search for: daysto

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "daysto".

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2008 Jun 10
Sweave, ggplot2 and two-page figures;qplotARbosreg, echo = FALSE, fig = TRUE>>= print(qplot(bosday2, Arday2, data= arbostimearonlyNArm, colour=factor(bos2), shape=factor(bos2), size=factor(cumARscore), position="jitter", main="Days to BOS by Days to First AR", xlab="Days of Follow-up", ylab="Daysto First AR") + geom_smooth(aes(group=bos2), method='rlm', fill=alpha("grey", 0.4)) + scale_shape(solid=FALSE,name="BOS\nFalse = 0\nTrue = 1") + scale_size_identity() + facet_grid(bos2 ~ ., margins=TRUE) +scale_colour_manual(name="BOS\nFalse = 0\nTrue = 1&quot...