search for: default_input_field

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "default_input_field".

2007 Mar 12
index.rb:384 [BUG]
...a script/console: 1. I have a simple model called Articles: class Article < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret :fields => [''title''] end 2. In the console, I try this: >> index = Article.ferret_index => #<Ferret::Index::Index:0x2b686dc76860 @writer=nil, @default_input_field=:id, @qp=nil, @dir=#<Ferret::Store::FSDirectory:0x2b686dc76748>, @mon_entering_queue=[], @default_field=["title"], @key=:id, @mon_count=0, @auto_flush=true, @open=true, @close_dir=true, @id_field=:id, @mon_owner=nil, @reader=nil, @searcher=nil, @options={:lock_retry_time=>2, :pat...
2006 Oct 10
oddness when adding to index -
...=>#<Ferret::Analysis::StandardAnalyzer:0xb77dc0c8>, :lock_retry_time=>2}, @mon_entering_queue=[], @qp=nil, @searcher=nil, @mon_count=0, @default_field=:*, @close_dir=true, @auto_flush=false, @open=true, @mon_owner=nil, @id_field=:id, @reader=nil, @mon_waiting_queue=[], @writer=nil, @default_input_field=:id, @dir=#<Ferret::Store::RAMDirectory:0xb77dc1b8>> *** Now let''s add 3 strings to the index *** irb(main):005:0> ["While you were out pet care", "Eastside dog walker", "Top daw g dog walker"].each {|text| i << text } => ["While...
2007 Jan 27
concurrency errors adding to a keyed index towards the end of the batch. I''m not using aaf. I create my keyed index like this: @@ferret_index = => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/ferret_index/#{RAILS_ENV}/news_article_versions", :field_infos => field_infos, :id_field => :id, :key => :id, :default_input_field => :text) Unkeyed, I just drop the :key option (duh). :id is just the ActiveRecord id, from an auto_increment field in MySQL. As a note, when concurrently searching on the keyed index, the number of hits returned increases throughout the indexing process. With a non-keyed index, the number o...
2006 Aug 28
stop words and /''s
Hi new version of ferret and acts as ferret have sorted out the scary glibc *** linked list pointer errors, thank god! New version are good but some searches are still not working. It is mostly the stop words ones. For example the "For Sale/Free/Swap" fails but works when "for" is stripped out. I have read all the recent posts regarding this issue and failed to get it to
2006 Sep 04
0.10.2 release with win32 gem
Hey all, I''ve just released Ferret version 0.10.2. It is mostly just a bug fix release. The only change is that a highlight method has been added to Ferret::Index::Index. Please try it out and let me know what you think. The big news for this release is that there is also a binary win32 gem included. This is the first time I''ve build a gem like this so please let me know if
2007 May 10
Segmentation fault on large index
...):001:0> require ''rubygems'' => true irb(main):002:0> require ''ferret'' => true irb(main):003:0> index = => "/tmp/myindex") => #<Ferret::Index::Index:0xb7b23330 @writer=nil, @mon_entering_queue=[], @default_input_field=:id, @mon_count=0, @qp=nil, @default_field=:*, @options={:dir=>#<Ferret::Store::FSDirectory:0xb7b23308>, :path=>"/tmp/myindex", :lock_retry_time=>2, :analyzer=>#<Ferret::Analysis::StandardAnalyzer:0xb7b23268>, :default_field=>:*}, @mon_owner=nil, @auto_flush=fal...