Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7107 matches for "derivable".
2001 Apr 06
symbolic manipulations
Hi All,
I copied code from an Splus manual to take symbolic derivatives:
my.deriv <- function( mathfunc, var )
tmp <- substitute(mathfunc)
name <- deparse(substitute(var))
D(tmp, name)
(The code also works in R).
2012 Jan 03
higher derivatives using deriv
Dear everyone,
the following is obviously used to compute the nth derivative, which seems
to work
(deriv(sqrt(1 - x^2),x,n))
However, before using this, I wanted to make sure it does what I think it
but can't figure it out when reading the ?deriv info or any other
documentation on deriv for that matter:
deriv(expr, namevec, function.arg = NULL, tag = ".expr", hessian = FALSE,
2012 Mar 16
[LLVMdev] tablegen question
Trying to resolve some general tablegen questions.
Consider the test case for Tablegen called eq.td
class Base<int V> {
int Value = V;
class Derived<string Truth> :
Base<!if(!eq(Truth, "true"), 1, 0)>;
def TRUE : Derived<"true">;
def FALSE : Derived<"false">;
If I process this through tablegen I get:
------------- Classes
2012 Mar 15
eigenvalues of matrices of partial derivatives with ryacas
I am trying to construct two matrices, F and V, composed of partial
derivatives and then find the eigenvalues of F*Inverse(V). I have the
following equations in ryacas notation:
> library(Ryacas)
> FIh <- Expr("betah*Sh*Iv")
> FIv <- Expr("betav*Sv*Ih")
> VIh <- Expr("(muh + gamma)*Ih")
> VIv <- Expr("muv*Iv")
2009 May 10
Partial Derivatives in R
Quick question:
Which function do you use to calculate partial derivatives from a model
I've looked at deriv(), but think it gives derivatives, not partial
derivatives. Of course my equation isn't this simple, but as an example,
I'm looking for something that let's you control whether it's a partial or
not, such as:
somefunction(y~a+bx, with respect to x,
2011 Nov 17
Obtaining a derivative of nls() SSlogis function
Hello, I am wondering if someone can help me. I have the following function
that I derived using nls() SSlogis. I would like to find its derivative. I
thought I had done this using deriv(), but for some reason this isn't
working out for me.
Here is the function:
asym <- 84.951
xmid <- 66.90742
scal <- -6.3
x.seq <- seq(1, 153,, 153)
nls.fn <- asym/((1+exp((xmid-x.seq)/scal)))
2011 Apr 04
Deriving formula with deriv
Dear list,
I am trying to get the second derivative of a logistic formula, in R summary
the model is given as :
>Nonlinear regression model
>model: data ~ logistic(time, A, mu, lambda, addpar)
>data: parent.frame()
> A mu lambda
>0.53243 0.03741 6.94296
but I know the formula used is
2011 May 27
finding derivative of a data series in R
Dear All,
I tried following for getting derivative of a polynomial in R
i<- -10:10
lines(x,fx_spline(x, deriv=1), col='green')
lines(x,fx_spline(x, deriv=2), col='green')
Now when I plot
3*i*i + 6*i and 6*i + 6
the plot was not same for first deivative.
where as the 2nd derivative was same
Is this a
2012 Mar 23
[LLVMdev] tablegen question
>From my understanding, NAME is a special builtin entry and dedicated for
things related multiclass,
So, is the following rewrite what you want?
class Base<int V> {
int Value = V;
class Derived<string Truth> :
Base<!if(!eq(Truth, "true"), 1, 0)>;
multiclass Derived_m<string T> {
def #NAME# : Derived<T>;
defm TRUE :
2012 Nov 06
Question on callNextMethod
I don't understand why I get the following results. I define two classes
'Base' and 'Derived', the latter of which 'contains' the first. I then
define a generic method 'test' and overload it for each of these classes. I
call 'callNextMethod()' in the overload for Derived. From the output, it
appears that the overload for Base gets called twice. Why is
2005 Aug 26
[LLVMdev] Mapping of class derivated and interfaces
> Hi! i'm tring to figure out how classes and dependencies
> can be mapped to llvm.
> [snip]
> how do i encode a function that takes "base" type
> so that it also takes "derived" ?
You'll notice that your function doesn't take an object of type base,
but a pointer to it. This is important - in a language such as LLVM
where actual structures can be
2017 Mar 19
outer not applying a constant function
the function outer can not apply a constant function as in the last line of the following example:
> xg <- 1:4
> yg <- 1:4
> fxyg <- outer(xg, yg, function(x,y) x*y)
> fconstg <- outer(xg, yg, function(x,y) 1.0)
Error in outer(xg, yg, function(x, y) 1) :
dims [product 16] do not match the length of object [1]
Of course there are simpler ways to construct a constant
2005 Aug 25
[LLVMdev] Mapping of class derivated and interfaces
Hi! i'm tring to figure out how classes and dependencies can be mapped to llvm.
I've read on docs that nesting can be used:
class base { int Y; };
class derived : base { short Z; };
%base = type { int }
%derived = type { %base, short }
That's ok, but now the question is: how do i encode a function that
takes "base" type so that it also takes "derived"
2005 Aug 04
Adding "sum" to derivatives table
Trying this:
deriv(expression(sum(x)), "x")
Gives the error message:
Function 'sum' is not in the derivatives table
I'd like to add it, is this difficult? If not, where is the derivatives
However, give how basic "sum" is, I suspect it would have been added if
it were straightforward. Do functions in the derivatives table need to
2010 Jul 29
how to get higher derivatives with "deriv"
Dear ExpeRts,
I have trouble implementing a function which computes the k-th derivative of a specified function f and returns it as a function. I tried to adapt what I found under ?deriv but could not get it to work. Here is how it should look like:
## specify the function
f <- function (x,alpha) x^alpha
## higher derivatives
DD <- function(expr, variable, order = 1) {
if(order <
2005 Aug 26
[LLVMdev] Mapping of class derivated and interfaces
> In any case when you
> want to obtain a base pointer to a "derived" object (where derivation
> is implemented as you showed - with nesting) it's simply a matter of
> using getelementptr to obtain a pointer to the nested base object and
> using that.
Umm ok, but i've the strange feeling that i'm missing something..
First a simple question: getelementptr with
2007 Sep 03
Derivative of a Function Expression
I am currently (for pedagogical purposes) writing a simple numerical
analysis library in R. I have come unstuck when writing a simple
Newton-Raphson implementation, that looks like this:
f <- function(x) { 2*cos(x)^2 + 3*sin(x) + 0.5 }
root <- newton(f, tol=0.0001, N=20, a=1)
My issue is calculating the symbolic derivative of f() inside the newton()
function. I cant seem to get R to
2005 Jul 19
Taking the derivative of a quadratic B-spline
I have been trying to take the derivative of a quadratic B-spline
obtained by using the COBS library. What I would like to do is
similar to what one can do by using
predict(fit, xx, deriv = 1)
The goal is to fit the spline to data that is approximating a
cumulative distribution function (e.g. in my example, cdf is a
2-column matrix with x
2004 Sep 10
Re: nice idea
Okay, I deleted most of this thread, so I was waiting for another message to
respond to, so unfortunately this will be out of place in the thread.
This is in response to Miroslav's idea about variable block sizes. I may be a
bit out of my league here as I'm just starting to look at how the actual
encoding gets done. But it seems to me that you could make a decent guess
about when
2003 Dec 18
I used the optim function
valor.optim <- optim(c(1,1,1),logexp1,method
and I want to calculate the derivates,