Displaying 19 results from an estimated 19 matches for "decorana".
2002 Dec 16
unknown decorana error returned (vegan package)
After trying a simple decorana analysis (from the vegan package) on a simple
data frame which contains no NA's the following error was returned:
> tt_decorana(covN)
Error in decorana(covN) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1)
Have any vegan users come across this error and know what can be done about it?
2010 Nov 17
Total inertia in package Vegan?
Dear all at the R-project help list.
I have run into a problem when it comes to getting values for "total inertia" and "R-squared" for my DCA using "decorana" in the package "vegan". I have tried the "goodness" function, but the reply indicates that it does not work with "decorana" class objects. In Canoco one gets the Total inertia in the output together with 4 eigenvalues. In decorana one gets the 4 eigenvalues, but...
2008 Jan 29
number of rescaling cycles in decorana
How do one dertermine the optimal number of rescaling cycles to use when
performing DCA using the decorana function (library vegan)?
Thanks for your time,
Marc Bélisle
Professeur adjoint
Chaire de recherche du Canada en écologie spatiale et en écologie du paysage
Département de biologie
Université de Sherbrooke
2500 Boul. de l'Université
Sherbrooke, Québec
J1K 2R1 Canada...
2011 Mar 28
ordination in vegan
Hi all,
I have site data with plant species cover and am looking for trends. I'm
kind of new to this, but have done lots of reading and can't find an answer.
I tried decorana (I know it's been replaced by ca.) and see a trend, but I'm
not sure what it means. Is there a way to get the loadings/eigenvectors of
the axes (like in PCA)? Is there a way to do this with rda() too? How about
with cca()? I know I can do scores() or summary() but that's not exactly
2013 Apr 11
Cannot find ldfortran (R on Cygwin)
...put I get
* installing *source* package ‘vegan’ ...
** package ‘vegan’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** libs
gfortran -g -O2 -pipe -c cepin.f -o cepin.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include -DNDEBUG -g -O2 -pipe -std=gnu99 -c
data2hill.c -o data2hill.o
gfortran -g -O2 -pipe -c decorana.f -o decorana.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include -DNDEBUG -g -O2 -pipe -std=gnu99 -c
goffactor.c -o goffactor.o
gfortran -g -O2 -pipe -c monoMDS.f -o monoMDS.o
gcc -I/usr/lib/R/include -DNDEBUG -g -O2 -pipe -std=gnu99 -c
nestedness.c -o nestedness.o
gfortran -g -O2 -pipe -c or...
2010 Nov 17
How do I get "total inertia"+"R-squared" in R?
Dear people at the R-help-list.
I have run into a problem in the package "vegan", while using the function "vegan",
and would greatly appreciate any advice how to solve the problem.
I have put in my data R, using the "decorana" function in the package "vegan" and received nice coordinates for the DCA of sites and species, as well as the Eigenvalues for the four axes.
My problem is that I can not figure out how to get the "Total inertia", or the "R-squared" value. I thought that I could...
2011 Mar 07
species projected in a ordiplot
Dear all,
I'm performing a detrended correspondence analysis on vascular plant
community data (296 species), and I have a question on the species scores
projected in the ordination diagram. When I run a ordiplot all species are
projected in the output graph, but I'd like to restrict the number of
species plotted in the final graph. Some species are so rare in the data,
that no relevant
2010 Apr 29
Rotating Titles
...titles of each
species are plotted vertically while they are typically plotted at a 45
degree angle in other programs. Does anyone have any idea of how to rotates
these titles?
Below is an example plot (taken from the rioja help file) made the
Brendan Wiltse
library(vegan) ## decorana
## Not run:
# create appropriately sized graphics window
windows(width=12, height=7) # quartz() on Mac, X11 on linux
## End(Not run)
# remove less abundant taxa
mx <- apply(RLGH$spec, 2, max)
spec <- RLGH$spec[, mx > 3]
depth <- RLGH$depth$Depth
#basic stratig...
2003 Oct 22
0-only-rows in correspondence analysis
I am looking for a workaround of "species empty" plots in a correspondence
I tried to do a community structure analysis with a ca via decorana(), ca()
and CAIV(), but none of them allow 0 only-rows.
I have species (abs./pres) in columns and sites in rows
sp1 sp1 sp3 ...
plot1 0 1 1
plot2 0 0 0
plot3 1 0 1
but on some plots no species could be found, therefore only 0 appear. I know
that this isn't...
