search for: definevarasunboundvalu

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "definevarasunboundvalu".

2019 Aug 15
Rf_defineVar(symbol, R_UnboundValue, environment) questions
...nt) to [sort of] remove 'symbol' from 'environment' Using it makes the R-level functions objects(), exists(), and get() somewhat inconsistent and I was wondering if that was intended. E.g., use SHLIB to make something from the following C code that dyn.load can load into R % cat defineVarAsUnboundValue.c #include <R.h> #include <Rinternals.h> SEXP defineVarAsUnboundValue(SEXP name, SEXP envir) { Rf_defineVar(name, R_UnboundValue, envir); return R_NilValue; } erratic:bill:292% R-3.6.1 CMD SHLIB defineVarAsUnboundValue.c gcc -std=gnu99 -I"/home/R/R-3.6.1/lib64/R/include&q...