search for: desja004

Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "desja004".

2011 Nov 27
Simplifying my code
Hi, I have a pretty simple problem. Here is the code: dat1=complete(dat.mice,1) dat2=complete(dat.mice,2) dat3=complete(dat.mice,3) dat4=complete(dat.mice,4) dat5=complete(dat.mice,5) dat6=complete(dat.mice,6) dat7=complete(dat.mice,7) dat8=complete(dat.mice,8) dat9=complete(dat.mice,9) dat10=complete(dat.mice,10) dat11=complete(dat.mice,11) dat12=complete(dat.mice,12)
2011 Jul 09
Suppressing the labelling of tick marks on ggplot2
Hi, I have the follow ggplot2 code I am running: ggplot(data=bb.res.math,aes(x=factor(,y=bb.math.comb,fill=BB)) + geom_bar() + facet_grid(BB~.) + scale_fill_brewer(pal="Set1") + ylab("Average Student Residual (Math)") + xlab("Student ID") The number of unique is 2207 and so my X-axis has a couple of thousands, indistinguishable tick marks that correspond
2010 Jul 22
Multilevel survival model
* Please cc me if you reply as I am a digest subscriber * Hi, I am wondering how I can run a multilevel survival model in R? Below is some of my data. > head(bi0.test) childid famid lifedxm sex age delta 1 22.02 22 CONTROL MALES 21.36893 0 2 13.02 13 MAJOR MALES 21.18001 0 3 64.02 64 CONTROL MALES 20.09377 0 4 5.02 5 CONTROL FEMALES
2011 Nov 23
SPSS F-test on change in R square between hierarchical models
Hi, I am wondering if anyone knows how to perform an F-test on the change in R square between hierarchical models in R? SPSS provides this information and a researcher that I am working with is interested in getting this information. Alternatively, if someone knows how I can calculate the test statistic (SPSS calls it F-change?) and dfs that would be helpful as well. The output and the test I am
2010 Aug 04
Question regarding significance of a covariate in a coxme survival model
Hi, I am running a Cox Mixed Effects Hazard model using the library coxme. I am trying to model time to onset (age_sym1) of thought problems (e.g. hearing voices) (sym1). As I have siblings in my dataset, I have decided to account for this by including a random effect for family (famid). My covariate of interest is Mother's diagnosis where a 0 is bipolar, 1 is control, and 2 is major
2010 Jan 11
cran2deb repository and Squeeze?
Hi, I am curious what will happen to cran2deb: deb testing/ When Squeeze is released? I really hope this service will continue. It has been great being able to aptitude install R packages. Additionally are these packages signed and is there a key? Chris
2010 Jul 15
RWinEdt and WinEdt 6.0
Hi, I am curious if the status of RWinEdt and WinEdt 6.0 has changed since this thread Thanks for the help (especially Uwe Ligges for writing RWinEdt). Chris [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jun 27
Recoding several variables into one use the most recent data
Hi, I have the following data management issue. I am trying to combine multiple years of ethnicity data into one variable called ethnic. The data looks similar to the following id ethnic07 ethnic08 ethnic09 ethnic10 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
2011 Jul 07
Confidence bands in ggplot2
Hi, I have the following data: > est sch190 sch107 sch290 sch256 sch287 sch130 sch139 4.16656026 2.64306071 4.22579866 6.12024789 4.49624748 11.12799127 1.17353917 sch140 sch282 sch161 sch193 sch156 sch288 sch352 3.48197696 -0.29659410 -1.99194986 10.23489859 7.77342138 6.77624539 9.66795001 sch368
2010 Jul 27
AIC from coxme
Hi, I am running the following model: fit1.full <- coxme(Surv(age_sym1, sym1) ~ sex + lifedxm*sex + (1|famid), data=bip.surv) I would like to extract the AIC from that object to calculate the AICC. However, when I look at str(fit1.full) and summary(fit1.full) (pasted below) I don't see anything that would allow me to get pull the AIC out from that object. Is there a way to retrieve the
2010 Jul 23
Survival analysis MLE gives NA or enormous standard errors
Hi, I am trying to fit the following model: sr.reg.s4.nore <- survreg(Surv(age_sym4,sym4), as.factor(lifedxm), data=bip.surv) Where age_sym4 is the age that a subject develops clinical thought problems; sym4 is whether they develop clinical thoughts problems (0 or 1); and lifedxm is mother's diagnosis: BIPOLAR, MAJOR DEPRESSION, or CONTROL. I am interested in whether or not