Displaying 20 results from an estimated 31 matches for "dfile".
Did you mean:
2004 Oct 21
error in plot.dendrogram (PR#7300)
hres <- hclust(smatr,method="single")
`dendrogram' with 2 branches and 380 members total, at height 2514.513
plot(hresd,leaflab="none") #<-error here.
#the plotted dendrogram is incomplete. The x axis is not drawn.
#The interested reader can download the
#from the
2010 May 05
readLines with space-delimiter?
I am reading a large space-delimited text file into R (41 columns and many
rows) and need to do run each row's values through another R object and then
write to another text file. So, far using readLines and writeLines seems to
be the best bet. I've gotten the data exchange working except each row is
read in as one 'chunk', meaning the row has all values between two quotes
2005 Jan 27
getting package version inside .First.lib
...it possible, inside .First.lib,
to find out the version number of the package that is being loaded?
If only one version of the package has been installed,
we could scan the DESCRIPTION file, something like
.First.lib <- function(lib, pkg) {
library.dynam("spatstat", pkg, lib)
dfile <- system.file("DESCRIPTION", package="spatstat")
ttt <- scan(dfile, what="", sep="^M", quiet=TRUE)[2]
vvv <- strsplit(ttt," ")[[1]][2]
cat("spatstat version number",vvv,"\n")
but even this does not seem v...
2002 Dec 04
Continuous X Display problems on AIX
2) Contents of setdisp.ksh
# script: setdisp.ksh
# purpose: to set the display variable on login
# Check if su, see if /tmp/ldisp for same date,time
if [ ${DISPLAY:-0} = "0" ] ; then
cdate=`date +"%h%d%H:%M"`
fdate=`ls -l $DFILE|awk '{print $6$7$8}'`
if [ $cdate = $fdate ] ; then
xauth add `cat $DFILE`
export DISPLAY=`cat $DFILE | awk '{print $1}'`
echo "" &...
2011 Oct 25
Building package/DESCRIPTION file not existing?
Hello useRs
I am trying to build a package for personal use and for making easier working with other people but I keep getting the same error message about the DESCRIPTION file not existing.
when trying to install from a source tar.gz file:
Error in .read_description(dfile) :
file 'C:/Users/Propriétaire/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpHFMONb/R.INSTALL647a3535/mypkg/DESCRIPTION' does not exist
when trying to build a binary version:
Error in .read_description(dfile) :
file 'C:/Users/Propriétaire/Documents/RETROBIRD/mypkg/DESCRIPTION' does not exist
2002 Dec 04
AIX - X displays forwarding problem with su
2) Contents of setdisp.ksh
# script: setdisp.ksh
# purpose: to set the display variable on login
# Check if su, see if /tmp/ldisp for same date,time
if [ ${DISPLAY:-0} = "0" ] ; then
cdate=`date +"%h%d%H:%M"`
fdate=`ls -l $DFILE|awk '{print $6$7$8}'`
if [ $cdate = $fdate ] ; then
xauth add `cat $DFILE`
export DISPLAY=`cat $DFILE | awk '{print $1}'`
echo "" &...
2013 Nov 26
Blank lines in DESCRIPTION
...I would like to enquire about the existence of blank lines in the
Testing different possibilities with tools:::.read_description suggests
that starting or ending with blank lines is acceptable while blank lines
in the middle of the file get caught by
out <- tryCatch(read.dcf(dfile, keep.white = .keep_white_description_fields),
error = function(e) stop(gettextf("file '%s' is not in valid DCF format",
dfile), domain = NA, call. = FALSE))
if (nrow(out) != 1)
stop("contains a blank line", call. = FALSE)
and produce the erro...
2007 Jul 04
Problem/bug with smooth.spline and all.knots=T
Dear list,
if I do
smooth.spline(tmpSec, tmpT, all.knots=T)
with the attached data, I get this error-message:
Error in smooth.spline(tmpSec, tmpT, all.knots = T) :
smoothing parameter value too small
If I do
smooth.spline(tmpSec[-single arbitrary number], tmpT[-single arbitrary number], all.knots=T)
it works!
I just don't see it. It works for hundrets other datasets, but not for
2009 Jul 26
ROC curve using epicalc (after logistic regression)
...ation from package 'epicalc':
Package: epicalc
Date: 2009-07-14
My code ...
# Logistic Regression (the model result is as expected)
dfile = 'GasketMelt1.csv'
gmelt.df = read.csv(dfile, header = TRUE, as.is = TRUE)
gmelt.df$p = gmelt.df$Pass / gmelt.df$Total
gmelt.glm = glm(p ~ Time + Temperature + Depth
+ Time*Temperature + Time*Depth + Temperature*Depth,
family = binomial(link = logit), data=gmelt.df,...
2011 Oct 27
Error installing packages
I got an error if I try to install a package. For example package emg:
R CMD check emg
Everything is fine.
I got the following errors:
* installing to library 'c:/R_2_13_1/library'
* installing *source* package 'emg' ...
Error in file_path_as_absolute(dfile) :
Datei './DESCRIPTION' existiert nicht
ERROR: installing package DESCRIPTION failed fo
* removing 'c:/R_2_13_1/library/emg'
* restoring previous 'c:/R_2_13_1/library/emg'
It says, file DESCRIPTION is missing, despite it exists. The same behavoir
with other packages. I w...
2012 Jun 12
Meaning of "vlan=" and "name=" in Linux KVM
"ne2k_isa", "pcnet", "rtl8139", "e1000", "smc91c111",
"lance" and "mcf_fec". Not all devices are
supported on all targets.
