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2005 Dec 23
hi Folks, I have a little question. I can''t found any decostruct Method in the Documentation. eg i use: s1 = Sortable.create("pagetree", ......); now i wanna deconstruct this object. s1 = null doesn''t work.... _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2012 Oct 26
deconstructing curve into rising and falling limbs
...ou the list of things I've tried, just know that the data is generally too noisy to use something as simple as which(diff(Y) > b), where b is some threshold. Please let me know if you have an idea of how to tackle this. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2006 Aug 08
Deconstruct an rpm
Hi Is it possible to take an rpm apart to see what it will do to a system and see what files are inside the package? thanks
2012 Nov 21
[LLVMdev] Python Backend
I will take a look into NVPTX. I don't want to deconstruct C++ classes to generate Python code - I want to generate Python backend :) Its purpose is to be able to generate Python code from LLVM IR code (not C++ code! - C++ code is needed for me only to get a sample IR code). I want to write my custom compiler in the future and I want to be able to output Python code from it (of course not
2018 Sep 26
Liveness Analysis
So what is the status about LiveVariables. Is there a plan to remove it? After searching in old lvm-dev-mails it is mentioned that LiveVariable still exists due to one pass needing it. And a comment in TargetPassConfig.cpp indicates that the pass in question is TwoAddressInstruction: // FIXME: Once TwoAddressInstruction pass no longer uses kill flags, // LiveVariables can be removed
2006 Apr 29
[LLVMdev] Register allocation in LLVM
Hello, all, I want to implement the register allocation algorithm described in the paper "Register Allocation via Coloring of Chordal Graphs, APLAS'05" in LLVM. This is a graph coloring algorithm that can find an optimal coloring of the interference graph in most of the cases. I've downloaded LLVM last week, and started studying the code. Basically, I have to implement: 1) A
2012 Nov 20
[LLVMdev] Python Backend
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 2) > Maybe this question I will answer myself by analising some examples you'll > provide as answer to the first question, but maybe it will worth asking it > now. > So I want to know when to generate a class in Python. So far I know, that in > LLVM there are no classes, only functions,
2013 Nov 11
[LLVMdev] basic block missing after MachineInstr packetizing
Hi, all, When I schedule machine instructions in a VLIW way and packetize them, a problem is encountered, and I will show it use a simplified case as follows. ############ original instruction sequence ... insn1 ... jump LBB0_xx ... LBB0_xx: ... ############ expected instruction sequence after scheduling and packetizing insn1; jump LBB0_xx ... LBB0_xx: ... ############ generated instruction
2006 May 01
[LLVMdev] Register allocation in LLVM
On Sat, 29 Apr 2006, Fernando Magno Quintao Pereira wrote: > I want to implement the register allocation algorithm described in the > paper "Register Allocation via Coloring of Chordal Graphs, APLAS'05" in > LLVM. This is a graph coloring algorithm that can find an optimal coloring > of the interference graph in most of the cases. I've downloaded LLVM last > week,
2015 Jul 09
[LLVMdev] PHI Elimination in Register Allocation Pass
Good Afternoon. I am a Computer Science undergraduate student in Brazil and as completion of course work, I am developing an register allocator, using the infrastructure of the LLVM. To accomplish this task, I have based my implementation in allocators already implemented in LLVM. But a question came to me while I was researching in books and articles of compiler theory and own documentation of
2020 Nov 06
Process to Incorporate Functions from {parallely} into base R's {parallel} package
Hi all, Henrik Bengtsson has done some fantastic work with {future} and, more importantly, greatly improved constructing and deconstructing a parallelized environment within R. It was with great joy that I saw Henrik slowly split off some functionality of {future} into {parallelly} package. Reading over the package?s README, he states: > The functions and features added to this package are written to be backward compatible with the...
2012 Nov 21
[LLVMdev] Python Backend
On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Wojciech DaniƂo < at> wrote: > I will take a look into NVPTX. > > I don't want to deconstruct C++ classes to generate Python code - I want to > generate Python backend :) > Its purpose is to be able to generate Python code from LLVM IR code (not C++ > code! - C++ code is needed for me only to get a sample IR
2006 Jun 06
Returning related models with ActionWebService
...up and I am wondering if it is possible to return related models through its intrinsic support for ActiveRecord. For instance, suppose I have an Author model that has_many Books. I would like to return a particular author and all of their books in one SOAP message. For now, I''ve been deconstructing the ActiveRecord Model and stuffing it all into an AWS::Struct, which is getting to be a huge pain. I''m looking for a more elegant solution. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance, Matt -- Posted via
2013 Mar 11
splitting column into two
HI, Try this: dat1<- read.table(text=" ?V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6,V7 ?chr1,564563,564598,564588 564589,1336,+,134 ?chr1,564620,564649,564644 564645,94,+,10 ?chr1,565369,565404,565371 565372,217,+,8 ?chr1,565463,565541,565480 565481,1214,+,15 ?chr1,565653,565697,565662 565663,1031,+,28 ?chr1,565861,565922,565883 565884,316,+,12 ",sep=",",header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
2006 Jan 09
Fast Ruby Debugger?
...rmally take seconds to run. Does anyone have for either speeding up the debugger or dropping in a faster version? I''ve tried to profile debug.rb by adding "require ''profile''" to it but all of the time shows up in the "#toplevel" element, so advice on deconstructing that into something meaningful would be great, too. Thanks, -- Joe -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2014 Jan 09
[LLVMdev] basic block missing after MachineInstr packetizing
Sergei, Thank you for your attention. My target is a custom VLIW DSP. I am not sure dependency dag is correct when it gets scheduled and packetized. Months ago, I submitted a bug at which explained more details. I am not sure my understanding of this bug is proper, but modified my local codes this way and it works for my target when scheduling and
2019 Nov 14
DW_OP_implicit_pointer design/implementation in general
On Thu, Nov 14, 2019 at 1:27 PM Adrian Prantl <aprantl at> wrote: > > > > On Nov 14, 2019, at 1:21 PM, David Blaikie <dblaikie at> wrote: > > > > Hey folks, > > > > Would you all mind having a bit of a design discussion around the > feature both at the DWARF level and the LLVM implementation? It seems like > what's
2012 Nov 20
[LLVMdev] Python Backend
Hi! I'm trying to write LLVM Python Backend (to generate Python code out of LLVM IR) I'm still learning LLVM and for now it is very hard to me to even create simple taksk. I want you to ask 3 questions: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) I want to base on some existing code to learn how it was build. I wanted to base on CBackend (which
2018 Sep 20
Liveness Analysis
Where is the liveness analysis pass? I have been looking for days but cannot find anything. I just want to know transfer variables in and out of basic blocks, that are calculated using simple data flow equations. Thanks! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2007 Mar 15
xen hotplug scripts not working
Hello Everyone, I have set up a xen server with 10 physical network devices using the bridge mode of XEN. This is because I want to split and separate the network traffic for security reasons. Maybe the best way is to use pci back hide. But I want to understand what is going on here. For all testings I have only activated eth[0-3]. My first tests were successful. I have created a VM using