search for: dietari

Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches for "dietari".

Did you mean: dietary
2024 Sep 19
Inquiry About R Packages for Specific Research Areas
Dear R Support Team, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the specific R packages that would best suit our academic research project, which involves analyses in various fields. We are particularly interested in the following areas: Epidemiology Analysis: We are aware that packages like epiR, survival, and epitools exist for epidemiological analysis. Could you please
2009 Dec 07
multiple plots using summary in rms package
Dear All, I wonder if someone can point me in the right direction here. I'm working with the rms library, R 2.9.2 under Windows XP. I'm trying to arrange two plots side by side for a colleague. mfrow or mfcol do not seem to work, however, so I am obviously missing something important. I know that there have been changes in the graphics from Design to rms, but am just not sure where to
2011 Aug 08
[LLVMdev] Euro-LLVM 2011 - Schedule + Details
Dear LLVM Users, The European LLVM User Group Meeting 2011 schedule is on-line at Thank you every one that registered and submitted papers and posters, There are 5 talks planned, several side-sessions (one of them reserved for lightning talks) and more than 40 people already registered! The current proposed list of side sessions are: - OpenCL (and similar
2004 Apr 26
Looking for help in calculating percentiles
Hi All: I am working with a dataset on Arsenic toxicity, and I am trying to calculate the 20th, 40th, 60th, 80th, and highest percentiles for a variable, dietary Moisture (variable name dMoist). The inbuilt function quantile(dMoist) would print 0, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 100th percentile. Does there exist a function that can calculate xth percentile (where x = 10th, 20th, ... etc) values?
2012 May 11
Fisher Test in R
Suppose we have the following data set: Men Women Dieting 10 30 Non-dieting 5 60 If I run the Fisher exact test in R then what does alternative = greater (or less) imply? For example: mat = matrix(c(10,5,30,60), 2,2) fisher.test(mat,alternative ="greater") I get the p-value = 0.01588 and odds ratio = 3.943534. Also, when I flip the rows of
2006 May 20
Can lmer() fit a multilevel model embedded in a regression?
I would like to fit a hierarchical regression model from Witte et al. (1994; see reference below). It's a logistic regression of a health outcome on quntities of food intake; the linear predictor has the form, X*beta + W*gamma, where X is a matrix of consumption of 82 foods (i.e., the rows of X represent people in the study, the columns represent different foods, and X_ij is the amount of
2007 May 31
Remember folks, we can support the Ferret project by donating warm soft electronic cash to the author, Dave Balmain, using the paypal buttons on the website: We can also buy the Ferret Shortcut pdf/book from O''Reilly, also written by Dave Balmain. It''s awesome good:
2004 Apr 26
AW: Looking for help in calculating percentiles
Type e.g.: quantile(x,0.1) or Quantile(x,0.8) Which calculates the 10th and 80th quantile Matthias Templ -----Urspr??ngliche Nachricht----- Von: arinbasu at [mailto:arinbasu at] Gesendet: Montag, 26. April 2004 09:29 An: r-help at Betreff: [R] Looking for help in calculating percentiles Hi All: I am working with a dataset on Arsenic toxicity,
2006 Dec 12
They had produced so much butter, that they couldn't sell it on their own markets at the normal price.
So, it's advisable to grow cane as near to the factory as possible. He is the fourth person to resign at NFA. They sold it to Russia at virtually give away prices. uuuu WATCH LITL ON WEDNESDAY DEC 13! Company: L INTL COMPUTERS INC (Other OTC:LITL.PK) Symbol: LITL Mon Close: $0.99 5-day Target: $5 L Reveals 8-Way Processing Professional Mobile Computing Design CALL YOUR BROKER TO PLACE
2013 Oct 31
SIAR problem with model running
Hi there, I am trying to run an MCMC on stable isotope data from certain organisms to determine their dietary habits in the package SIAR. I have prepared my data according to Inger, R., Jackson, A., Parnell, A., Bearhop, S. : SIAR V4 (Stable Isotope Analysis in R) an Ecologist's Guide (also better known as 'SIAR for dummies'), which is as follows: - consumer data table (columns
2007 Jul 06
Dear Professor Lumley I am relatively new to using R and also to logistic regression. We have analysed our Dudley Health Survey using the survey package. I am now trying to look at associations using svyglm but I am unsure of how to interpret the output and present the resulting model or whether there are any other things I should do to check the validity of the model. Below is an example of
2006 Sep 05
help: advice on the structuring of ReML models for analysing growth curves
Hi R experts, I am interested on the effects of two dietry compunds on the growth of chicks. Rather than extracting linear growth functions for each chick and using these in an analysis I thought using ReML might provide a neater and better way of doing this. (I have read the pdf vignette("MlmSoftRev") and "Fitting linear mixed models in R" by Douglas Bates but I am not
2011 Sep 19
Metadata syntax (was Universal syntax for Markdown)
fletcher said: > For any consensus to come about, > I think we need to agree on the > fundamental purpose and philosophy of > the consensus we claim to be interested in. it would be nice. > Otherwise many of these discussions will > continue to occur without much hope of > moving forward to any actual outcome/resolution. yep. > it's
2008 May 05
troubles with R CMD check and examples under Ubuntu gutsy
Dear listers, I was used to package pgirmess under Windows with everything OK, but, for the first time, I had a trial this afternoon on Ubuntu 7.10 gutsy (I have a double boot computer and work more and more under unix) and R 2.7.0. Everything went OK except this: sudo R CMD check pgirmess ..... * checking examples ... ERROR Running examples in 'pgirmess-Ex.R' failed. The error most