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Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "decisionmak".

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2007 Sep 12
Linux Fedora, Debian, Slackware, FreeBSD our Sun Solaris?
Hey all! I'm newbie in the Asterisk World but old in other telephony systems like Lucent/Avaya, Sopho, Siemens and Linux/Unix system. I'm in doubt, as based system, should I install Fedora, Debian, Slackware, FreeBSD our Sun Solaris? Which is more robust for a small Asterisk system, about 8 extensions, 4 hardphone and 4 softphone? Thanks in advance! Euler -------------- next
2015 Oct 13
RFC: Introducing an LLVM Community Code of Conduct
Am 13.10.2015 um 14:02 schrieb Renato Golin: > On 13 October 2015 at 12:37, Joachim Durchholz via llvm-dev >> Just curious: Do people ever do it the other way around? > > What do you mean? Report first, then try to resolve directly. My experience is that people try to resolve things directly and ask for help only when they find it doesn't work, but YMMV.
2008 Feb 12
LCR in Asterisk
Hi all, I am planning to implement LCR routing on my already running asterisk server. Uptill now i have found out that asterisk has no support for lcr, i have to do something about it myself, for example using the AGI. Im looking for ideas here. Whats the best way to start implementing lcr in asterisk. Should i use agi and start implementing my own lcr script or is there any plugin available which
2015 May 13
Xen Security Advisory 133 (CVE-2015-3456) - Privilege escalation via emulated floppy disk drive
...s, please contact the Xen Project Security Team. (Note: this during-embargo deployment notice is retained in post-embargo publicly released Xen Project advisories, even though it is then no longer applicable. This is to enable the community to have oversight of the Xen Project Security Team's decisionmaking.) For more information about permissible uses of embargoed information, consult the Xen Project community's agreed Security Policy: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux) iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJVUzJdAAoJEIP+FMlX6CvZnJcH/isz...
2015 Oct 13
RFC: Introducing an LLVM Community Code of Conduct
While I'm replying to Renato here, that is mostly because there are too many replies on this subject, and too many of them have wandered off into other topics. I want to specifically address the concerns with verbosity. For example: On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 3:52 AM Renato Golin <renato.golin at> wrote: > I also agree that some descriptions are too verbose, and trying to
2015 Oct 13
RFC: Introducing an LLVM Community Code of Conduct
...toes wet without embarrasing themselves too much - > participate in GSoC, mark problems as "easy to fix", set up a queue for > incoming patches and make that process transparent (the latter one is really > hard, I have up on contributing to Guava because the Guava team's > decisionmaking is entirely inside of Google) - I don't know how much of this > is already happening in LLVM because obviously I don't need that kind of > encouragement, but that's what I have seen has worked resp. has not worked. I think this goes much more to the heart of community interact...
2004 Mar 29
cvs commit: ports/multimedia/xine Makefile
Jacques A. Vidrine wrote: > On Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 08:14:29PM +0200, Oliver Eikemeier wrote: > >>Jacques A. Vidrine wrote: >> >>>On Sun, Mar 28, 2004 at 03:44:06PM -0800, Oliver Eikemeier wrote: >>> >>>>eik 2004/03/28 15:44:06 PST >>>> >>>>FreeBSD ports repository >>>> >>>>Modified files:
2015 Oct 13
RFC: Introducing an LLVM Community Code of Conduct
Greetings everyone, On behalf of the board of the LLVM Foundation, I’d like to start the process of introducing a formal code of conduct for the community. For a long time, various members of the community have been enforcing basic reasonable and respectful behavior, but to an outsider this may not be obvious. A public code of conduct advertises the behavior we expect of community members and