search for: dblisttabl

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40 matches for "dblisttabl".

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2008 Sep 15
S4 coercion responsibility
...quot;) Loading required package: DBI > m <- dbDriver("SQLite") > con <- dbConnect(m) > setClass("SQLConPlus", contains=c("SQLiteConnection","integer")) [1] "SQLConPlus" > conPlus <- new("SQLConPlus", con, 1) > dbListTables(con) character(0) > dbListTables(conPlus) Error in sqliteExecStatement(con, statement, : RS-DBI driver: (invalid dbManager handle) > dbListTables(as(conPlus, "SQLiteConnection")) character(0) > The problem is happening in sqliteExecStatement which does conId...
2007 Jul 16
S4 coerce
...<- dbDriver("SQLite") > con <- dbConnect(m, dbname="test") > dbGetQuery(con, "create table zzz ( + vintage VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, + alias VARCHAR(20) default NULL, + Documentation TEXT, + PRIMARY KEY (vintage) + );") NULL > dbListTables(con) [1] "zzz" > setClass("TSconnection", representation(con="DBIConnection", + vintage = "logical", + panel = "logical") + ) [1] "TSconnection" > setAs("TSconnection", "DBIConnection", def = func...
2002 Sep 12
DBI / MySQL problems
...t; ibm <- dbGetQuery(ch,"select * from table where field1='val'") Error in dbGetQuery(ch, "select * from table where field1='val'") : No direct or inherited method for function "dbGetQuery" for this call Even other things like for instance: > dbListTables(ch) Error in dbListTables(ch) : No direct or inherited method for function "dbListTables" for this call Produce the same kind of error... I've already browsed through the documentation accompnying DBI but I have no clue on what am I doing wrong.... > R.version _...
2003 Apr 24
RMySQL; con <- dbConnect(drv) Here's the error. You should give the database name. drv <-dbConnect(drv, dbname="dfghdfgsdfgsdfgsdfgsdfgsdfgsdf") ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > Then I should be able to send requests. But when I try this : > > dbListTables(con) > character(0) Of course. Tables are stored in the database. You didn't provide its name. Function dbListTables doesn't know which tables should it list. -- Best regards Wladimir Eremeev mailto:wl at ===============================...
2004 Jul 14
ROracle - fetch gives empty dataframe
...have 64bit Oracle9i instalation PROBLEM: after executing simple statement, from within R, "fetch" function gives me the empty dataframe: ### CONNECTION, and SQL QUERY EXECUTION > ora <- dbDriver("Oracle") > con <- dbConnect(ora, "rado/only2admin" > dbListTables(con) character(0) > rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "desc * from si_r where id=498") > d <- fetch(rs, n= -1) > dim(d) [1] 0 3 str(d) data.frame': 0 obs. of 3 variables: $ ID : int $ DAY: chr $ R : num #### seems like connections has been established > dbGetInfo(ora...
2003 May 05
my RMySQL connections are so SLOW
...d this should be part of a whole decisionnal system. It produces results which are displayed on a website, and therefore I need fast results (the database being quite small, I think this must be possible !). Unfortunately, a simple request to the database, and R needs more than 10 seconds. Even dbListTables() takes a long while. Imagine the problem with more data ! Can I hope something better with RMySQL ? Did anyone have the same problem ? If RMySQL (or is it MySQL's fault ?) is so slow, I could replace MySQL with Postgres, but this would imply a lot of extra work. R is perhaps very slow a...
2001 Mar 19
generic database access methods error() or stop(). Error messages may be retrievable from # the connection object depending on implementation. # dbSendQuery.default <- function(conn, ...) stop("Invalid connection object") # # This means that the method was called on something other than a # connection object. # dbListTables <- function(conn, ...) UseMethod("dbListTables") # # Output a list of table names associated with the connection object. # Output should look like output from ls(). # dbListTables.default <- function(conn, ...) stop("Invalid connection object") dbReadTable <- funct...
2007 Dec 18
R brakes when submitting a query to MySQL
...ot;) > con2<-dbConnect(dvr,group="exbardiv") > mysqlDescribeConnection(con2) <MySQLConnection:(972,0)> User: mmorag Host: localhost Dbname: exbardiv Connection type: localhost via TCP/IP No resultSet available I can even see the tables in the database > dbListTables(con2) [1] "agoueb" "high_ld" "rescue" "sjlc_info" "sjlc_ld" "temp" [7] "temp_snp1" "temp_snp2" However, when I try to query the database, R breakes. res<-dbSendQuery(con,'select * from sjlc_ld'...
2005 Dec 15
Why is bubbles() creating empty png graphs?
...or 2 minor 2.0 year 2005 month 10 day 06 svn rev 35749 language R Operating system: SuSE 10 Rainer ----------------- library(gstat) library(RMySQL) library(DAAG) m <- dbDriver("MySQL") con <- dbConnect(m, group = "renpatch_renosterbos") tbls <- dbListTables(con) runs <- 1:5 years <- seq(98, 0, -7) progress_end <- length(tbls) * length(runs) * length(years) progress <- 0 for (year in years) { fd <- paste("/home/rkrug/Documents/R/plots/Y", year, sep="") dir.create(fd, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive = TRUE) for (run...
2003 Oct 23
Can you create a MySQL database with RMySQL?
