search for: db

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 13781 matches for "db".

2011 Mar 30
R CMD build now removes empty dirs to automatically generate annotation packages and those tools are implemented in software packages that use templates for the annotation packages to be generated. Those package templates are stored under the inst/ folder of the software package. One of those software packages is the AnnotationDbi package: it contains 41 package templates under inst/: [hpages at latitude Rpacks]$ ls AnnotationDbi/inst/AnnDbPkg-templates/ AFFYHUEX.DB CHIMP.DB MALARIA.DB WORM.DB ANOPHELES.DB COELICOLOR.DB MOUSECHIP.DB XENOPUSCHIP.DB ARABIDOPSISCHIP.DB ECOLICHIP.DB MOUSE.DB X...
2017 Jun 21
RFC: Cleaning up the Itanium demangler
...times faster than the current demangler. Also, separating the formatting code from the parser reduces stack usage (the activation frame for parse_type reduced from 416 to 144 bytes on my machine). The stack usage is still pretty bad, but this helps with some of it. Does anyone have any early feedback on the patch? Does this seem like a good direction for the demangler? As far as future plans for this file, I have a few more refactorings and performance improvements that I'd like to get through. After that, it might be interesting to try to replace the FastDemangle.cpp demangler in L...
2008 Oct 25
can not compile 1.1.5 with BDB
Hi! I'm trying to use dovecot-1.1.5 with Berkley DB 4.6.21 on OpenBSD. While compiling I get this: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I../../src/lib -I../../src/lib-sql \ -DPKG_RUNDIR=\""/var/run/dovecot"\" -I/usr/local/include -std=gnu99\ -g -O2 -Wall -W -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations \ -Wpointer-arith -Wchar-...
2015 Aug 15
wordpess can't connect to DB but mediawiki can
> > "Use" that db and then issue: > select * from db where Db='jfwiki' or Db='jokefire' order by Host; Well yeah. I used the mysql database before I issued that command. MariaDB [(none)]> use mysql Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this fe...
2006 Jan 08
isolinux.cfg location
My point demonstrated from a snippet of isolinux.asm: ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Begin data section ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- section .data boot_prompt db 'boot: ', 0 wipe_char db BS, ' ', BS, 0 err_notfound db 'Could not find kernel image: ',0 err_notkernel db CR, LF, 'Invalid or corrupt kernel image.', CR, LF, 0 err_noram db 'It appears your computer has less than ' asciidec dosram_k db 'K of low (&qu...
2008 Nov 06
anyone able to explain logic behind "rake spec" startup (e.g. db:test:prepare => abort_if_pending_migration => invoke environment => etc etc)
anyone able to explain logic behind "rake spec" startup? i.e. the below steps & why things occur when they do Macintosh-2:myequity greg$ rake spec --trace (in /Users/greg/source/myequity) ** Invoke spec (first_time) ** Invoke db:test:prepare (first_time) ** Invoke db:abort_if_pending_migrations (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment ** Execute db:abort_if_pending_migrations ** Execute db:test:prepare ** Invoke db:test:load (first_time) ** Invoke db:test:purge (first_time) ** Invoke environme...
2007 Jun 25
conflict between lme4 and RMySQL packages (PR#9753)
...roduces the following error: Error in printMer(object) : no slot of name "status" for this object of class "table" When RMySQL is loaded AFTER lme4, however, no such error arises. For example, the following code gives the error: > library(RMySQL) Loading required package: DBI > library(lme4) Loading required package: Matrix Loading required package: lattice > data(sleepstudy) > fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy) > summary(fm1) Error in printMer(object) : no slot of name "status" for this object of class "table"...
2006 Feb 13
Perl DBM problem...
Kinda CentOS related so bear with me. :) We have little legacy perl app on an old RH 7.3 box I'm trying to migrate over to a CentOS 4 system. Some information the app uses is in Berkley DB format [root at korma data]# file *.db applic.db: Berkeley DB (Hash, version 5, native byte-order) cables.db: Berkeley DB (Hash, version 5, native byte-order) connector.db: Berkeley DB (Hash, version 5, native byte-order) equipment.db: Berkeley DB (Hash, version 5, native byte-order) hood.db...
2005 Dec 01
Linking against a specific Berkeley DB install
I sent this question to the OpenLDAP list yesterday, but I still haven't seen the message come across the list. I am asking here in the hopes of getting a faster response. I am trying to compile OpenLDAP 2.3.11 from source on CentOS4. I have the rpm for db4-4.2.52-7.1 installed and also a source build of BerkeleyDB in /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.4. How do I get OpenLDAP to link with the bdb 4.4? I have put the library locataion everywhere I can think of: LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.4/lib LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.4/lib...
2015 Aug 16
wordpess can't connect to DB but mediawiki can
> > You were doing this (looking at the mysql.db table) on your > "" machine, correct? is a load balanced VIP. The VIP is being handled by keepalived and HA/Proxy. There are two DB's setup in master/master replication. The two databases and two load balancers are on AWS. The web server and varnish s...