-net tap[,vlan=n][,name=name][,fd=h][,ifname=name]
Connect the host TAP network interface name to VLAN n, use
the network script file to configure
it and the network script dfile to deconfigure it. If name
is not provided, the OS automatically
provides one. fd=h can be used to specify the handle of an
already opene...
2009 Jul 27
ROC curve using epicalc (after logistic regression) (re-sent)
...ation from package 'epicalc':
Package: ? ? ? ? ? ?epicalc
Version: ? ? ? ? ? ?
Date: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2009-07-14
My code ...
# ?Logistic Regression ? (the model result is as expected)
dfile = 'GasketMelt1.csv'
gmelt.df = read.csv(dfile, header = TRUE, as.is = TRUE)
gmelt.df$p = gmelt.df$Pass / gmelt.df$Total
gmelt.glm = glm(p ~ Time + Temperature + Depth
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?+ Time*Temperature + Time*Depth + Temperature*Depth,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?family...
2020 Feb 03
RFC: Add a preprocessor to yaml2obj (and other YAML tools)
...other YAML tools? If yes, I'll move
the yaml2obj implementation (https://reviews.llvm.org/D73821 ) to
include/llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h llvm::yaml::Input so that other YAML
tools can use the feature.
Do people prefer a different syntax? I think [[PATTERN]] is nice because
it is what FileCheck -DFILE=... uses:
# CHECK: ... [[FILE]]
FileCheck only preprocesses patterns in CHECK lines.
D73821 preprocesses both comment lines (which include CHECK lines) and non-comment lines (which include YAML).
It is not a problem that the YAML preprocessor also processes CHECK lines, because tokens...
2012 Jun 14
kvm CLI :: meaning of "vlan=" and "name=" options in -net nic and -net tap
? ? ? ? ? "ne2k_isa", "pcnet", "rtl8139", "e1000", "smc91c111",
"lance" and "mcf_fec". ?Not all devices are
? ? ? ? ? supported on all targets.
-net tap[,vlan=n][,name=name][,fd=h][,ifname=name]
? ? ? ? ? Connect the host TAP network interface name to VLAN n, use
the network script file to configure
? ? ? ? ? it and the network script dfile to deconfigure it. If name
is not provided, the OS automatically
? ? ? ? ? provides one. fd=h can be used to specify the handle of an
already opened h...
2006 Jul 13
writeForeignSAS and potential extensions
row.names = c("1", "2"),
class = "data.frame")
### adQuote here to (temporarily) avoid ':::'
adQuote <- function (x) paste("\"", x, "\"", sep = "")
dfile <- file.path(tempdir(), "test.dat")
cfile <- file.path(tempdir(), "test.sas")
write.foreign(d, datafile = dfile, codefile = cfile,
package = "SAS7", validvarname = "V6")
2005 Apr 24
Collade doesn't work for more than 256 files!
...notated source files and
return the ordered file names.
(2) After all, when I put the ordered file list in front of Collade in the
DESCRIPTION file, I got this error induring installation:
---------- Making package vtkr ------------
adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
Error in .read_description(dfile) : file 'DESCRIPTION' is
not in valid DCF format
Execution halted
make[2]: *** [frontmatter] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make: *** [pkg-vtkr] Error 2
*** Installation of vtkr failed ***
After a bit playing with th enumber of th efiles, it seems to me Collade
cannot handle (probably...
2020 Feb 04
RFC: Add a preprocessor to yaml2obj (and other YAML tools)
...other YAML tools? If yes, I'll move
the yaml2obj implementation (https://reviews.llvm.org/D73821 ) to
include/llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h llvm::yaml::Input so that other YAML
tools can use the feature.
Do people prefer a different syntax? I think [[PATTERN]] is nice because
it is what FileCheck -DFILE=... uses:
# CHECK: ... [[FILE]]
FileCheck only preprocesses patterns in CHECK lines.
D73821 preprocesses both comment lines (which include CHECK lines) and non-comment lines (which include YAML).
It is not a problem that the YAML preprocessor also processes CHECK lines, because tokens...
2020 Feb 05
[Release-testers] [10.0.0 Release] Release Candidate 1 is here
When running test-release.sh using GCC 5.4.0 we encountered this error :
In function ‘llvm::StringLiteral
clang::clangd::{anonymous}::getNameForExpr(const clang::Expr*)’:
error: could not convert
2010 Aug 11
Re: [fcrepo-user] Autostart-Script
> regards
> R
> ---
> #!/bin/bash
> RETVAL=$? export JAVA_HOME=/opt/java export JDK_HOME=/opt/jdk
> export FEDORA_HOME=/var/fedora export
> -Xms128M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
> -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/var/fedora/server/truststo re
> -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=tomcat'' export
> PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$MAVEN_HOME/bin:$FEDORA_HOME/server/bin:$FEDORA_HOME/client/bin:$PATH
case "$1" in
> start) if [ -f...
2009 Dec 16
WinBUGS - R2WinBUGS problem
Appologies for cross-posting
Dear R users,
I am using R2WinBUGS to call WinBUGS from R. After loading data, model, and initial values I call this command
res <- bugs(data = dfile, inits = list(ifile), parameters.to.save = c("beta"), model.file = mfile, working.directory = tdir, n.thin = nthin, n.chains = 1, n.iter = niterations*nthin, n.burnin = 0, DIC = F, debug = T, save.history=F)
which opens WinBUGS and executes the following log file: