Displaying 20 results from an estimated 35 matches for "ddf".
Did you mean:
2009 Dec 22
Problem with expand.grid
Hi All,
This example code
dDF <- structure(list(y = c(4.75587, 4.8451, 5.04139, 4.85733, 5.20412,
5.92428, 5.69897, 4.78958, 4, 4), t = c(0, 48, 144, 192, 240,
312, 360, 0, 48, 144), Batch = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
), T = c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2), pH = c(4.6, 4.6, 4.6,
4.6, 4.6, 4.6, 4.6, 4.6, 4.6, 4.6), S...
2012 Jul 02
ggplot: dodge positions
Dear all,
I want to get a series of boxplots (grouped by two factors) and I want to overlay the original observations and the following code does almost what I want:
ddf <- data.frame(x=factor(rep(LETTERS[1:4], each=30)), y = runif(120,0,10), grp = factor(rep(rep(1:3, 10), 4)))
ggplot(ddf, aes(x, y, colour=grp)) + geom_boxplot() + geom_point()
Yet the position of the points and the position of the boxes on the x-axis is not the same. I would like that the point...
2011 Nov 20
write.arff function in package foreign can't handle Date time
x1 <- c(as.Date("20110101","%Y%m%d"),as.Date("2012-01-01","%Y-%m-%d"));
x2 <- c("1","2");
ddf <- data.frame(x=x1,y=x2);
ddf[["y"]] <- as.factor(ddf[["y"]])
write.arff(ddf, file="D:/ddf.arff")
Content of ddf.arff is
@relation ddf
@attribute x numeric
@attribute y {'1','2'}
Here x i...
2012 May 28
importing multiple file form folder
Hi all,
I have a set of files (which is growing) in a folder. The files are text
The form of files is such :
...with numbers for Length (m) going up to 2000 ...
Anyway...i just need the data from first two columns (length (m) and
Temperature (C)), and no data before that...
This Lenght (m) values are always the same. My final dataset should lokk
like this :
column 1 as Length(m) ;
2012 Jul 03
ggplot2: legend
...uced the following graph with ggplot which is almost fine, yet I don't like that the legend for "Means" and "Observations" includes a line, though no line is used in the plot for those two (the line for "Overall Mean" on the other hand is wanted):
ddf <- data.frame(x = factor(rep(LETTERS[1:2], 5)), y = rnorm(10))
p <- ggplot(ddf, aes(x = x, y = y))
p + geom_point(aes(colour="Observations", shape="Observations")) +
stat_summary(aes(colour = "Means", shape ="Means"),
fun.y = mean...
2009 Jan 22
Converting ddf/dct/sas data definition file to R
Dear all,
I was wondering whether anyone knows about a program which converts
(part of) a data definition file (such as a .dct file for stata, or
.sas file for sas) into an R-script.
Here is an example with a .sas file:
<-- snipp
VALUE HTYPE (default=32)
0 = "Not in household"
1 = "Married couple family household"
2 =
2010 Jul 20
apply: return list of matrices
Hi everybody,
Suppose we have the following data structure:
ddf <-data.frame(a=rep(1:4,3), b=rep(paste("p", 1:3, sep=""), each=4),
I want now to make a contingency table for each pair of values of p,
i.e. a contingency table for each of the pairs (p1,p2), (p1,p3) and
(p2,p3). The result should be given as a...
2009 Jun 02
What do you think about my function?
...tion #############################################
dzieci<-transform(dzieci, zywnosc=0)
zywnoscCalosc<- function( jedzenie, sklep, n1, n2, n3, n4, d1, d2, d3, d4 )
skl <- sklep
wynik <- vector()
wynik <- jedzenie
ndf <- data.frame(nn1=n1,nn2=n2,nn3=n3,nn4=n4)
ddf <- data.frame(dd1=d1,dd2=d2,dd3=d3,dd4=d4)
for (i in 1:length(n1)){
wekt_n = ndf[i,]
wekt_d = ddf[i,]
wekt_n_ok = wekt_n[!is.na(wekt_n)]
wekt_n_ok = as.numeric(wekt_n_ok)
wekt_d_ok = wekt_d[!is.na(wekt_d)]
wekt_d_ok = as.numeric(wekt_d_ok)
2020 Jan 28
mrds function integratepdf cannot be found
Trying to use the function integratepdf of the mrds package, I get this
|Error in integratepdf(fox.ds$ddf$ds$aux$ddfobj, select = rep(TRUE,
nrow(fox.ds$ddf$ds$aux$ddfobj$xmat)), : could not find function
"integratepdf" |
Has anyone already had this issue ? Maybe the function is not exported
in the namespace?
> library(mrds)
This is mrds 2.2.0
Built: R 3.6.1; ; 2019-0...
2005 Apr 28
Reconstruction of a "valid" expression within a function
...ct1, Fact2, Fact3
#and subset would be an expression, eg. Fact3 == 1
#in a first time I want to build a subset from DF
#I managed to, with an expression like eg. DF$Fact3,
# but I would like to skip the DF$ for convenience
# so I tried something like this :
if (tabsub[1]!="TRUE") {
#At this point, I have a string that seems to be the expression that I
sDF<-subset(DF, subset)
#But I have an error message :
>Error in r & !is.na(r) : ope...