2015 Aug 15
wordpess can't connect to DB but mediawiki can
...for general problems that are less specific to centos. Sometimes. :) Really seems to depend... Incidentally I am using centos on all hosts: #cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (Core) OK now that that's out of the way, for some reason I don't seem to have an entry in my db database for either jokefire or jfwiki: MariaDB [mysql]> select * from db where Db like 'jfwiki' or Db like 'jokefire'; Empty set (0.00 sec) Not sure why that would be the case. They're definitely there on this database server: MariaDB [mysql]> show databases; +-------...
2019 Feb 03
Amount of writes during index creation
...recise I/O analysis by logging relevant I/O using strace: xapian-maintainer-tools/profiling/strace-analyse Using strace means other processes are definitely excluded and you get to see which tables (and even which blocks) the I/O is, e.g. a small update to a small database gives: read 0 from tmp.db/record.DB read 0 from tmp.db/termlist.DB read 0 from tmp.db/position.DB read 0 from tmp.db/postlist.DB write 1 to tmp.db/postlist.DB write 1 to tmp.db/position.DB write 1 to tmp.db/termlist.DB write 1 to tmp.db/record.DB sync tmp.db/postlist.tmp sync tmp.db/postlist.DB read 1 from tmp.db/postlist.D...
2007 Dec 09
rake db:redo & rake migrations:reset - or how to cope with the change of db:reset
As many of you know, rake db:reset changed behavior just before Rails 2.0 got released. db:reset used to drop the database, re create it and migrate it up. The core team after integrating this feature, realized that it was not used as intended and instead db:create now uses the schema.rb file instead of the migrations. Check...
2015 Jun 30
Outlook 2013 not fetching new mail/synchronization issues
...e new emails overnight and both Thunderbird and Roundcube displayed them. I enabled Outlook debug mode and please find 2 logs of Send/Receive with no new emails. Scroll below to see 3rd log with "workaround" and mails downloaded. "Intializing connection [1C7E2830] IMAP: 08:53:03 [db] Setting internal codepage to 1200 IMAP: 08:53:03 [db] Connecting to '' on port 993. IMAP: 08:53:03 [db] OnNotify: asOld = 0, asNew = 2, ae = 0 IMAP: 08:53:03 [db] srv_name = "" srv_addr = 193.x.y.z:993 IMAP: 08:53:03 [db] OnNotify: asOld = 2, asNew =...
2015 Aug 16
wordpess can't connect to DB but mediawiki can
You were doing this (looking at the mysql.db table) on your "" machine, correct? ------------ Original Message ------------ > Date: Saturday, August 15, 2015 19:32:25 -0400 > From: Tim Dunphy <bluethundr at> > To: CentOS mailing list <centos at> > Subject: Re: [CentOS] wor...
2004 Jul 13
Multithread problem: Writing to a db disables reading from another one
...baseModifiedError. - Eric B. Ridge's example with just two writers to separate databases (2) also shows no errors (I stopped after 162 docs were added). I then expanded Richard's example by adding a second writer that writes to a separate database (see attachment). (I am also reopening the db if necessary.) Now the queries give empty results! Commenting out the creation of _writer2 makes the queries return the expected results again (3). I wonder whether Olly or someone else can reproduce this. I have not tried modifying any Xapian compile options, because I am an automake newbie. Woul...
2015 Jun 30
Outlook 2013 not fetching new mail/synchronization issues
...e new emails overnight and both Thunderbird and Roundcube displayed them. I enabled Outlook debug mode and please find 2 logs of Send/Receive with no new emails. Scroll below to see 3rd log with "workaround" and mails downloaded. "Intializing connection [1C7E2830] IMAP: 08:53:03 [db] Setting internal codepage to 1200 IMAP: 08:53:03 [db] Connecting to '' on port 993. IMAP: 08:53:03 [db] OnNotify: asOld = 0, asNew = 2, ae = 0 IMAP: 08:53:03 [db] srv_name = "" srv_addr = 193.x.y.z:993 IMAP: 08:53:03 [db] OnNotify: asOld = 2, asNew =...
2009 Jan 15
[patch] libc Berkeley DB information leak
Hi, FreeBSD libc Berkeley DB can leak sensitive information to database files. The problem is that it writes uninitialized memory obtained from malloc(3) to database files. You can use this simple test program to reproduce the behavior: Run the program and see the resulting test.db fil...
2015 Aug 16
wordpess can't connect to DB but mediawiki can it NEEDED SSL. Because there was some sensitive data in it. My website, however, is just a goofball toy project of mine. And doesn't really need that. But since I have this done for my wiki I was like why not? I stumbled getting the mediawiki to connect via SSL. Once I found the setting $wgDBssl = true; for media wiki it just worked. For my wordpress site, I found the setting define('DB_SSL', true);. I set that up in wp-config.php. However for some reason that wasn't the silver bullet that the mediawiki SSL database setting was ( $wgDBssl = true; ). I can understand why my...
2002 Jun 05
Problem with "--relative" and symlinks
There appears to be a problem with the handling of symlinks within source directories by the --relative (-R) option. I am using rsync 2.5.5 on an SGI Origin 200 running IRIX 6.5.11f. Example: copying the contents of /usr/local/etc/inhouse/db/ from wolf to fox where /usr/local is a directory on wolf, but /usr/local is a link to /usr2/local on fox. Here's the dry-run output (some anonymizing editing has been done): --- 129 (wolf)root> /usr/local/bin/rsync -a -R -v --delete -n -e /usr/local/bin/ssh --rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rs...