search for: descubres

Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "descubres".

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2009 Oct 30
Voicemail file
Hi all, When somebody leaves a message in the voicemailbox, is there a way to know the file name of it? I need to return the voicemail file name in the deadagi command. Thanks, Anahi _________________________________________________________________ Convierte las fotos que m?s te gustan en tu nuevo fondo de escritorio para el ordenador. Es f?cil y adem?s gratis
2009 Sep 29
Hi people, I need to update the voicemail.conf from the UpdateConfig Action (AMI). The problem is that I executed: Action: UpdateConfig srcFileName: voicemail.conf dstFileName: voicemail.conf Action-000000:append Cat-000000:test Var-000000:exten Value-000000:>999,test But I don't see the changes in the file. Can anybody tell me if there is something wrong in that code? Thanks,
2007 Mar 28
Re: Nut-upsuser Digest, Vol 21, Issue 29
THANKS, but the 'megatec' driver only works whith windows OS via USB, and i need it for red hat OS with USB-serial connection... Please, anybody can help me.... escribi?: Send Nut-upsuser mailing list submissions to To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
2009 Sep 16
[asterisk-dev] MeetMe in Macro
Hi, I didn't notice on my first answer, but we are on the -dev list and this is not related to asterisk code developing. I will answer you on the -users list, so we can continue the discussion there. Cheers, -- Ing. Miguel Molina Grupo de Tecnolog?a Millenium Phone Center Anahi Ludue?a escribi?: > Hi, thanks Miguel. > I have another question: if I want to call the GoSub
2010 Apr 18
OT: Los “mejores” paquetes de R
Hola, ¿qué tal? Envío un mensaje que está ligeramente fuera de los objetivos de la lista y, en particular, de esta lista, pero que puede resultar de interés. Y es que a raíz de la lectura de un artículo de SAS sobre el análisis de marcas en redes sociales he emprendido un estudio análogo sobre cuáles son los "mejores" paquetes de R. "Mejor" lo defino como "más
2023 Nov 13
Revise sus compras
imagen banner Inteligencia Artificial en Compras 30 de Noviembre 2023: Zoom Online en Vivo ?Adel?ntate al futuro! Descubre c?mo la IA est? redefiniendo las estrategias de compras y mantente a la vanguardia en tu sector. Aprende a interpretar datos complejos, anticipar tendencias del mercado y tomar decisiones estrat?gicas que diferenciar?n a tu empresa. Este seminario online de 10 horas est?
2009 Mar 03
New mailing list: R-help-es
Hi all, I am writing to announce the creation of a new R mailing list: R-help-es. It is going to be a list for spanish speakers users of R so I am sorry to write the rest of the email in spanish. Os escribo para anunciaros que hemos creado una nueva lista de correo llamada R-help-es para usuarios de R hispanohablantes en respuesta a la creciente comunidad de usuarios en España y
2006 Dec 24
RE: wine-users Digest, Vol 17, Issue 39
Hola a todos: Tanto para aquellos que crean en la tan vapuleada y ?comercial? Navidad como para aquellos que disfruten m?s de los festejos de Fines de A?o (quiz?s por aquello de que ?A?o nuevo, vida nueva ?), es mi idea hacerles llegar un sincero saludo. Y, de paso, agradecerles, de sobremanera, los comentarios, sugerencias y colaboraciones que han venido acercando, por ejemplo, para el Cat-?US.
2007 May 16
PRI got event
Hi all, I have 1 Card Digium TE412P and 2PRI E1. I have more problems with drops lines. The asterisk log is this: May 16 10:52:26 NOTICE[4465]: chan_zap.c:8194 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: Alarm (4) on Primary D-channel of span 1 May 16 10:52:26 WARNING[4465]: chan_zap.c:2287 pri_find_dchan: No D-channels available! Using Primary channel 16 as D-channel anyway! May 16 10:52:26 NOTICE[4465]:
2009 Sep 30
How to finish a Meetme
Hi people, I want to make a meetme between 2 numbers. First I enter the number1 into the meetme. It is waiting for the other number, but the other number never entered, so, how can I finish the meetme from the dialplan?. Is it posible by using MeetmeAdmin and kick all the users? Thanks, Anahi Ludue?a _________________________________________________________________ Descubre
2006 Jan 21
h323 configuration
Can any body give me an example how to configure h323 in Asterisk. Which files do I need to configure? just extensions.conf and h323.conf ? Thanks, Patricio _________________________________________________________________ Descubre la descarga digital con MSN Music. M?s de un mill?n de canciones.
2014 Jan 11
Consulta sobre tildes en español
Mil gracias! Quedaré pendiente. > Estimado Camilo: > > Como la respuesta lleg? a mi correo y no a la lista copio y pego a toda > la lista sus correos y luego escribo la respuesta, porque lo interesante > es compartirlo. > > Correo 1: > Soy dise?ador de libros y despu?s de muchas vueltas descubr? que R era > el programa ideal para comparar archivos. > Yo trabajo un
2009 Oct 02
Hi everybody, What I need to do is to run a context where I'll pass some phones (for example: 3 numbers). I need to make something like a followme, if the first phone is not answered, I'll call the second one, and so on. That dial plan is not the problem, my problem is when I execute the AMI, I'm using the Originate. It needs a channel as an argument, so the context can be executed;
2007 Feb 13
Time for new version of ffmpeg2theora?
Hi , I see in trunk that ffmpeg2theora now has Chroma settings , that it is a new good thing that justify a new release of ffmpeg2theora. _________________________________________________________________ Dale rienda suelta a tu tiempo libre. Mil ideas para exprimir tu ocio con MSN Entretenimiento.
2007 Mar 26
UPSilon 2000 via USB linux
Hi everybody, I am installing an Upsilon 2000 UPS via USB adapter on a RedHat 9 and I cant make that the device communicate correctly. Please any help will be welcome dmesg attached Thanks Gonzalo Red Hat 9.0 #dmesg usb.c: registered new driver usbdevfs usb.c: registered new driver hub usb.c: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 usb-uhci.c: $Revision: 1.275 $ time 15:28:15
2007 Aug 18
Problem with lsa package (data.frame) on Windows XP
Dear R team, The following piece of code (to use the lsa package) works fine on my mac os x, but when I run the same code on Windows XP, it doesn't work any more. ### code: library("lsa") matrix1 = textmatrix("C:\\Documents and Settings\\tine stalmans.TINE. 000\\LSA\\cuentos\\", stemming=TRUE, language="spanish", minWordLength=2, minDocFreq=1,