Displaying 20 results from an estimated 55 matches for "demography".
2012 Apr 20
Package "demography" - calculating quintiles of survival probabilities
I am using the package "demography" from Rob Hyndman for the
Lee-Carter-Model. It is an amazing powerful tool but I am struggling with
one issue:
*I want to compute different quintiles for the cumulative survival
probability derived from the Lee-Carter-Forecast (e.g. the 50%-quintile,
75%-quintile and 99%-quintile) for the n...
2012 Apr 20
Package "demography" - calculating percentiles of survival probabilities distribution
I am using the package "demography" from Rob Hyndman for the
Lee-Carter-Model. It is an amazing powerful tool but I am struggling with
one issue:
I want to compute different percentiles of the survival probability
distribution derived from the Lee-Carter-Forecast (e.g. the 50%tile,
60%tile, 75%tile and 99%tile) for each of the...
2011 Apr 10
demography's lifetable: how to incoporate the parameter "franction of last age interval of life"
Dear list:
I have tried demography package in my Ubuntu(10.04). What I interested in was lifetable analysis. Chiang(1984)'s reference have been copied to steeper my learning curve. step by step, the example presented by the textbook also have been examined.
In the course I find that the paramter "fraction of last age interv...
2016 Jul 11
Esperanza de vida librería 'demography'
...ucto pero tengo un histórico incompleto (para los productos más nuevos tengo la vida completa de las cohortes, pero para los más antiguos tengo sólo la parte final de la vida de las cohortes). He decidido calcular la esperanza de vida dinámica con un modelo actuarial, concretamente la librería 'demography' y tengo varias dudas sobre su uso:
1- Todas las funciones permiten el uso por 'cohortes' y por 'períodos', sin embargo, cuando uso la función 'lifeexpectancy' por cohortes da error ¿cómo habría que preparar los datos para analizar la información por cohortes?.
2011 Mar 31
R packages "Demography installing Error In Ubuntu 10.04"
Dear lists:
I could not calculate what is wrong with my installing.
Could you help me to find the solution?
Following are the installing screen massages:
--- 在此連線階段时请选用CRAN的鏡子 ---
载入Tcl/Tk接口... 完成
also installing the dependencies ‘akima’, ‘rgl’, ‘misc3d’, ‘quadprog’, ‘zoo’, ‘locfit’, ‘ash’, ‘ks’, ‘mvtnorm’, ‘tseries’, ‘fracdiff’, ‘hdrcde’, ‘pcaPP’, ‘forecast’, ‘rainbow’, ‘ftsa...
1999 Jan 27
Encrypted passwords really necessary for PDC ?
...@echo 'building smbpasswd file';
@touch smbpasswd.time;
So the process to create a new user or machine account is:
- create unix account
- set unix password
- run yp make
- set smbpasswd
On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Andrew Perrin - Demography wrote:
> Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 03:31:32 +1100
> From: Andrew Perrin - Demography <aperrin@demog.Berkeley.EDU>
> To: Multiple recipients of list <samba-ntdom@samba.org>
> Subject: Re: Encrypted passwords really necessary for PDC ?
> WRONG -- mksmbpasswd only create...
2017 Feb 15
...LSE) {UseMethod("median")}
I suggest that this should become
median <- function (x, na.rm = FALSE, ...) {UseMethod("median")}
This would allow additional S3 methods to be developed with additional
Currently I have to over-ride this generic definition in the
demography package because median.demogdata has several other
This shouldn't break any code, and will make it easier for new S3
methods to be developed. It is also consistent with almost all other
S3 methods which do include an ellipsis.
2011 Apr 03
problem in install RCurl in R (Ubuntu Linux)
I have some problem in running R-cran's Demography package.
The hmd.mx function need Rcurl. I tried to install RCurl, but meet the following error:
* installing *source* package ?RCurl? ...
checking for curl-config... no
Cannot find curl-config
ERROR: configuration failed for...
2007 Sep 27
Reading SAS SD2 Data file
...AS dataset into R that is in a .SD2 format, which
is the Version 6 standard format from SAS.
I see the routines that read the SAS XPORT format (foreign, Hmisc), but
is there any way to read this one?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Corey Sparks
Corey Sparks
Assistant Professor
Department of Demography and Organization Studies
University of Texas-San Antonio
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio TX 78249
Phone: 210 458 6858
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
1999 Feb 02
Limits on smbclient -M?
...t to the message. Does anyone know if
there's some other (lower) limit that's documented, or if this is just an
Andrew J. Perrin - aperrin@demog.berkeley.edu - NT/Unix Admin/Support
Department of Demography - University of California at Berkeley
2232 Piedmont Avenue #2120 - Berkeley, California, 94720-2120 USA
http://demog.berkeley.edu/~aperrin --------------------------SEIU1199
2011 Apr 17
How to retrieve a vector of a data.frame's variable attributes?
