search for: david_foreman

Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "david_foreman".

2004 Jul 19
why won't rq draw lines?
I've been trying to draw quantile linear regression lines across a scatterplot of my data using attach(forrq) plot(PREGNANT,DAY8,xlab="pregnant EPDS",ylab="postnatal EPDS",cex=.5) taus <- c(.05,.1,.25,.75,.9,.95) xx <- seq(min(PREGNANT),max(PREGNANT),100) for(tau in taus){ f <- coef(rq(DAY8~PREGNANT,tau=tau)) yy <-
2004 Sep 20
asypow.noncent: how does it work?
I am trying to do power calculations for the proportional odds model using the asypow library. The code noncenta90b10<-asypow.noncent(theta.ha=a9010,info.mat=infomatrixa90b10,constraints=constrt) returns Error in max(..., na.rm = na.rm) : invalid "mode" of argument. the various arguments I've used are: a9010 [,1] [1,] -1.7357568 [2,] -0.1928619 specifying the
2004 Aug 14
Re: extracting datasets from aregImpute objects
From: <david_foreman at> Subject: [R] Re: extracting datasets from aregImpute objects To: <r-help at> Message-ID: <1092391719_117440 at drn10msi01> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" I've tried doing this by specifying x=TRUE, which provides me wi...
2004 Jun 15
fit.mult.impute and quantile regression
I have a largish dataset (1025) with around .15 of the data missing at random overall, but more like .25 in the dependent variable. I am interested in modelling the data using quantile regression, but do not know how to do this with multiply imputed data (which is what the dataset seems to need). The original plan was to use qr (or whatever) from the quantreg package as the 'fitter'
2004 Aug 17
Re: Thanks Frank, setting graph parameters, and why social scientists don't use R Frank E Harrell Jr <f.harrell at> >Subject: [R] Re: extracting datasets from aregImpute objects >To: R-help at >Message-ID: <411E1D51.9090602 at> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed > >From: <david_foreman at> >Subject: [R] Re: extracting datasets from aregImpute objects >To: <r-help at> >Message-ID: <1092391719_117440 at drn10msi01> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" > >I've tried doing this by specifying x=TR...
2004 Aug 13
Re: extracting datasets from aregImpute objects
I've tried doing this by specifying x=TRUE, which provides me with a single imputation, that has been useful. However, the help file possibly suggests that I should get a flat-file matrix of n.impute imputations, presumably with indexing. I'm a bit stuck using alternatives to aregImpute, as neither MICE nor Amelia seem to like my dataset, and Frank Harrell no longer recommends Transcan
2006 May 07
SciViews and R-2.3.0; does it work yet?
Following upgrading to R-2.3.0 SciViews generates 2 warning messages (I suspect 1 for each dock) saying 'null environment deprecated', and the R Commander menu simply returns a 'file-name not found' error. I've had to go back to 2.2.1 for the moment (where everything works fine), hence relying on my memory for the error messages. Do I need to wait for a SciViews upgrade,
2010 Dec 02
problem with package rsm: running fit.mult.impute with cph
Hi all (and especially Frank), I'm trying to use x=T, y=T in order to run a validated stepwise cox regression in rsm, having multiply imputed using mice. I'm coding model.max<-fit.mult.impute(baseform,cph,miced2,dated.sexrisk2,x=T,y=T) baseform is baseform<-Surv(si.age,si=="Yes")~ + + excited + worried + intimate.friend + am.pill.times +
2010 Dec 02
Last post: problem with package rsm: running fit.mult.impute with cph -- sorry, package was rms
Sorry everybody, temporary dyslexia. Sent from my BlackBerry wireless smartphone
2011 Apr 19
Error message in package:bayesSurv. Why?
Dear folks, I have been struggling to create what I fondly imagined would be a straightforward adaptation of the package's example to my own dataset, which looks at incidence of depression following the birth of initial and up to 3 subsequent children (4 children in all, with all subjects having a first child). I've regarded these as equivalent to tooth eruption and subsequent caries in
2010 May 05
Error messages with psm and not cph in Hmisc
While sm4.6ll<-fit.mult.impute(Surv(agesi, si)~partner+ pubty+ FPA+ strat(gender),fitter = cph, xtrans = dated.sexrisk2.i, data = dated.sexrisk2, x=T,y=T,surv=T, runs perfectly using Hmisc, Design and mice under R11 run via Sciviews-K, with library(Design) library(mice) ds2d<-datadist(dated.sexrisk2) options(datadist="ds2d")
2010 Apr 06
2<- doesn't seem to work with labelled variables?
Dear All, I seem entirely unable to solve what should be a very simple problem. I have imported a SPSS dataset into R using spss.get from Frank Harrell's Hmisc library. The variables are imported classed as 'labelled': missing values are coded as either the SPSS missing value code, 8 or 88. All are imported correctly; 8 and 88 being identified as true numbers in the