Is it possible to create a database in MySQL via RMySQL? Also, is the format for the authorization field 'userName/password at databasename'? I saw an example like this somewhere in the documenation, but I haven't found the actual specification. Thanks, Barnet Wagman
2005 Jan 24
hist() and database someone can help me out. I read numbers (integer) from a SQL database. Some calculations as mean()are possible but hist() give an error. Here are the commands: library(RMySQL) Loading required package: DBI > con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("MySQL"), dbname = "test") > dbListTables(con) [1] "individu" res <- dbSendQuery(con,"select taille from individu") > data <- fetch(res,-1) > data taille 1 184 2 175 3 189 4 173 5 169 6 175 7 164 8 190 9 174 10 184 11 168 12 179 13 174 14 163 15 17...
2007 Feb 23
help with RMySQL
Hi R users, I am using RMySQL to connect to a database in MySQL. I have 3 questions. 1)When I give the following command dbListTables(con) I get the output stack imbalance in .Call, 142 then 143 stack imbalance in <-, 140 then 141 stack imbalance in {, 138 then 139 stack imbalance in standardGeneric, 126 then 127 stack imbalance in class, 121 then 122 stack imbalance in <-, 119 then 120 stack imbalance in {...
2009 Jan 12
RMySQL crashes R
This is similar to another current post about RMySQL crashing R, except on the other post it crashed on connection to the database. I can successfully connect, and even can do dbListTables(). But, if I send a query or anything to actually see the data, R crashes to desktop. I have tried this on two computers, one Vista, one XP. Both crashed. I am running 2.8.1, and am using the correct version of DBI and RMySQL. They are both loaded with the library() function beforehand. V...
2009 Jan 19
[Win] Hangup RGui with RMySQL (PR#13453)
...angs up (100% CPU Useage) when requesting data from a mysql database. Example Code: --------------------------------------------------------------- library(RMySQL) #ok drv = dbDriver("MySQL") # ok conn <- mysqlNewConnection(drv,"table","user","pass") #ok dbListTables(conn) #ok resu <- dbGetQuery(conn, "Select * From example WHERE id < 13") # HANG UP! Errorcode: --------------------------------------------------------------- RGui: Rgui.exe - Fehler in Anwendung: Die Anweisung in "0x77c178c0" verweist auf Speicher in "0x00000000...
2012 Nov 02
can not read table in dbReadTable
> tbs<-dbListTables(con) > > tbs [1] "lowend" "time" "week30" "week33" "week39" "week42" > <- dbReadTable(tbs, "week42") Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function &...
2012 Nov 06
how Can make function for selecting the products
HI. I make this code: getdata<-function('a','b','c' ,'d','e','f'){ drv <- dbDriver("SQLite") con<-dbConnect(drv, "sqlite.db") lt<-dbListTables(con) myf<-data.frame(NULL) for (i in 1:length(lt)) { myfile<-dbReadTable(con,lt[i]) myfile1<-myfile[-c(14:44)] myfile1$MODEL<-gsub(" ", "", myfile1$MODEL) library(RSQLite) library(sqldf) my_file<-sqldf("SELECT * FROM myfile1 where MODEL in ('a...
2009 Jan 10
...prove the code as I am a horrific programmer. Thanks A. 1 > library(RMySQL) 2 > library(psych) 3 > drv=dbDriver("MySQL") 4 > con = dbConnect(drv, user="tsgcst", password = "sOy9Nays", dbname="tsgcst", host="") 5 > dbListTables(con) [1] "TS_descript_spec" "participant_TS_descript" "snr_adultsTS1" "snr_adultsTS2" "time_series_small" "tvalFDR_small" 6 > temp1 <- paste("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE MyTemporaryTable1...
2007 Mar 20
RMySQL load error
...quot; [1] "dbConnect" [1] "dbConnect" [1] "dbConnect" [1] "dbDisconnect" [1] "dbSendQuery" [1] "dbGetQuery" [1] "dbGetException" [1] "dbGetInfo" [1] "dbListResults" [1] "summary" [1] "dbListTables" [1] "dbReadTable" [1] "dbWriteTable" [1] "dbWriteTable" [1] "dbExistsTable" [1] "dbRemoveTable" [1] "dbListFields" [1] "dbCommit" [1] "dbRollback" [1] "dbCallProc" [1] "MySQLResult"...
2005 Mar 09
RMySQL installed but not availalable
...] "dbConnect" > [1] "dbConnect" > [1] "dbDisconnect" > [1] "dbSendQuery" > [1] "dbGetQuery" > [1] "dbGetException" > [1] "dbGetInfo" > [1] "dbListResults" > [1] "summary" > [1] "dbListTables" > [1] "dbReadTable" > [1] "dbWriteTable" > [1] "dbExistsTable" > [1] "dbRemoveTable" > [1] "dbListFields" > [1] "dbCommit" > [1] "dbRollback" > [1] "dbCallProc" > [1] "MySQLResult...
2007 Feb 18
dbi, rodbc, rmysql, charset problem
...MySQL instead of <F3> i should see "?" and instead of ? a "?". It is just the same if i use RMySQL instead of RODBC: library(RMySQL) con <-dbConnect(dbDriver("MySQL"), dbname="trybunal", username="root", password="mypassword") dbListTables(con) the output (abridged) is like that: [13] "Ustawa" "Wyk?adnia innych przepis<f3>w" and if i use dbReadTable(con, "Metryczka") ("Metryczka" being one table in the database) i get: Error in make.names(as.character(names),...