[1] "labelled" "factor"
[1] ecological zone
93 Levels: 10 quantiles of welfare ... year of the interview
[1] class
24 Levels: '05 PPP USD / year cedis / year cedis /year class geo-1 ... years
[1] geography
7 Levels: agriculture demography design expenditure geography ... welfare
I have tried:
hh <- hh[, order(attr(hh, "category"))]
hh <- hh[, order(attr(hh[, 1:100], "category"))]
hh <- hh[, order(attr(dimnames(hh), "category"))]
but all the right-hand side assignments above return NULL.
2012 May 17
I have trouble using function hmd.mx
I have all packages required.
I call function:
slovenia <- hmd.mx("SVN", username, password, "Slovenia") :
and I get this error:
NAs introduced by coercion
And if I then call slovenia, I get:
> slovenia
Mortality data for Slovenia
Series: female male total
Years: 1983 - 2009
Ages: 0 - 110
But I do not get any value
2009 Feb 25
Using gregexpr with multiple search elements
...form of what I'm looking to do, if this would work
I would get a match for elements 1 through 5 of text, since either
"at" or "og" occurs.
If anyone might have an idea about this I would greatly appreciate it.
Corey Sparks
Assistant Professor
Department of Demography and Organization Studies
University of Texas at San Antonio
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249
210 458 6858
corey.sparks at utsa.edu
2011 May 30
Table Figures and Listings
...in SAS it is not difficult once you know what you are doing
and what is required. My limited knowledge of R suggests that it may be a bit
more difficult. Can anyone please provide me with some guidance or sample code
for producing a standard table or listing. A good starting point can be a
demography table. I can produce a demog table quite easily in SAS. My R
knowledge is limited that's why I have ask for some sample code.
Thanks for your help.
2011 Jun 24
Fwd: Extract element of a list based on an index value
...he first element of each list, but my question is how
> could I get something like this for a non-fixed i corresponding to
> my index?
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Best,
> Corey
> Corey Sparks
> Assistant Professor
> Department of Demography
> College of Public Policy
> 501 West Durango Blvd
> Monterrey Building 2.270C
> San Antonio, TX 78207
> corey.sparks 'at' utsa.edu
> 210 458 3166
> Latitude: 29.423614 / Longitude: -98.504282
1999 Jul 19
0.65 HPUX|AIX make check
Update (for me):
* On HPUX (cc/f77/make), make check passes the Examples but fails in
arith-true.R because
is.infinite(.Machine$double.base ^ .Machine$double.max.exp)
gives FALSE.
> .Machine$double.base
[1] 2
> .Machine$double.max.exp
[1] 1024
> 2 ^ 1024
[1] 1.797693e+308
> 2 ^ 1025
[1] 1.797693e+308
> 2 ^ 2024
[1] 1.797693e+308
so I guess we need help here.
2010 Jan 05
Multivariate Poisson GLM??
...lowed in glm
fit.pois<-glm(cbind(y1,y2,y3)~x, data=dat, family=poisson)
Error: (subscript) logical subscript too long
If anyone has experience with a multivariate Poisson response vector I would
gladly appreciate any suggestions.
Corey Sparks
Corey Sparks
Assistant Professor
Department of Demography and Organization Studies
University of Texas at San Antonio
501 West Durango Blvd
Monterey Building 2.270C
San Antonio, TX 78207
corey.sparks 'at' utsa.edu
2009 Apr 08
persp3d and rgl.viewpoint for rotating 3D plots
...("pic", formatC(i,digits=1,flag="00"), ".png", sep="")
Dr. Carlo Giovanni Camarda
Research Scientist
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Laboratory of Statistical Demography
Konrad-Zuse-Straße 1
18057 Rostock - Germany
Phone: +49 (0)381 2081 172
Fax: +49 (0)381 2081 472
This mail has been sent through the MPI for Demographic ......
2009 Mar 19
two plots side-by-side with persp3d(rgl)
persp3d(x,y,z2, col="red", add=TRUE)
play3d(spin3d(axis=c(0,0,1), rpm=10), duration=5)
Dr. Carlo Giovanni Camarda
Research Scientist
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Laboratory of Statistical Demography
Konrad-Zuse-Straße 1
18057 Rostock - Germany
Phone: +49 (0)381 2081 172
Fax: +49 (0)381 2081 472
This mail has been sent through the MPI for Demographic...
2009 Sep 22
Subsetting dataframes based on column names
...to form a
subset of the dat.a that matches the variable names in dat.b. If
there were only a few variables, this would be easier, but I have
between 4 and 5 thousand variables in each dataset
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Corey Sparks
Assistant Professor
Department of Demography and Organization Studies
University of Texas at San Antonio
College of Public Policy
501 West Durango Blvd
Monterey Building 2.270C
San Antonio, TX 78207
210 458 3166
corey.sparks 'at' utsa.edu