Displaying 20 results from an estimated 287 matches for "destinataires".
2005 Sep 20
Samba, workgroup and Windows Wins in different subnet
...re not the intended
recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail, and delete
this message and any attachments from your system.
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joint, est envoy? ? l'intention exclusive de son ou de ses destinataires ou
de l'organisation; il est de nature confidentielle et peut constituer une
information privil?gi?e. Nous avertissons toute personne autre que le
destinataire pr?vu que tout examen, r?acheminement, impression, copie,
distribution ou toute autre utilisation de ce message et tout documen...
2012 Apr 24
Splitting data into test and train (80:20) kepping attributes similar
I am trying to do some predictive modeling around attrition and want to split the dataset into test and train (80:20) and keep the ratio of attritees:non attrites same.
In my dataset the attrition indicator is coded as 0(for non-attritees) and 1 (for attritees) and I want to keep the ratio of 0's to 1 similar.
I apologize for this trivial question but this is my second week with R.
2005 Nov 09
dataframe without repetition
> toto
id dpt
1 id1 13
2 id1 13
3 id2 34
4 id3 30
5 id3 30
6 id3 30
what is the most efficient ways to obtain :
id dpt
1 id1 13
2 id2 34
3 id3 30
thanks in advance for your reply
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2005 Nov 08
message command
i've got a problem with the "message command "option
here is my config in smb.conf
message command = /usr/local/samba/var/popup/get_popup "%f" "%t" "%s" "%I" &
and the get_popup script
date=`date +%d-%m-%Y`
heure=`date +%H:%M`
message=`cat $3`
infos=`/usr/local/samba/bin/nmblookup -A $ip | grep
2016 Mar 08
ALLOCATE in a FORTRAN subroutine
...functionalities can be called, it's not so useful. So we'll stick with FORTRAN (I mean I don't want to make revolution).
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2004 May 04
Unable to gunzip file
Hello all,
I have downloaded samba-2.2.8a-1-sol8-suncc-32bit.pkg.gz and I am trying
to gunzip it but I get
gunzip: samba-2.2.8a-1-sol8-gcc295.pkg.gz: not in gzip format
what could be the problem ?
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2008 May 01
Error in building ROracle in Windows with R 2.6.2 and Oracle 10g.
I need to use ROracle to communicate with Oracle from R program in windows
environment. I am using Oracle 10g, R 2.6.2. I found a pre-compiled binary
for ROracle for Oracle version 9.2. When I am trying to use it with Oracle
10g I get the following error:
con <- dbConnect(drv, "user/passwd at dbname");
Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
unable to find an inherited
2011 Jan 20
Inverse Prediction with splines
Hello, I have fit a simple spline model to the following data.
x y
0 1.298
2 0.605
3 0.507
4 0.399
5 0.281
6 0.203
7 0.150
8 0.101
Now I wish to inverse predict the x for y=.75, say. Optimize works fine
for a polynomial but I can figure out how to get the spline model into
the function argument.
Can anyone help me out.
Jeff Morris
2004 Apr 08
plot help
...everal plots on a same graph ( for example two
densities on the same graph )
thanks for the answer
Pierre Clauss
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2007 Dec 14
7zip benchmark
Hi, I could try latest 7zip (4.57) on a triple boot machine (Debian SID
i386, x86_64 and native Windows XP SP2), and found something surprising
in the results :
amd64 at 2400MHz
linux32 -> 1814
linux64 -> 1946
win32 -> 2004
So performance is much better in Linux 64 bit than in 32 bit, while both
are slower than native windows system. Is it normal, I mean does anyone
else obtain
2012 Feb 27
samba ldap domain member server with cifs and nfs
Hi samba lists,
we have a samba-ldap domain running on a debian squeeze (samba
3.5.6)server (pdc and bdc).
I try to configure a domain member server on an other debian squeeze
that will serve as cifs and nfs server.
My Debian server member use winbind (on ldap) for mapping the users
windows sid to the unix uid.
The users mapping is write in the the ldap directory :
2004 Oct 07
title in bold - simple question in R 1.9.0
how can i write this simple sentence : "Hello world" with "Hello" only
in bold ?
I try
> plot(1:5)
> title(main=paste(expression(bold("Hello")),"world",sep=" "))
but the result is wrong.
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Ce message contient des informations confidentielles ou appartenant a La Francaise des Jeux. Il est etabli a l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires. Toute divulgation, utilis...
2012 Apr 18
Help with creating conditional categorical variables in R
I am stuck with creating a conditional categorical variable in R
If my dataframe data_2 has 3 variables A,B,C I want to create variable D which would be something like :
data_2$D <- ifelse(data_2$A < data_2$B & promotion_ind =="N",1,0),
this throws up an error "In Ops.factor(data_2$A,data_2$B) :
< not meaningful for factors
I have tried converting the
2008 May 19
Error in building library - R CMD build mypkg.
----- Forwarded by Ajay DAS/US/BMNA01 on 05/19/2008 03:11 PM -----
Ajay DAS
To: r-help
2007 Nov 30
formula substitution by its calculated value
Dear R_Users,
I am confronted to a technical issue that I wouldn't even know how to start to handle and where to look at. It is about data manipulation in a dataframe and value substitution
Imagine I have a matrix describing a set of chemical equations.
Colnames are Components names and Rownames are Reaction names
Each cell in that matrix corresponds to the stoechiometric coefficient to the
2007 Mar 08
sending a vector of characters as arguments for a function
Dear all,
It seems to be a recurrent problem to me and I am asking your help to
get over it once for all ...
My idea is :
I have variables C_1, C_2, C_3 ... that corresponds to vectors of size
n, and I would like to cbind them.
I get a vector of their names using : temp<- ls(pat="C")
And I like to find a way to use this vector temp as an argument to
2016 Apr 27
difference between require and library
...other difference between 'require' and 'library' than the error or warning when the library is not found ?
Jean in France
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2003 Oct 30
$ in domain name, Samba 2.2.8a
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gerald (Jerry) Carter [mailto:jerry@samba.org]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 11:49 AM
> To: Stuckless, Colin 709 778-3815
> Cc: Andrew Bartlett; 'samba@lists.samba.org'
> Subject: Re: [Samba] $ in domain name, Samba 2.2.8a
> Andrew Bartlett wrote:
> | Yes, we are stripping it out for security reasons. The
2016 Mar 07
ALLOCATE in a FORTRAN subroutine
...killed C programmer !!
I hope you understand what I want to say, english is not my natural language !
Thanks again and best regards.
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2005 Nov 09
hi all,
on win xp (fr) when i start a console , i cant use any ctrl caracteres.
so i cant do nothing, as a = [ "a","b"] became a = "a" , "b"
even if I use cut/paste.
what the problem ?
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