Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "decpt".
1997 Dec 16
RedHat 5.0 Linux libc to glibc
This was posted on another list I follow and I thought it might be important if
you are not already aware of the change:
>Between Redhat 4.2 and Redhat 5.0, Redhat changed from libc version 5 to
>glibc version 2.0 as the standard C library. This arranges its include
>files differently and has resulted in MOST programs needing changes to
>compile under Redhat 5.0.
Paul Gilbert
2004 Dec 03
How to wrap or split labels on plot
mp <- barplot(test, beside = TRUE,
col = MyCols,
axisnames = FALSE,
names.arg = rep(names(test),nvec),
las = 2,
cex.names = 0.75,
ylab = "IXYV",
ylim = c(0,ymax),
yaxt = "n")
# Set up the y axis tick marks and labels
ifelse (ymax<=10,decpt <- 2,decpt <- 0)
ticks <- seq(0, ymax, yinc)
axis(2, at = ticks, las = 1,
labels = formatC(ticks, format = "f", digits = decpt))
# Draw a box around the whole thing
# Draw the x axis labels
mtext(side = 1, at = rowMeans(mp)-.2, line = .5, las=2, text =
2005 Apr 21
Fwd: (KAME-snap 9012) racoon in the kame project
FYI, looks like support for Racoon is ending. Does anyone have any
experience with the version in ipsec-tools ?
>Racoon users,
>This is the announcement that the kame project will quit providing
>a key management daemon, the racoon, and that "ipsec-tools" will become
>the formal team to release the racoon.
>The final release of the racoon in the
2013 Feb 14
[LLVMdev] LiveIntervals analysis problem
...amed_addr constant [17 x i16] [i16 -1, i16 -2, i16 -4, i16 -8, i16 -16, i16 -32, i16 -64, i16 -128, i16 -256, i16 -512, i16 -1024, i16 -2048, i16 -4096, i16 -8192, i16 -16384, i16 -32768, i16 0], align 2
define i8* @_ldtoa_r(%struct._reent* %ptr, double %d, i32 %mode, i32 %ndigits, i32* nocapture %decpt, i32* nocapture %sign, i8** %rve) nounwind {
%ai.i.i.i.i = alloca [13 x i16], align 2
%bi.i.i.i.i = alloca [13 x i16], align 2
%f.i.i = alloca [10 x i16], align 2
%y.i = alloca [13 x i16], align 2
%t.i = alloca [13 x i16], align 2
%u.i = alloca [13 x i16], align 2
%w.i = alloca...