Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "destroydom".
2004 Jan 30
Graceful shutdown of a virtual domain
Hi All,
I''ve been looking through the code and list archives but haven''t found
this yet... From dom0, how do you cause a virtual domain to gracefully
shutdown? It seems like the machinery is there somewhere, because the
hypervisor can do it to dom0...
For reference, in UML you do this by putting this in /etc/inittab:
ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -h now
...and then
2009 Sep 23
[PATCH node] Introduces the virtual network administration functions.
index 2d195c0..abb7c33 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -28,17 +28,26 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
images/syslinux-vesa-splash.jpg \
nodeadmin/__init__.py \
nodeadmin/configscreen.py \
+ nodeadmin/createnetwork.py \
nodeadmin/createuser.py \
nodeadmin/destroydomain.py \
+ nodeadmin/destroynetwork.py \
nodeadmin/halworker.py \
nodeadmin/libvirtworker.py \
nodeadmin/userworker.py \
nodeadmin/mainmenu.py \
+ nodeadmin/menuscreen.py \
+ nodeadmin/netmenu.py \
+ nodeadmin/nodemenu.py \
2009 Oct 12
First draft: node storage admin
This patch provides the ability to create a "dir" type storage pool, and to add
and remove volumes for existing pools.
2009 Oct 14
[PATCH node] Provides a new storage administration system to the managed node.
+ nodeadmin/addvolume.py \
nodeadmin/configscreen.py \
+ nodeadmin/createdomain.py \
+ nodeadmin/createmeter.py \
nodeadmin/createnetwork.py \
nodeadmin/createuser.py \
+ nodeadmin/definedomain.py \
+ nodeadmin/definenet.py \
nodeadmin/destroydomain.py \
nodeadmin/destroynetwork.py \
+ nodeadmin/domainconfig.py \
nodeadmin/halworker.py \
nodeadmin/libvirtworker.py \
- nodeadmin/userworker.py \
+ nodeadmin/listdomains.py \
+ nodeadmin/listnetworks.py \
+ nodeadmin/listpools.py \
2009 Oct 21
Storage administration and refactoring of domain admin
This pair of patches provide a new storage admin interface. Then, on top of that,
it refactors the domain administration pieces to now properly use storage pools
and volumes when defining a new VM.
2009 Oct 21
[PATCH node] Renamed files and menu items for node administration:
...yl L. Pierce <dpierce at redhat.com>
Makefile.am | 8 +-
nodeadmin/adddomain.py | 470 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
nodeadmin/createdomain.py | 65 ------
nodeadmin/definedomain.py | 470 -------------------------------------------
nodeadmin/destroydomain.py | 66 ------
nodeadmin/listdomains.py | 4 +-
nodeadmin/nodemenu.py | 42 ++--
nodeadmin/removedomain.py | 83 ++++++++
nodeadmin/setup.py.in | 10 +-
nodeadmin/startdomain.py | 65 ++++++
nodeadmin/stopdomain.py | 66 ++++++
2009 Aug 31
Fixed patch...
This version of the patch includes feedback from jboggs at redhat.com,
including fixes to the BuildRequires and Requires in the spec file.
2009 Sep 11
Text-based node administration tool
This patch obsoletes any previous ones. This is an upstream candidate,
so I'm looking for feedback so we can push this and start using it.
2009 Sep 14
This version fixes a few bugs found by jboggs. It also includes some
logging facilities that need to be fleshed out more.
2009 Sep 16
Final push candidate for nodeadmin tool...
This patch is ready for pushing upstream.
2009 Sep 16
Replacement that includes utils.py
The previous patch was missing this file. Resending.
2009 Jul 31
RFC: This patch is not being submitted for ACK...
...just looking for some feedback on the direction I'm going.
The code won't get all the way to the define stage since I'm in
the middle of retrofitting it to use virtinst instead of a home
spun node definition.