2011 Nov 07
ordination in vegan: what does downweight() do?
Can anyone point me in the right direction of figuring out what downweight()
is doing?
I am using vegan to perform CCA on diatom assemblage data. I have a lot of
rare species, so I want to reduce the influence of rare species in my CCA. I
have read that some authors reduce rare species by only including species
with an abundance of at least 1% in at least one sample (other authors use
5% as a
2006 Oct 21
Problems running IsoMDS using vegdist with pres-abs data and two sites with zero distance
...tes (streams) with
the exactly the same four species (I have used pres-abs data in this
case). When I try to run isoMDS I get an error message saying that:
Error in isoMDS(vare.dis) : zero or negative distance between objects 14
and 15
i.e. the two sites with the same fish species. I can run the decorana
function with "sensible" results so the dataset seems to be ok.
My next step would be to compare the results of the fish ordination with
some other datasets from the same sites (i.e. through procrustes
rotation) - so I wouldn?t like to remove one of the "twin" sites.
Any sugg...
2008 Apr 18
Correspondence and detrended correspondence analysis
...e about it (I am using Legendre & Legendre, Numerical Ecology, 1998).... My data is a data.frame with locations as rows and vegetation assemblages / species as columns. I've done a PCA, a correspondance analysis (CA) using ca in ca package and a detrended correspondance analysis (DCA) using decorana from vegan package. As far as i understand what i've done .... the relationships between vegetation categories and locations should be similar in all 3 analysis, although the 'arch' in locations / sites seen in the CA plot should be flatten out by the DCA - which it is!.
My problem is...
2012 Apr 11
row.names in dunes and dunes.env?
...num 104.4 108.8 114.1 102.9 84.6 ...
$ CCL : num 132 136 126 128 105 ...
$ CW : num 89.9 87.8 89.3 84.2 72.6 ...
$ CCW : num 137 118 133 125 112 ...
$ CH : num 43.4 50.7 142.4 45.4 41.1 ...
$ CCH : num 89.7 71.2 78.3 72.4 57.3 73.4 67 57 68.8 68 ...
When I run decorana() on this dataset, it appears that the column "row.names" is included in the analysis, which isn't what I'm looking for.
If I go ahead and delete the column "row.names" from my data frames (i.e. removing it from turtles and turtles.env), I don't believe that the an...
2005 Jan 04
(no subject)
I'd like to know if the R can do the DCCA? Because I can't find the package about
the DCCA in R. If it can not, please introduce a free software to me, which you
think can easily do the work , thanks!
2004 Mar 29
calculate length of gradient ?
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Dear r-help list,
my question is about ordination technics:
2001 Feb 17
Krebs for R (was Re: canonical correspondence analysis)
...s is of some interest and it does raise the general point
that programming literate ecologists don't seem to have yet fully
embraced S-Plus or R. Having only recently found S-Plus and R myself I
had rather hoped that some of the common ecological statistical tools
such as CCA, Twinspan and Decorana, plus the miscellaneous tools
described in Krebs (1989) might have found there way into an R package.
Krebs, CJ (1989) Ecological Methodology, Harper & Row. Now as a 2nd
edition 1995?)
Graham S
2011 Dec 20
any DCCA function in R?
Dear members,
I am performing multivariate analysis on marine benthic populations
using R. At first glance I found ca and VEGANO packages to be the
suitable for the task, but neither has incorporated Detrended Canonical
Correspondence Analysis (DCCA), which is just the method I want to apply
on my data. I've looked for alternative packages containing the method,
but my suspicion is that
2002 Jan 17
Problem building packages from source (WIN32)
PERL5LIB=C:/R/rw1040/share/perl perl
-txt -html -example -latex C:/R/rw1040/src/gnuwin32/vegan
>>> Building/Updating help pages for package `vegan'
Formats: text html latex example
decorana text html latex example
decostand text html latex example
diversity text html latex example
initMDS text html latex example
postMDS te...
2001 Feb 16
canonical correspondence analysis
Is there an R function that does canonical correspondence analysis. Can
it be done using the VR function corresp()?
If not, how hard it be to write R code to do it? I am a population
biologist with long but patchy programming experience in C, Smalltalk,
Java and other languages.
Patrick Foley
patfoley at csus.edu