Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "devore5".
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2000 May 04
logistic regression example from Devore5
I maintain the Devore5 package for R. This package provides the data
sets from Jay Devore's text "Probability and Statistics for
Engineering and the Sciences (5th ed)". I am having difficulty
reproducing some logistic regression results from the textbook.
Perhaps this is because I am not using the glm fun...
2001 Oct 11
Where's MVA?
...k at ci.tuwien.ac.at>
License: GPL (see file COPYING), except for ./src/muin2ser.f and ./misc which are free for non-commercial purposes. See file README for details.
URL: http://www.r-project.org
Index of Contents (Text)
Reference Manual (PDF)
Package Sources
AnalyzeFMRI CoCoAn Devore5 EMV GLMMGibbs GenKern GeneSOM KernSmooth Matrix NISTnls Oarray PHYLOGR PTAk RArcInfo RMySQL RODBC RPgSQL RandomFields RmSQL Rstreams Rwave SASmixed SuppDists VR XML acepack adapt akima ash bindata blighty boot bootstrap bqtl car cclust cfa chron cluster cmprsk coda conf.design cramer date diamonds...
2005 Dec 05
is it possible to use R to edit an EXCEL spreadsheet so I can create a searchable EXCEL database of R packages?
I have copied the R FAQ pertaining to available packages into an EXCEL
file. They take the following form -
Regression modeling, testing, estimation, validation, graphics, prediction,
and typesetting by storing enhanced model design attributes in the fit.
Design is a etc.
Data sets and sample analyses from "Probability and Statistics for
Engineering and the Sciences (5th ed)" by Jay L. Devore, 2000, Duxbury.
Presently the above format can be represented as:
package name
package description
I want to change the format so that file name and descr...
2003 Jul 22
Processing a large number of files
I maintain the Devore5 package which contains the data sets from the
5th edition of Jay Devore's text "Probability and Statistics for
Engineering and the Sciences". The 6th edition has now been published
and it includes several new data sets in exercises and examples. In
addition, some exercises and examp...
2000 Aug 03
multiple comparison tests & simultaneous multiple plots
I am not sure if my message made it through, so here it is again!
Hi Rer's,
I have two questions for you:
I am trying to complete a multiple comparison test after completing a
one-way ANOVA on some data. I think this is pretty reasonable.
aov(MetricSubset ~ GeneNameFactor)
2001 Oct 13
hist and normal curve
Dear R people:
I would like to superimpose a normal curve on a histogram.
I've seen this example in a book, somewhere.
I know that you draw the hist, get the mean and sd
of the data set, but then I'm stuck.
Could you help, please?
hodgess at uhddx01.dt.uh.edu
r-help mailing list -- Read
2002 Jan 23
Posthoc tests for ANOVA
Dear List,
are there post-hoc tests like Scheffe, LSD, etc. available after ANOVA test
is performed with significant F-statistic?
I have tried
but "No documentation found" (and I have most of packages installed).
Probably there are such tests in R, and I am just searching badly...
My second question is: Which test/method I should use for ANOVA-like
2002 Feb 16
No subject
Hello ALL:
I am looking for multiple comparison tests for ANOVA models. Does R have any
of these?
Fisher least significant difference test.
Tukey henestly significant difference test.
Newman - Keul test.
Dunnett's test
Scheffe test.
Thank you,
r-help mailing list -- Read
2001 Dec 22
new.packages function for new packages
Hi all,
I use a function update.packages to update all packages in my R instalation.
But I need compare one by one packages to discovery new packages.
My question is: Exist in R any function that compare all installed packages
in my R and all packages available in CRAN and return a list of the new
packages (ie packages that I dont have im my installation) and automatic
download and install
2000 Mar 29
A "stack" function
...tacking" columns and the command
to perform the operation is "stack". I have written a similar function
for R. Before taking the time to make it elegant and to document it,
I thought I would check if I have overlooked an existing way of doing
Here is an example
> library(Devore5)
> data(ex10.09)
> boxplot(ex10.09)
> str(ex10.09) # show the structure
`data.frame': 6 obs. of 4 variables:
$ Wheat : num 5.2 4.5 6 6.1 6.7 5.8
$ Barley: num 6.5 8 6.1 7.5 5.9 5.6
$ Maize : num 5.8 4.7 6.4 4.9 6 5.2
$ Oats : num 8.3 6.1 7.8 7 5.5 7.2
> stack &...
2001 Jul 02
nls newbie: help approximating Weibull distribution
Hi folks,
I tried to retain the Weibull distribution using the `nls' function
and proceeding along the lines of the example provided in the
`SSweibull' help (at least I thought so):
t <- (1:200)/100
v <- pweibull(t, shape=3, scale=1)
df <- data.frame(Time=t, Value=v)
Asym <- 1.0; Drop <- 1.0; lrc <- 0; pwr <- 1
df.estimate <- nls(Value ~ SSweibull(Time,
2007 Mar 26
Problem in loading all packages all at once