tessellation and Thiessen
> polygons, and Dirichlet has priority over Voronoi.
> > Also, search for 'triangulation', since that is one of the uses of them.
> I know of packages deldir, tripack and perhaps geometry.
> > -Don
> >
> > At 11:46...
2003 Feb 16
multivariate sampling question again
Thanks for replying my question! What really interested me is that the
package providing some complex form sampling, such as wishart,
multinomial, dirichlet. And others for example conditional beta
distribution confining the random variable in the interval (a, b). Since
these concept are widely used in the baysian, I wonder whether somebody
has already written this package. Thanks!
Best wishes,
Peng Zhang
2010 Jul 05
Function to compute the multinomial beta function?
Dear R-users,
Is there an R function to compute the multinomial beta function? That is, the normalizing constant that arises in a Dirichlet distribution. For example, with three parameters the beta function is Beta(n1,n2,n2) = Gamma(n1)*Gamma(n2)*Gamma(n3)/Gamma(n1+n2+n3)
Thanks in advance for any assisstance.
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2010 Aug 27
multivariate distributions
How can I generate data from multivariate gamma distribution & multivariate
beta distribution?
I only found command for multivariate normal only.
Many thanks in advance :)
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2012 Nov 05
slider control questions
term2 <- x1^(a1-1)*x2^(a2-1)*(1-x1-x2)^(a3-1)
term3 <- (x1 + x2 < 1)
term1 * term2 * term3
f <- outer(x1, x2, dirf)
f[f<=0] <- NA
f[is.infinite(f)] <- NA
persp(x1, x2, f,
zlim = c(0, max(f, na.rm = TRUE)+1),
main = bquote(paste("Dirichlet eloszlás, ", alpha ,"=(",.(a1),",",.(a2),",",.(a3),")")),
col = "lightblue",
theta = 50,
phi = 20,
r = 50,
d = 0.1,
expand = 0.5,
ltheta = 90,
lphi = 180,
shade = 0.75,...
2011 Feb 24
weighted Voronoi diagrams
Dear R-users,
Does anyone know how to do weighted Voronoi diagrams (Dirichlet
tesselation) in R? To be more specific, I have a set of coordinates for
tree locations on a plot, and I'm looking for a way to do the
tesselation so that the polygon size for each tree depends on the size
of the subject tree, and the size of its neighbors. So, the location of
the bisection...
2010 Jun 23
A question about R2Winbugs
...form the data into matrix
## parameter setting
N=nrow(X) # # of servers
T=ncol(X) # Time
m=sum(X)/(N*T) # mean of the training set
s=sum((X-M)^2)/(N*T) # std of the training set
K=3 # # of clusters
alpha=0.5 # parameter for Dirichlet distn
sigmae=0.5 # var of cluster mean mu
q1=rep(1/K,K) # prior for Z(n,1)
## MCMC sampling
2009 Dec 08
Simplex Density Plots
I have just started using R, and have found it quite easy to make
plots of probability densities for normal and beta distributions, etc.
Now, I'm looking at trying to make a simplex plot of a Dirichlet
density, but have gotten stuck and was hoping that someone could help.
Ideally, the plot would look something like the 3d plots on Wikipedia here:
Although if these are impossible, a color-coded 2d simplex would work as well.
Does anyo...