search for: dendrogramgrob

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "dendrogramgrob".

2012 Apr 03
dendrogramGrob cuts off dendrograms (latticeExtra)
Hi, I'm using the latticeExtra package's dendrogramGrob function to create a grob with both a dendrogram and a covariate bar (via the 'add' parameter). When the dendrogram has very short branches at its leaves, it appears as a line and becomes impossible to see when placed next to the covariate bar. For example: > x <- outer(-5:5, -5:5, &...
2007 Sep 17
side bars on dendrograms with latticeExtra
Dear all, I am using the heatmap representations of latticeExtra package and I would be interested to draw color side bars representing the groups of a factor of interest. From my understanding of : > help(dendrogramGrob) ... The 'add' argument can be used for additional annotation at the base of the dendrogram. It should be a list with one component for each row, with names specifying the type of annotation and components specifying the contents. Currently, the only supported nam...
2009 May 02
lattice levelplot axis + custom annotations
...quot;)) myLevelplot <- levelplot( t(scale(set.allElements))[,myLevelplot.dendrogram.order], scales=list(y=list(draw=F),x=list(draw=F)), colorkey=F, col.regions=colorFun, aspect="iso", xlab="", ylab="", main="test title", legend=(list(right= list(fun=dendrogramGrob, args=list(x=myLevelplot.dendrogram, ord= myLevelplot.dendrogram.order, side="right", size=15, size.add=0.0, add=list(rect=list(col="transparent", fill=NA)))))) ) Is there a straightforward way to add them? Thanks, Alex
2007 Dec 16
levelplot border and dendrogram width
...atrix(data = tmp, nrow = 10, ncol = 10); dd.row <- as.dendrogram( hclust( dist( tmp ) ) ); levelplot( tmp[order.dendrogram(dd.row), ], aspect = "fill", scales = list( x = list(rot = 90) ), colorkey = list( space = "left" ), legend = list( top = list( fun = dendrogramGrob, args = list( x = dd.row, ord = order.dendrogram(dd.row), side = "top", add = list( rect = list( col = "black", fill = c( rep("blue", 5), rep("green",5) ), lwd = 3 ), type = "recta...