2009 May 31
Error:non-numeric argument in my function
I have a function:
zywnoscCalosc<- function( jedzenie, n1, n2, n3, n4, d1, d2, d3, d4 ) {
ndf <- data.frame(nn1=n1,nn2=n2,nn3=n3,nn4=n4)
ddf <- data.frame(dd1=d1,dd2=d2,dd3=d3,dd4=d4)
for (i in 1:length(n1)){
wekt_n = ndf[i,]
wekt_n_ok = wekt_n[!is.na(wekt_n)]
dl_n = length(wekt_n_ok)
wynik = (1*wekt_n_ok)/(1*dl_n)
and I get an error like this:
Error in 1 * wekt_n_ok : non-numeric argument to binary operator
Anybody can hel...
2009 Dec 29
subsetting by groups, with conditions
I have a data set similar to this:
P1id Veg1 Veg2 AreaPoly2 P2ID
1 p p 1 1
1 p p 1.5 2
2 p p 2 3
2 p h 3.5 4
For each group of "Poly1id" records, I wish to output (subset) the record
which has largest "AreaPoly2" value, but only if
2011 Nov 10
plotting a function with given formula in ggplot2
Hi All,
I have a scatter plot produced using ggplot2 and I want to add the
regression line to this scatter plot. I suppose I can use
geom_smooth() to do this, but for the sake of learning ( I am new both
to R and ggplot2), I want to try and add it as a function (something
that curve() does in the standard R plotting). I did some search and
found that stat_function() can be used for this. But
2003 Mar 26
Transfer files bigger than 1383275520 bytes - Rsync compiled in cygwin
I can't transfer big files. In the output below, you can see that rsync only
transfer 1383275520 of a 5448046592 bytes file:
F:\shells>rsync -e ssh -avz ./backup chris@myhost.com:backups
chris@myhost.com's password:
building file list ... done
wrote 114 bytes read 20 bytes 3.01 bytes/sec
total size is 1383275520 speedup is 10322951.64
I've tried with other big files and
2009 May 05
stepAICc function (based on MASS:::stepAIC.default)
...(models, fit, object, usingCp = FALSE) {
change <- sapply(models, "[[", "change")
rd <- sapply(models, "[[", "deviance")
dd <- c(NA, abs(diff(rd)))
rdf <- sapply(models, "[[", "df.resid")
ddf <- c(NA, abs(diff(rdf)))
AICc <- sapply(models, "[[", "AICc")
heading <- c("Stepwise Model Path \nAnalysis of Deviance Table",
"\nInitial Model:", deparse(as.vector(formula(object))),
"\nFinal Model:"...
2003 Mar 14
boxplots with multiple numerical variables
Hi all,
I have a question regarding the boxplot function. The data I am working on has 1 grouping
variable (G) and it has many numerical variables (V1, V2, V3, V4, Vx, etc). What I would like to
do is create a boxplot where the Y-axis represents the numerical values of variable V1...Vx (all
the variables have the same range). The X-axis needs to represent the G-V combination. So suppose
2006 May 15
anova statistics in lmer
Dear list members,
I am new to R and to the R-help list. I am trying to perform a
mixed-model analysis using the lmer() function. I have a problem with
the output anova table when using the anova() function on the lmer
output object: I only get the numerator d.f., the sum of squares and the
mean squares, but not the denominator d.f., F statistics and P values.
Below is a sample output, following
2005 Feb 21
power.anova.test for interaction effects
...field study looking for differences in sugarbeet cultivar
tolerance to a specific herbicide. The study was set up so that 37
cultivars were treated with 4 different applications of the herbicide (37*4
factorial). In doing so, we found that the interaction effect was highly
insignificant (ndf=108, ddf=144, F=0.28, p=1.0000). Now my problem is
this... the study takes up an enormous amount of time, energy, and money (as
you could guess with 37 cultivars in a field study). We need to determine
weather it is worth the effort to repeat the study this summer (practically,
it is not, but our funding...
2006 Apr 20
Missing p-values using lmer()
I’m trying to perform a REML analysis using the lmer() function (lme4
package). Well, it seems to work well, except that I’m not getting any
p-value (see example below). Can someone tell me what I did wrong?
Thanks for your help,
> library(gdata)
> dive <- read.xls("C:/Documents and Settings/Amelie/My Documents/Postdoc/CE
2015 Feb 28
Looking for a life-save LVM Guru
...e same, some are total
junk. Many others get you vendor lock in due to proprietary metadata
written to the drives. You can't get your data off if the card dies,
you have to buy a similar model card sometimes with the same firmware
version in order to regain access. Some cards support SNIA's DDF
format, in which case there's a chance mdadm can assemble the array,
should the hardware card die.
Anyway, the main thing is knowing where the land mines are regardless
of what technology you pick. If you don't know where they are, you're
inevitably going to run into trouble with anyth...